Saturday, 26 January 2019

35 Days

Now we know how long it takes for our country's infrastructure to crumble. You know, like in a disaster movie, after the nuclear holocaust, when they run out of bread and water...but in this case it was the flights. Flying is bad enough, now Frontier wants you to tip your flight attendant, but if you show up and can't get where you want to go you're beyond frustrated, and you don't know who to complain to.

So Trump ended the shutdown, temporarily anyway. Proving that nonsense doesn't go on forever, or as they say, something's gotta give.

And it did.

A good lesson to learn. America hasn't completely gone off the rails.

But with the arrest of Roger Stone and the reference to Frank Pentangeli... I thought the Mafia was eradicated, but it turns out it's still here, now it is the government, and the only person who needs to survive is Trump. Don Jr., aka Fredo, will be sacrificed, maybe Jared Kushner too, they're taking one for the team, illustrating "character"...but I thought character was about morality and doing the right thing, boy am I living in a bubble.

And it turns out while Hollywood continues to debate #MeToo, and the "New York Times" keeps adding female opinion writers, the truth is the two most powerful people in America are women, Ann Coulter and Nancy Pelosi. One shut down the government, the other refused to cave. What a movie to watch.

And speaking of watching, did you see Coulter on Bill Maher tonight? She should win an Academy Award, what a great acting job, as you watch her you start to believe that she doesn't, believe that is, i.e. she's an entertainer, just like our President, and we've been snookered by both.

And if you pitched this as a movie script to a studio they wouldn't make it, they'd say it's unbelievable, that it couldn't happen.

Actually, today I'm kinda glad that Trump got elected. Oh, not really, especially with the Supreme Court, never mind the ability to name other judges and break the economy... But Trump has defined the new reality in today's America. He's Napster. He's disruptive. Just like file-traders were sick of paying $15 for a CD with one good song, racists and the downtrodden were sick of getting lip service from the establishment in D.C., they turned over the table. But now it's righting itself.

It woke up our somnambulant country. Look at the number of people who voted in the midterms.

And it immediately put the baby boomers in the rearview mirror. Sure, oldsters vote, but it's the youngsters' country now, and they're pissed... Everybody keeps calling millennials crybabies, oldsters have contempt for them, and now AOC gets elected and the whole country moves left.

The oldsters in the Op-Ed pages of the WSJ are flipping out.

But, like I said, they're old and out of touch, and suddenly the world is run by the "Post" and not the "Times." begging the question of whether Dean Baquet has a clue, he doesn't, the paper is lost in a world of upper middle class New York elites, if I read one more anti-technology story I'm gonna...laugh.

As for Fox News, I just listened on the satellite, and they're flipping out, there's no way they can see this as good. And meanwhile, the era of the TEA Party and Trump is eroding and they don't realize it. Sure, Mitch McConnell is old, but younger Republicans in Congress are screwed, especially if the Supreme Court gets rid of gerrymandering, they're out of touch with the population.

It's just like the record companies, fighting Napster, refusing to license Spotify to the point that YouTube got traction. And now, of course, Spotify and streaming are their financial savior.

But the landscape looks different, most acts get no purchase, it's like America at large, winners and losers.

And how can you pay attention to music when the news is so damn fascinating. Unlike old musicians, Trump and AOC and Elizabeth Warren are up-to-date, they're tweeting, using social media.

And AOC proffers a 70% tax rate and then Elizabeth Warren comes up with a 2% tax on wealth, all of it, and one wonders...WHY NOT?

Just ask a millennial, do you think they have sympathy for corporations and billionaires?

No way.

And they're much more savvy than oldsters, they know the odds of striking it rich are low, so they're all about jobs, 24/7, getting their piece of the pie, screw "Shark Tank," that paradigm is history, dreamers without portfolio asking for bucks, little different from a GoFundMe campaign.

And politics is understandable, whereas media is not. If I read one more story about the Oscars...who in hell, especially under the age of fifty, has seen all these pictures? Talk about being out of touch.

It's like a silent revolution, not only did the media miss Trump, who got elected, it missed the dissatisfaction of his constituents and now has no clue of the millennial mind-set. That's what you've got to concern yourself with. Millennials don't care about coal mines, they're against CAFE rules, if they even know what they are. They may not own cars, they Uber/Lyft and they're all about global warming, but no one in D.C. other than aged Bernie Sanders seems to think this is our number one problem.

Yup, they tried to take down Bernie with #MeToo, which is a kerfuffle in a bubble. No one outside of the Beltway believes Bernie is responsible and the truth is Bernie resonates with youngsters because he speaks his truth.

As for Michael Bloomberg, the hidden front-runner, Maher went on that he's anti the legalization of marijuana. In theory, I am too, but if you listen to Gavin Newsom, who pushed it through in California, it's about keeping people out of jail, eliminating the illegality, he convinced me, maybe Bloomberg is too old.

And the truth is we are living in the sixties, an era the right wing is still trying to eradicate, fifty years later. But we're in maybe '66. We haven't gotten to our '69 protest moment at the monument, never mind Kent State. That's right, the entire country has lost touch with millennials. Not only D.C., but the media... Videogames outgross movies, but they still don't get no respect. Oldsters grew up in an era of opportunity, that's history. As the aged and the right circle the wagons, want no integration with immigrants, youngsters believe in social welfare and kumbaya. Yup.

But you wouldn't know that watching the news, whether it be CNN, Fox or MSNBC.

Meanwhile, all those stations keep quoting the "Post" and the "Times," they don't do any reporting.

They're just looking for clicks. They're as bad as Zuckerberg, and they still haven't gotten the memo that it's Instagram, not Facebook.

And rich people don't want the poor to take their kids' place at the elite educational institutions, and the end result is those left out are dumber with fewer skills than ever, that's one of the reasons they voted for Trump, it's the left that left them behind, and the left still won't acknowledge it, they just say every Trump supporter is a racist, but that's not true.

So we've come back from the brink folks. Not that we won't go there again real soon, but we now know there's a correction factor. The youth and septuagenarian Nancy Pelosi, who proves every day that experience counts.

And we've just learned from this experience that our nation can go off the rails pretty quickly, but having seen this movie we're getting back on track.

You can't take your eyes away from the screen, TV and the internet, not movie theatres.

It's the most riveting entertainment of the twenty first century.

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Thursday, 24 January 2019

Neflix vs. the Oscars

Generational change happens while you're busy arguing about disruption.

Happened in the music business. For over a decade, we heard about piracy, after the advent of Spotify, we heard about streaming payouts, meanwhile the bitchers got older and the users got younger and the paradigm shifted. In music the oldsters have no chance, because they have not learned how to harness the power of the internet. Never mind e-mail lists, which oldsters still do not have, not knowing that you are the one in charge of reaching your audience, but social media.

Sure, Atlantic Records gave Cardi B a platform, but it's her Instagram account that is keeping her career front and center. Not waiting years to tweak albums that go ignored, Cardi B is in your face constantly with messages not only about Trump, but hygiene and sex's a train-wreck you can't keep your eyes from. Oldsters pooh-pooh this behavior, they don't understand the concept of a hit has changed. That you break on streaming services, if you're lucky radio will amplify your track thereafter, and you keep yourself in the public eye by yourself.

Cardi B's audience does not get the physical newspaper. It is well-informed, there's news all over their connected devices all day, but their interests vary from those of the oldsters who've made it and want to preserve it. They're worried about the environment, left and right, and paying their student loans and making it and life is so hard that they turn to Cardi B for mindless entertainment, while oldsters keep decrying that it's mindless. Meanwhile, Cardi B takes a stand against the President and everybody with a career prior to 2010 thinks it's anathema, they don't want to antagonize any potential fan, not realizing most people are not paying attention to them anyway and if they had a backbone this would appeal to people.

And now we have the curious case of the Oscars, an aged institution propped up by those who don't know how to surf the web on their smartphone. First and foremost, the younger generation doesn't go. And if it does, it's to the movies that the Academy does not nominate. So while the film industry is up in arms about #MeToo, whether John Lasseter should be entitled to work, what protests will be like during the telecast, on the red carpet, youngsters have no interest in watching and are more worried about what Chappelle has to say about the sexes on Netflix.

Sure, kids go to the movie theatre for event pictures and to get out of the house, but even more they watch streaming video, they're the ones who made "Bird Box" a hit on Netflix, with its 45 million viewers right after its launch, begging the question of whether you're better off going into the theatre and enduring theatrical windows or going straight to streaming.


This is exactly like the music business. While trying to preserve the old, those in charge don't realize that the younger generation has rejected it, and moved on to the new.

Just check the numbers. You're gonna be viewed more on Netflix.

So what's important, views or grosses?

First and foremost, right now Netflix pays pretty well. And it's guaranteed. But if you don't know that views are more important than cash, you've missed the hip-hop memo, where being noteworthy leads to riches and if you're not willing to give it away for free, you can't get paid. Fans have no problem coughing up cash, when there's a transactional moment offered. But going to the theatre for fifteen bucks on a whim, and enduring the commercials and the b.s., that's not appealing.

Like in music, the war has already been waged, and Netflix won.

The story today is that Netflix joined the MPAA. So they're winning both ways, they're in both markets. But people watched "Roma" as part of their monthly subscription, even though it played in theatres previously, those that didn't ban it.

So to survive you have to jump to the future, it's the only way.

Our idiotic President lowers fuel economy rules at the instigation of the Kochs and energy companies, but the carmakers don't want this reduction. Did you see that Sweden is gonna halt the sale of gas and diesel in 2030, and Norway plans 2025? That's right, your internal combustion engine will be worth nothing, but Trump and the Republicans are ignorant of this, influenced by those left behind.

But disruption never stops, if you're not entering the future, you're already being left behind. Like in Silicon Valley. Steve Jobs gets rid of legacy ports and the Academy focuses on the Oscars. If the Academy were smart, and it's not, it would join forces with the Emmys and rule in the future. Consolidation is inevitable. Because filmed/taped/chipped entertainment is the same whether it's on your mobile phone or on your flat screen or in a theatre.

As for advertising...

The studios spend all that money to reach people who don't care.

Meanwhile, if you make a deal with Netflix they promote it on their site to people who've tuned in to watch. That's what they call targeted advertising. If you leave behind the behemoth of old, you can still be a star, like Adam Sandler, whose movies get viewed by millions on Netflix but are not covered in the mainstream media where the audience for these films never plays.

It's kinda like going to number one in music. You're not satiating the fans, they don't care! If they want to know what number one is, they just go to the streaming chart on Spotify, or their service of choice, they don't need no middleman fudging the numbers so those who top the chart can wave their flag in the industry.

Then again, the music business hates truthful data. Except when it uses it to promote acts.

And movies are worse than music. One film a week goes to number one and the rest fail. Wouldn't these flicks be better off on Netflix?

Look at "Vice." A small conversation playing in theatres...would have been the talk of Christmas if it was released on Netflix. Hell, the only thing people really want to see in theatres are cartoons anyway, both superhero and digital animation.

But the industry and the media are wrapped up in an old paradigm that is eroding away. Ads on Thursday night broadcast television and billboards. Is anybody watching Thursday night live TV really gonna be motivated to go see this crap, aren't they the truly out of it couch potatoes?

And the film industry, like the music industry, is looking for scapegoats. It was Rotten Tomatoes, until flicks with bad ratings on the Tomatometer did well at the box office anyway.

But there is no failure on Netflix, they're paying you up front. So you minimize your losses. But no, the theatre must be preserved.

Meanwhile, comedian Sebastian Maniscalco got almost no mainstream press, but he just sold out four Madison Square Gardens and where does his new special air? NETFLIX!

Sure, the studios are heavily involved in TV.

But the Academy, the Oscars, are so busy being unforgiving and politically correct that they've lost their audience. The only people still watching are those who bitch about anything edgy. And that's what Netflix and YouTube are all about, edginess!

Not that we should ignore sexual harassment/abuse and homophobia, but you must realize the world has changed, and if you don't change with it, you end up frozen in amber, history.

They're making new people every day. Who are not burdened by said history. They embrace the new. Look to where they're going.

They're the customers.

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Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Re-Pledge Music

I had the same experience with Pledge, Bob — the second payment was delayed a few weeks (there are 3 payments, due when you've met certain milestones), they dribbled the final payment our over about 4 months. Fortunately in my case I was able to meet all my obligations without that last payout, but they were clearly robbing Peter to pay Paul. The income wasn't matching the outflow.

Tom Rush


I launched a Pledge Music campaign for my album All These Hellos in November. It was the fourth album/campaign I used Pledge for. The very first campaign I launched was in 2013 and they've always been great...until now.

Now a month past our payout date my manager Barry Taylor has written four emails and the wording we get back is how they'll work out a "payment plan" with us.
To which we've said we don't need a plan. We need to get paid.

Like Atticus Finch says in Lee Harper's novel To Kill A Mockingbird, "it's a sin to kill a mockingbird." Miss Maudie explains to Scout that "Mockingbirds don't do one thing but make music for us to enjoy".

We thought crowd funding and pre-sale platforms were working for us, but here we are.

Louise Goffin


Hi Bob, I hope this email finds you enjoying nice warm weather on the West Coast. Yesterday was -15 here in NJ. Haha!

A friend of mine passed along your post about PledgeMusic not paying out Fastball. I ran a campaign through Pledge this year and it's been a terrible experience with very little help from project managers. I was given my 60% within a few weeks of when the campaign reached 100%. Cool. And recently, I released my digital album on January 1st and I've been asking for the 25% that is owed to me. I've sent numerous emails and no one has given me a straight answer...and now there is no response at all. My 25% is only $3,000. I have fans asking me about receiving their packages in the mail and I can't afford to print the CDs, shirts or posters without that money. It's crossed my mind to ask a family member to loan me the money, but my fear is that I may never receive what I'm owed.

I kept thinking "Pledge wouldn't be doing this to their big artists. They're only doing this to me because I'm a super small independent artist." Sadly, I can't believe how BIG this problem is turning out to be.

I'm so disheartened and sad that my music career plans are being held, hostage. Thanks for posting that article.

Amanda Duncan


Michael Sweet (Stryper/Sweet&Lynch/ex-Boston) here. I read your thoughts on the Pledge/Fastball situation and I have to say that I really enjoyed your write up. Oddly enough Ron Stone (and Danny Goldberg) used to manage us for a brief period in the early nineties.

I've also had bad luck with Pledge. Not so much with being paid but with them failing to get orders out on time and having to deal with the fallout. They also dropped the ball on reporting to SoundScan on time costing us a few thousand first week sales to report. It happened with two albums and I could not believe that a company that's supposedly put together by professionals could make such a mistake.

I've gone as far as to say that I'll never do another project with them again. I just don't see the point of having a "middleman" that complicates things more than they need to be and takes a good piece of the pie while doing so.

Reading Ron's thoughts on Fastball being payed improperly only confirms my feelings. Anyway, I wanted to share with you it was good to see that I'm not the only one who has had issues with Pledge. Thank you.....

All the best,

Michael Sweet


I had a similar experience recently with them. It eventually took a letter from my attorney to get paid after I had sent at least 20 emails over a three to four month period to various folks at the company. Not only do they hold the money for the product the fans have paid for but the shipping and handling costs, which can be a pretty significant amount. The model worked well besides them doing zero marketing of the release, which they say they do when you are getting their pitch. It was clear there were some die hard Pledge Music fans who support projects even when they are not already fans of the act. That was definitely one benefit. I think they should be upfront and change their policy to pay out in 90-120 days and not the approx. 30 days they say when you sign up. The high percentage they take also adds to the frustration of it taking longer than it should to get paid from them.

Scott Bomar


Same here, Bob! Have been pushing hard to get to the funds that are rightfully my artist's for the past couple of weeks and have been met with unerring silence by people I've known for many years! Absolutely shameful!


Matthias Siefert


Otherwise known as a Ponzi scheme. Not the first time this has happened, however. Friends of mine, The Ghost Town Blues Band, were treated to the same nonsense last year .Read about it here:

Sturges Nikides


They screwed me over too

Were giving me problems on paying me $7k, I had to hound them and make threats, this was a few years ago

They also agreed that I would offer vinyl, then when the money came in from my fans, they told me to put the money up to press the vinyl myself out of my own pocket, and were being difficult, so I had to cancel the whole vinyl campaign and have the money returned to my fans, they are compulsive liars

Ron Braunstein


Hi Bob - Longtime reader. This reminds me of when my music project Eric Lives Here won one of's monthly song contests.... Winner got a $100 Amazon gift card... Well that was 5 years ago and I'm still waiting for it! LOL Similar to this story, it was a bunch of excuses and then silence. But that was $100 and this is $20k. Ridiculous how many music companies out there are doing this.

Von Eric
Eric Lives Here


Sadly in same position with Pledge. Have worked with them for few years, perhaps a dozen projects.
Last project ended about a year ago and we raised nice six figure amount for artist.
Been trying to get the final 18K since last July???
Sporadic communication, no definitive plan or offer or dates.

Want to be empathetic, it's the music business and we've all likely been on both sides of this story at some point.

Further, I recommended Pledge Music to the artist so remain invested in closure...

At wits end and artist wants to go public, I have encouraged her to do so.

Kevin Day


We had a similar situation with pledge last year and it took our managers and lawyers getting involved for us to finally receive our money. We were told it was an issue with PayPal who had handled their processing. The issue was blamed on a new policy that stated PayPal no longer handled their type of payment process. The cfo of pledge was tasked with finding another process company and when this search was done it was based solely on the profits that could be obtained by finding a "Cheaper" CC payment processor. When the new company took over the volume of processing crashed the servers of the small company therefore tying up payments in "Limbo". We were told that CFO lost his job over this debacle and i had the thought that this was sign of a bigger problem. Our campaign was small compared to larger projects (about 15k raised). After paying 15% for a service my website host bandzoogle offers for free as part of our annual fee (199.00year) I vowed never to use PledgeMusic again. I further realized that the whole thing is basically a scam that give the illusion of a "Go Fund Me" type fundraiser, the reality is you have to get approved to host a campaign as pledge only wants to host "Fundable" projects as not to have any "Failed" campaigns. The reality is every pledge music will get funded weather you meet your goal or not even though the general public is under the impression that if you don't meet you goal then no one with get their packages and the pledged money is returned to the fan. Have you ever seen a failed pledge campaign? I haven't either. But we were told to tell fans this lie to encourage sales. And we're also encouraged to raise our goal mid way thru because sales were going well for us. We actually didn't hit the new goal and an set off a series of upset fans thinking they were not gonna get the album they thought they were funding. Again another farce is that the "Projects or packages" being sold as a "only if funded" project have to be 100% complete before ever being approved as a campaign. So it's actually not a really Fund raider but rather a platform to dupe fans into thinking they are pledging to buy a future product. I could go on about this but you get the idea I'm sure my story isn't the only one. Thanks for all your insight I love your column and use it to help guide my bands career. Cheers!

Maddox Messer


40+ emails in total, 5-10 different company contacts, begging for months and months since a Sept 2018 release for a Grammy nominee fundraise campaign that ended in December of 2016 to help fans support recording costs.

We are owed a meager $3500, the second and final installment and the various finance/accounting employees on the email threads haven't even had to the decency to offer one reply to manage any expectations over the course of that last 5-10 communications directly to their inboxes. We have identified one employee who does in fact care, but if he can't even move the needle internally, how can we outside their own walls?!

The tell tale sign of an industry in distress is the marriage to a selfish short term dollar matched with low trust that has infected the entire ecosystem like a cancer freezing the artist development story dead in its tracks from every single side of the aisle, on stage and off it. An archipelago of self interested islands that only want to sail a boat to yours in fact you have coconuts you have grown that are ready to be taken.

For us and our bold vision, this is an invite and a source of daily inspiration. A welcomed invite to display how trust, sincerity, authencity, and true musicianshipcan can drive scalable impact across the board on behalf of the art that lives and breathes in our hearts. The entire reason we are all here in the first place...


Jesse Guglielmo
We Save Music LLC


Moira Smiley forwarded me the letter about Fastball.
I have been waiting since OCTOBER for my payout. They have mostly been silent, or just very slippery and sidestepping my questions.

I think we / artists need to band together on this issue.



Hi Bob,
thank you for posting this warning piece on Pledge Music.
I used them to raise funds for my latest record and what a hasstle it became getting paid out.
I just flipped through my extensive email correspondence and found one exchange of many which highlights your points. For what its worth:

On Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 1:40 PM, Jay Aymar wrote:

Ok. So this Friday for the second payment and the remaining amount to follow after that.

As the release is pending my cash flow is of the essence.

Jay Aymar
On Wed, Aug 1, AS wrote:
No, will let you know when we have an ETA for the payments. We're still experiencing a backlog.
Not sure what a 'backlog" means exactly but I'll just assume the best.
Jay Aymar
I received my payout but it was not without awful frustration.

If it quacks like a ....oh you get the picture.

Jay Aymar


You said small percentage. We ran a successful campaign with pledge a few years back. At the time, the platform was a great way to give privileged access to fans, in a familiar ecosystem, by offering presales of albums bundled with merch. Pledge's percentage was based on grosse sales and the costs of manufacture and fulfillment fell to the band. That "small percentage" ends up being quite expensive and ultimately why we did not use the service again. I wonder how many acts are returning customers doing multiple campaigns compared to the one and dones like ourselves. Despite having a relatively successful campaign, I can't recall anyone from pledge following up to see what more we could do or when the next album would come.


Fuck Pledge. They're crooks.

Fastball fans will understand it;s NOT the bands fault. Fans these days are WAY more informed than ever.

Kevnn Robinson


I have avoided many Pledge Music projects due to an underlying fear that this might happen. Regarding Fastball, however, I did receive the beautiful signed LP that I supported - on time and hand packaged by the band. Fastball are some of the nicest guys you'll meet in this business... let's hope this works out.

-Bruce R Kilgour


Their ecosystem seems to have been in dire straits for awhile:

I don't know when Fastball threw in with them. But anyone checking the stats now would not want to put their money or their hopes or their music on Pledge.

-Daniel Slosberg


A couple of weeks ago, a singer who I used to play with posted a warning to all of her musician friends on Facebook. It was the same story: "stay away from Pledge. I can't get my money."
Mark Feldman


I'm glad that someone has addressed the troubling issues of Pledge Music.

As a Pledge campaigner twice over in recent years, (I know, fool me twice, etc..) it really is hit and miss with regards to the support you are given as an artist. Maybe bigger artists get a better service, but I very much doubt it.

It's hard to tell whether the project managers are incompetent or have too many projects to focus on, but one thing is clear, even though the financials are in Pledge Music's bank account, the projects are the sole responsibility of the artist (so I was told), especially when there are any problems or issues. I guess it's all fine as long as they are getting their cut...

It's a crowd funded platform, with lots of flaws, ironically due to Pledge's actual involvement.

Your story about Fastball really hit home. It's meant to be artist friendly, I really can't believe that if they hit their target, that haven't been paid. That's one of the main parts of the deal. "Hit the target and Pledge will pay out 50% of the campaign account!!!"

The promise is much rosier than reality...

Beware indeed.

Pete Spiby


Check this out. I'm a huge fan of Vulfpeck. They have been using a company in England called Qrates to fund their albums. The latest release, 'Hill Climber' was supposed to ship on Dec. 28th. Now they are telling us that they are having production problems after we all paid roughly $35 for the album back in September. The campaign ended on 9/21. I'm not so sure that we'll ever see the album. They keep pushing back the date. I'm including the last email I received from them and I'm not happy. I think are just relying on the fans to keep them afloat, which is terrible business. I'm not mad at Vulfpeck, but I'm disappointed as fuck...

Rodney Rowland

Hi Rodney,

This is an update regarding 'VULFPECK /// Hill Climber (First Pressing)' and 'VULFPECK /// Hill Climber (180G | White)'.

Please accept our sincere apologies for the delay. We are currently re-manufacturing the 'VULFPECK /// Hill Climber (First Pressing)' due to manufacturing defects. For that reason, we will ship the 'VULFPECK /// Hill Climber (180G | White)' first. We will get back to you as soon as possible with an estimated shipping date for both titles.

Once again, we're very sorry for the delay and inconvenience. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding.

The Qrates Team

So unfortunately we cannot provide an estimated shipping date for now, it will take a few weeks to get those things fixed. We know this is very unpleasant, but unfortunately we have no other option now.

Thanks for your understanding!

Best regards
Support Team


Please don't print my name or email as I have an artist owed $.

Dominic Pandiscia fucked this ship up and now all the bands are paying for it!


Our band & another band who are long time tour mates of ours have been getting screwed by PledgeMusic as well. Not only are they not even giving us an estimate of when we may get our money, they were miserable to work with during the campaign process. When we were shopping for a fundraising platform they made a lot of big promises to us in terms of promo & 'coaching' during the campaign and said that's why they take 15% instead of Kickstart or Indiegogo's smaller 6-8%. Not only did they fail on their promises during the campaign, but they were rude toward us to boot. Now we're screwed. We're not a huge act but we need the money to be able to finish and promote our record. What can we do? Sue them? As I said, it's not just happening to us; it's happening to some of our best friends and they're receiving zero response from Pledge as well. Some other artists have also contacted us as well about not getting paid. It's our money nor theirs! They don't deserve the 15%! At this point we're afraid that if we speak out too much against them in public that our chances of getting paid will grow more slim. Too bad you're 'BEWARE' didn't arrive much much earlier....


Since Benji left the company fell apart.
So many bands including me had to fight to get paid.

I'll never use them again.

Michael Manafest


Incompetent isn't an excuse.

You absolutely can not spend money that isn't yours. Period.

Here is a novel concept… HAVE TWO SEPARATE BANK ACCOUNTS!

David McKay


Holy cow. As the owner of a ticketing company, I can say we are asked to do this all the time. Hold the money responsibly, and pay it out on time. In 10 years I can say we've never missed a single payment. Seems like table stakes for a business that is all about facilitating the transaction between creator and customer. Without trust that large fan friendly, independent, do-gooder brands like Pledge will do right with the responsibility they've been given, what do we have besides a scummy, rotten, shark infested music business that neither customer or creator can buy into. Without that, we have nothing but used up dreams. I thought things were changing, maybe not. Maybe so. I never know these days.

J.R. Denson


This is bad. I have backed many projects on Pledge Music and still have 3 or 4 pending right now. What a shame. Thanks for the heads up. Hopefully, it is just an oversight.

Rich Moylan


Isn't this robbing Peter to pay Paul? I had a situation like this on Kickstarter. Guy was using funds from the current project to print up books for the past project. I enjoyed what he was printing but once i figured out what he was doing, i quit funding his projects over concern of not getting the rewards if he didn't meet his goals.
As far as Pledge Music, i enjoyed backing a few different projects that gave regular updates as recording progressed. Anymore, however, it just seems like a platform for pre-sales with no excitement of being a "part" of the process. I don't even bother. It does really suck they are screwing bands over.
Anyhoo, just my two cents. Steve


This confirms my suspicions.

I was just about to launch a Pledge with them for one of my artists but the people who do the merchandise manufacture for them in the UK told me that they'd had some payment issues with them.

Mmmmmm, now how am I going to fund the album of a 65 year old singing priest?

Go Fund Me? Is Kickstarter still a thing?

Any suggestions welcome.

Gordon Charlton


If I were Fastball I'd be out of my head. I'd be out of my mind!

Rich Gilberto

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Tuesday, 22 January 2019

Pledge Music

Fastball can't get paid.

I got a call from their manager Ron Stone today. The band was due their 20k on 1/1, Pledge said to wait a while, they'd dribble it out over time. And then when Ron pushed for the money, Pledge went silent, it's been three weeks now without a return phone call.

So obviously they don't have the money.

But Fastball has already spent most of it! Making product to fulfill their obligation to their fans who pledged. It's not Pledge's money, other than the small percentage the service takes as a fee. They hold the money as a fiduciary. But obviously they've spent it.

But Fastball is a small player in their ecosystem, what about the big acts? And do you mean to tell me you don't have $20,000?

This is just like those festivals that spend the ticket money and then go bust. Assuming the ticketing company coughs it up to begin with.

Then again, these entrepreneurs are not bankers, they've got an idea and...

If you don't have the money, you shouldn't be taking new clients. And if you don't have the money...where is the big windfall for Pledge Music gonna come from? They've got a fixed percentage, are they suddenly gonna get a zillion more acts so they can pay Fastball its measly 20k?

Or are they waiting for a buyout...

Well who is interested in this low margin business to begin with? And if the present executives can't make it work, why should someone with a deeper pocket be able to?

Or maybe Pledge just has incompetent executives. Well, aren't there investors who realize this?

It's one thing to run out of cash, it's quite another to use other people's cash to keep the lights on. It'd be like a bank blowing all your cash and not telling you until it was gone to boot! Then again, the government protects six figures of investment in banks. Beyond that...they figure you're sophisticated. Come on, are musicians financially sophisticated? If so, they'd be doing something else. Pledge is not only taking advantage of the players, but stealing their hard-earned cash.

And you know Fastball's fans are gonna blame the band, not Pledge. And how is this going to hurt the band's image? And their future financial prospects?


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The Klarman Letter


It's about the money. What did they say in "All The President's Men"? Follow the money. And if you do, you will find the answers.

Hell, it's obvious in entertainment, where studios make Marvel pictures and labels release cartoons too. People go where the bucks go. But where are they going?

If you read Fox News, or the "Wall Street Journal," you're unaware of the Klarman Letter, it does not appear. But the financial world is shaking as a result of its publication. Seth Klarman is not at Davos, but he's bigger than Bono and the rest of the celebs who are attending.

You see Seth Klarman is the new Warren Buffett, and Buffett gives Klarman props. And Klarman just released a letter telling the world to be afraid, very afraid. Because of social unrest, the isolation of America, the debt and the denigration of facts.

That's right, we're watching the movie right now, but how is it gonna end?

Now the Republicans have been crying about debt for over a decade, but the tax giveback to corporations and the rich have exploded it. How long until there are consequences, until the dollar is no longer the world's currency.

You see Trump has created a vacuum, it's jump ball on Earth today. Who is the leading nation. As Britain and America look inward, believing the rest of the world is their enemy, a space has opened up for new leaders. Or as Bob Geldof put it, without the U.K., France and Germany can't get along.

Geldof has studied it. But most people, most prognosticators, most talking heads have not. They're myopic, only interested in their own paychecks. That's right, in reading about the Paramount plunge, it was noted that the execs refused to spend money acquiring the aforementioned Marvel because it would affect their bonuses. That's how corporations are run. Everybody's a caretaker. Steve Jobs refused to distribute the billions in the coffer. Tim Cook gives them back to raise the stock which subsequently tanks. Overpaying for nothing. And these are the same dollars that could have been used to buy Netflix, instead of banking on the non-edgy fare in its yet to be released streaming service. That's right, take out boobs and HBO would have never flown. Boobs start everything, and when a market matures it's like musical chairs, and those established get a seat. Why does Apple think it can end up with a seat when long term player Amazon is struggling? And why should Netflix fail when it's Disney that's spending so much for programming, more than the famous streaming service. Can you say "HomePod"?

But conventional wisdom goes one way, until it goes another. AOC appears and suddenly everybody's talking about a 70% tax rate, when previously it was all about taxes being lowered. Forget what happens, that's how easy the dialogue is hijacked.

And now the conversation has been steered by Seth Klarman.

But don't expect most people to notice. First and foremost, the "New York Times" is leading with the story, and the right has denounced the New York paper to the point Republicans refuse to read it. That's another thing Klarman warned us about. Everybody in their own silo as a result of websites steering them to like-minded conversations. We were enthralled with the internet titans until we weren't. Now they control what we see and hear and not only are they opaque, they refuse to acknowledge fault.

So this is the world we live in.

And before you delete this as left wing drivel, know that Klarman was a Republican before Trump. As many rich are. They want to make and keep their money without restraint. Meanwhile, those without money vote Republican because of social issues and a remembrance of what once was. Trump's election was a protest vote.

Which speaks to the social unrest Klarman is talking about.

And everybody agrees that a recession is coming. It's just a matter of what it looks like and how bad it is.

And it affects you. That's right, where and what your job is, if you have one at all. You have a responsibility to be informed. But so many shirk this. But they know when they've been screwed. Globalization is inevitable, but those who took advantage forgot about those disadvantaged. But that's the world we live in today, it's everybody for themselves.

But we live in a society and we all have to get along.

Read the article below, even if it is in the "Times."

It'll get you thinking, and wondering, where are we going?

That's what the money is worried about.

"Chilling Davos: A Bleak Warning on Global Division and Debt":

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Monday, 21 January 2019

R Kelly-SiriusXM This Week

Tune in tomorrow, Tuesday January 22nd, on Volume 106, 7 PM East, 4 PM West.

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Re-Patriots Win

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Who cares what you think about football?

Richard Rosenberg


The Chiefs' end zone dance? How do you explain that to kids?

Britt Benston



Jon Birge


Stupid post and you show your lack of knowledge of the sport. Are you aware that NFL has a FEMALE referred working the playoffs?

That the television ratings for these playoffs eclipse all of the networks yearly prime time programming?

That NFL merchandise and sponsorship revenue is at an all time high as are television rights fees and the players and owners now make more money than either have in the games history?

I worked with NFL to book Cheap Trick for pre game show. Band moved hell and high water to get to New Orleans in time and band thought it was one of their best gigs of the year as they played to over 50,000 fans that sang every word to every song

Frederic Traube


I can't watch it anymore and people say it's because I'm from Buffalo. No, it's because I saw the legal docs in an NHL CTE case where the team had a Lloyd's "concussion" policy (fighter) In which the insurance carrier claimed that to collect same, they'd have to peel him off the ice on a stretcher as opposed to retiring him. I digress, perhaps.

"Every play is a car accident" to quote Boomer E.

The late assassin hit someone put on Edelman late in the game in payment for catching a ball put him at the prom but he got up so.....roll on. I hope he won't be sitting alone in the dark down the pike ala Jim McMahon. I sure don't see any fans bringing him a PapaJohn's Frito Crust Pizza (USA! Out of ideas but ...USA!) and wiping the drool off his chin if so.
G-d forbid.

Daniel Dwyer

PS ever wonder how the Giants stopped Jim Kelly in 91? They didn't, Belicheck did as D coordinator/filmmaker.

"If you ain't cheating..."


This one is one big whine. You could have skipped this post and saved yourself 90 minutes for more productive things.

I'm a Lefsetz fan of several years standing and intend to be going forward but, honestly, this commentary, on such a lovely SoCal day, was unnecessary.

Ray Valencia



I love you.

Terry Gottschalk


Oh please.

Don't write about sports.

You sound like my mother in law.

"I don't like that game where the men fall down on each other, wah, wah, wah...."

Kevin Sweeney


Yikes... you are on a tear tonight.

I'm always interested in why you say what you say and you deliver good reasons. That's why I read your letters. They make me think.

Michael Hugos


Too much hate, Bob. You hate the NFL. You hate the Chiefs. I'm no fan of the Chiefs, but I don't hate them. I'm not a hater. It's only a game, don't take it so seriously.

Peace & Love

Rodney Rowland


Football's not your thing? I don't care, but next time, consider putting"Chiefs-Pats SPOILER ALERT" in the subject line, for the working people who use email, but have to time-shift the game. Please.

Mojo Bone


I love football, Tom Brady and the Patriots and I did not vote for Trump! Just stick to what you know and don't generalize on the human condition because we are all the same in that we are different.

Louise Pappas


And to make it even worse, you predictably get this stroke off tweet moments after the Patriots win.

Allen Scott


It's not a sport it's business. More hype than anything else designed to keep the average American occupied with useless entertainment rather than questioning the ruling elites. It's just like the Roman Empire
Oh well we can now all enjoy the fall of Rome with wifi

Suril Desai


That was slot of words to say that you are salty, no matter what kind of old world/new world slant you try to hide it with.

Greg Davis


Watch out for the New England Patriots
fans Bob.

"And I'm not saying Brady and Belichik did not deserve to win. I'm just saying it wasn't completely clean, because the rules got in the way."

The NFL is the Master, making and enforcing the rules. The teams do the NFL's bidding. A ref can make or break a game, but the team that benefits from the ruling of the ref has no say in that decision.

The Patriots won from sheer determination, grit and the balls from being the underdog.
We, as Boston fans, celebrate such will. It's what distinguishes the Boston sports fans from all others.

Go Pats.

Thanks Bob.

Paul Lancia
Turku, Finland


I'm sure you've heard/heard about Malcolm Gladwell's podcast 'Revisionist History'...? His episode about football and its inevitable trajectory is so perfect in its logic that it becomes poetry.

Heather Church


Lovely, honest! Bet you you got a lot of hate mail

Peter Moon


Based on the last line you seem to be bitter about something other than football.
Take a breath my friend. It's just a game.
Love to read your take on things!
Steve Langford


It was actually the blatant pass interference no-call on the Rams that was the most shocking travesty of the day, giving LA a game that New Orleans should have won. And I'm a Boston guy...makes you wonder if Vegas, with their stranglehold on sports and cash, are pulling the strings. It's unexplainable otherwise.



Hi Bob. Well, you have actually solved a problem with the name of the game that the NFL goes by that I have had for 40 odd years. Why is it called football? In the rest of the world football Is football. Baseball also makes sense. Basketball? Yup.
We should call it 'Lawyerball', capitalization optional.

Andrew Parr


Really Bob ? What's really bothering you ?
Sure sounds like sour grapes . One of the best Sundays for football with both games in overtime & millions of people watching a truly American tradition .
You sound like the kid who never learned to play well with others .
Marina Meade
Hampton , NH


Lol! Common, the women watch because they like the "tight ends." It has nothing to do with being a Trumpster.

Tracy Lipp


Great read, Bob, and spot on. I do like sports but hate football. I just don't get it...

That last line should generate some hot responses. Looking forward to that!

Chadd Barksdale


If you didn't enjoy watching this game you are simply not a sports fan. You don't have to like them but at least appreciate we are watching an amazing dynasty (led by the best coach and player of all time ) in a league that does all it can to create competitive parity

Jared Arfa


I have to take exception to your statement:
" This is why I hate the NFL. If you're aware of all the rules, you're probably a referee."
I think it should read:
" This is why I hate the NFL. If you're NOT aware of all the rules, you're probably a referee."

BTW - the NFL had cracks, but they got papered over. Since the major networks struggle to come up with popular shows, the NFL is the only game in town for them.
It would be interesting to see a poll of the NFL fans political affilations broken down by gender.

Dave Machanick


Do you think a Rams super bowl would create a real LA buzz a la Gretzky on the Kings?

Gordon Chaffin


Your insight into the zeitgeist is spot on Bob.

Rock on.

Hal Kempson


You had to ruin a perfectly good article by mentioning voting for Trump at the end. Still under your skin, huh? #Trump2020

Ron Cori


You have this all wrong!!

Both games were great!! Get a life!

Jon Fiore


"As for those women who love the sport...

You probably voted for Trump."

Wow, generalize much?

I know plenty of female football fans, and none of them voted for Trump.

-D.C. Hannay

p.s. New England still sucks.


To be fair, Bob, I know a woman who loves football, is a registered Republican (I know, I know) and hates Trump and the GOP more than any Democrat I know. She votes against him, works against him, and says that football keeps her sane. Go figure.

John Parikhal


"Maroon 5" Bob... Maroon 5!!

Pass interference' now teaches you Pavlov's dog style apprehension after a failed big throw, last night it really hit home. If you just wait... here comes the yellow flag.

After such a play the majority of sideline people or indeed on field players mimic the flag being thrown.

They'll be a rule for that soon!

That rule was a reaction to some years ago - tonight's Chiefs v Pats game will mean OT rules change next year.

The game still holds me, but the reviews and penalties.

Here comes two weeks of politics about participation of artists when there is the Kap lawsuit.

"Not going to play sun city..." forget seeking direction from artists as not all are the same!

Alan Cassidy


Hey Bob you have raised the bar yet again on the old man grouchy scale. Love you much, but you're way out there on this one. That was eight hours of great football yesterday. Leave us alone and let us enjoy it.

H. Scott Flegal


Ouch! I do love the game and I despise Trump. Sundays from September until SB I plan my day around football. The entire male population in my family -3 sons- and 1 brother all are B&B&Bhaters except for my brother. He and I have appreciated the TALENTED Tom/Bill show but my sons, and other male friends are all haters. The texting during the last quarter was mean-spirited by my guys; by the OT it was downright vicious. Hey guys, it's a game. Were the Pats a better team? No way. Should KC have gotten a chance to touch the ball in OT? Of course but the NFL made the stupid 'touchdown/game over' rule. No one is forced to watch football but perhaps if you watch for entertainment value, and not take it so seriously, you might enjoy it more.

sari leon



Noah K. Lesser


Thank you Don Lemon.

Billy Chapin


I know you are not a sports person as you commended the NBA for their play. Those guys don't play until the last 2 minutes . Sports are to many people what music is to you . A fulfilling way to spend their time; enjoying the skill of others while wishing you could be as productive .

Some people like literature , some art. some history, some math, some science....... some don't like music at all............some don't like sports at all. As long as we can appreciate that there are those who are talented and like to share that talent with whomever wants to enjoy it , we should applaud them. We don't have to like them or the talent, just realize that there are differences of opinion on what is a valuable asset and what is/ isn't worth watching / doing.

Cathy Hancock



Drew Hauser


Given that you are the Howard Cosell of the music industry, your column on football showed about as much knowledge as if the real
Cosell would have ever chimed in on the music world.

Stay in your lane.
Chris Joseph


Jeezus man, watch sports much?
The refs gave the chiefs as much bs as they gave the pats. They called it all year long, but ignored a Targeting, helmet-to-helmet hit on Gronkowski in crunch time of the biggest game of the year (thus far).

And if you think the refs gave the victory to the Pats you should've seen the Rams game. It's as is the NFL had to justify forcing a team (2!) on Los Angeles by making sure one went to the super bowl. That's a very good team, but the Saints would have run out the clock if that blatant, obvious PI were called. The refs ensured they made it to the big game.

Instead of sour grapes, how about a piece on age not slowing one down? How about an examination of young v. old? Changing of the guard? New breed VS. Old standard?
There were a ton of ways you could have gone with this. Don't be grandpa Simpson

Jon Langston


After every game i think to myself why did i watch this? It is so NOT satisfying. I'm starting to think its fixed. Not for gambling but for viewership. A lot of games have the bad/questionable calls at the point where the game score will become lopsided and people will turn it off. The refs don't even know there are throwing the game between replays, missed calls and discretion.

I guess i am an addict.

Rob G


When it comes to football, I always go back to George Carlin's "baseball vs football" routine. In baseball we get extra innings! In football we get "sudden death".
Another thing to consider:
No matter how you feel about the Patriots' performance in yesterday's game, once they won that coin toss, it was virtually over. So, ultimately, you'd have to admit that luck made a HUGE difference.
Put that in your meritocracy and smoke it!

Rob Hargadon


This sounds like a grumpy outsider stirring a pot; not bad though:) I think it's too binary to believe that the NFL competes with fortnite and there will be one winner. Part which I do agree with is the technicalities and subjective calls determining outcomes of games. It makes the whole thing seem fixed to be honest.

Mark Burrell


"on the line, barely offsides" is offsides. That's what offsides is.
Best wishes,


I have watched football since my Uncle Bill took me to my first game of our beloved Steelers. Pittsburgh is a football town.
Now I live in Nashville and watch the Titans muddle thru season after season. I still love our team. And dream we get a quarterback like Terry Bradshaw and a line like the steel curtain.and I respect Tom Brady and know That people always turn against the star in sports music and any other high profile career.
But I never ever would have voted for Trump. I'll be a Democrat til the end, which is looking closer and closer. Thanks for all your great posts. And go Tom Brady... a true American hero, at least to me.

Susan Nadler


Bob - who hurt you?

Ben Starr


I'm sure your in box will be blowing up already, but the Rams won on a non-call by the refs (who completely screwed up and admitted it afterwards!). Otherwise it's Saints in the super bowl with the Pats.

Rishon Blumberg


I watched part of a Dallas game in the playoffs. On in the background with no audio, while we listened to Carole & James and played Phase 10. My only NFL since last year's Super Bowl. It's a social game where people talk and spill beer on each other. It's like a festival. It's not a listening room.

Although I do Love Volume 106 and the talk. No penalties there.

Dan Fife
Awakening Events


Poor Ol'Bob - this article is about 10 or 15 years out of date - I never watch the NFL, for all the reasons Ol'Bob brings up, but is there any need to write a column about it? If you or anyone else wants to watch it, go for it - he should just read his book and save the gigabytes.

Ernie Pinder


TV Football is just filler material between commercials.

Philbo King


Amen brother! They lost this fan years ago.

Terri Haram


The last two sentences are priceless.

Jeff Pierce


Maybe if the Patriots win and the shutdown continues, Brady, Belichick, and Kraft are fed some Wendys and McDonalds on a silver platter.

-Ed Scott


I really took offense to your Lefsetz letter on January 20th titled Patriots Win.
As a woman and a Patriots fan, I have been following this team since I was a little girl. I am an avid sports fan! As you know, my father was a huge Patriots fan, and as kids he taught Arlyn, Debbie and me all about the sport!!! We watched every game with him, discussed plays, and made friendly bets hoping each week they would win. My father would have loved the game last night! And we won fair and square!!!!!
And guess what... I voted for Hillary!!!
Your last 2 lines of your letter were so offensive!!
"As those women who love the sport.. You probably voted for Trump"
I think you better rethink those words!!!!

Your cousin Leslie


Your last lines stating "women who love the probably voted for Trump" I find insulting.
Aunt Sylvia


Don't forget one of the top reasons (if not THE top reason) football has peaked and is on its way out: the NFL concussion crisis.

Art Velordi


Dear Sir- You are so right on. Thank you!!!!
Chris Albert -


"It looked like the Chiefs had won when it was discovered a player was offsides, on the line, barely."

"On the line barely?" Isn't a rule either broken or not? This small detail IS the difference between the Patriots and the rest of the league since 2001. For the casual observer this seems like a one off gift to the Patriots... I swear it happens EVERY year in the big games, the other team loses their focus right in the biggest moment when Tom and Co are at their best. Bad calls happen to all teams, some worse then others but stupid plays like the offsides that negated the game winning interception are always MADE by the other team. Self inflicted.

Also... is Fairfield not firmly New England Patriots territory? Why the friendly fire Bob?

David Rudolf


And no I didn't vote for trump. But I can tell you've probably never touched the athletic field in your life with this Terrible Take. Vote for trump? You should be ashamed of yourself for this bullshit.

Honestly, waking up to this drivel makes me want to go back to sleep. Don't disrespect sports fans because you don't get it. When I started reading you you hated hip hop as well. Now you suck hip hops dick. Why? because your behind the times and they passed you up decades ago.

Football is more American than rock and roll. Get with the program or don't comment on it.

Your still the best, but you don't understand America like you think you do.

Josh Berman

P.S. Stick to music. Leave the sports reporting to the pros that see the nuance in the human condition between and in between the lines. Quite frankly, you're a terrible horrible no good very bad sports writer.


Bobby, Bobby, Bobby.
You have had many moments of greatness over the years, and you have equally said some
things so ridiculous, I wondered what you were smoking.

Today, you went where Bob Lefsetz has never gone before.

No one I know in the Sisterhood of Football voted for #TFG

The only thing dead in the water is this diatribe below.

Flag on YOUR play.
Love, Janie Hoffman


Sad that you can't see that you're in a delusion. The people who voted for Trump are the ones sticking it to the man. Trump is a flawed vessel but the only one going up against the machine. You'll never see it as long as you cling to the ethos of victimhood. Brady and Belichick are examples of greatness, of winning, of working very very hard to achieve one's goals, of seeking and attaining excellence. The divide in America is between people who believe that their problems are mostly within their control and those, like the increasingly radical left, who believe that their problems are completely outside of their control (and the ones who use those people for their own personal power). All this screeching on SNL and the MSM and in your newsletter--it's the last dying cry of American leftism in the night. Winners are going to win.



Dear Bob, is it so hard to understand that one could be a Pats lover and a liberal? This is New England, home of Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. We don't take our politics from Robert Kraft, just our football championships. And by now you should know better than to make blanket statements about women.

Leanne Ungar
print it!


Wow. Your me!

Barry Maizner


My wife was born and lived in Italy up until 11 years ago when she came her to marry me.
She's a Juventus fan and certainly not a Trump voter ... and she adores American football.
Probably for the same reasons the Romans loved the 'games' during the reign of the Caesars.

My money is on the NFL surviving long past all of us.

Love the letter, love the Sirius/XM show (miss the podcast).

Cheers, - KL

Ken Lasaine


I got a chuckle out of the last two grafs.

- Greg Dennis


Wait until the NFL figures out how to harness the power of virtual reality. The fat cats will be paying huge prices to "be on the field and right in the action" safely from their bathrooms at home. Then, maybe, taxpayers won't have to pay for stadiums for the oligarch owners and players to get even richer. And I'm a fan who has been drinking the Kool Aid for years.

Almost as bad as anesthesiologists, radiologists and surgeons using hospitals for free. Wish I didn't have to pay rent.

Harold Love


Usually your posts are pretty good but you completely miss this one. Championship football games have always been played in cold weather. Californians think everything should be done in warm, ideal temperatures. It's a soft, lazy attitude. Complain about things and think how great you are. If someone disagrees, call them despicable and snidely say they must have voted for Trump.

Patrick McVeigh


With you, Bob. I used to be a fan of the NFL, but concussions, game-changing penalties, taxpayer funded military displays, and Kaepernick being blackballed all made me lose interest.

I watched a few minutes of a full NFL game from the 1976 on YouTube recently. One of my favorite things about it was the lack of replays to check referee calls. Today's most compelling moments are often five minutes of a lawyer watching a TV screen under a hood.

Terry Walsh
The Belfast Cowboys/St Dominic's Trio


So cutting Bob! I can only imagine the general demo of your readership. But then again, if they made it this far with you perhaps they aren't the oldsters you reference...
Sound the bugle, Watchman!



I you hate it, why did you watch, cause you know hating on the NFL is gonna get you a lot of attention and as you keep saying keeping our attention is a MUST!!

Doug Gillis


A small independent podcast called The Fantasy Footballers won "Best Sports Podcast" from iHeart Media this in LA on Friday night.

Voting was done by the fans - First actual real award show including real production value for Podcasting.

Sure, it had its hiccups, but still - it's there, and it functioned like it should.

Small upstarts with GREAT content can break through and beat the big boys. This is what it's supposed to be and it happened.

Damon Metzner


Bob, what a negative commentary on two exciting games. It's good you don't watch NFL so your readers aren't contaminated by your bias. I really enjoy most of your stuff, but you pissed me off on this one! See you at the Super Bowl. Tom.

Tom Battista


I think you grazed the point, but never hit it dead on.

Football won't be around in a generation or two.

What parent in their right mind will let their kid head down a road (pun intended) to CTE, Parkinson's, obesity and all the other joys visited on retired NFL players. I know…WHAT ABOUT THE MONEY? At some point even the Texas Trump moms will say "Honey, what about soccer? Did you see how much money that handsome Renaldo fella is making? And have you seen him without a shirt on?" Shallow, but that's America.

Was never a big football fan, but had it on in the background on a cold day in the 'burbs of New York. But once my daughter started playing soccer, and I started paying attention to the game, I thought American football was the dumbest, most inelegant, and like the electoral college…indecipherable thing I'd ever seen. Then the denial of CTE and all the other damage wrought on the players sealed my opinion.

B&B are what they are. a misanthrope and an idiot savant. Did you see Brady's asinine quote in the NYT's this weekend "Your body gets used to the hits," the Patriots' Tom Brady told a sports radio show last month. "The brain understands the position that you are putting your body into, and my brain is wired for contact. I would say in some ways it has become callous to some of the hits." Are you f'ing kidding me?? Same science class Trump went to?

It will all be over when the insurance companies won't write a policy to Pop Warner, high schools or colleges. I think you said "Ain't that America, where cash always triumphs" A few payouts to victims and the cash (the insurance companies) will get very loud.

P.S. I dig your writing.

- Darryl Estrine


CFL (Canadian Football League) Coach Ron Lancaster had the best come back when talking about getting robbed by an official's call.

"we shouldn't be putting ourselves in a position to let the referee's decide a game."

Todd Devonshire


CBS' primetime coverage of the AFC Championship, in which the New England Patriots beat the Kansas City Chiefs, 37-31, posted a 31.2 household rating in overnight metered markets. That's a 26 percent jump over the 2018 NFC title game on Fox (the two networks rotate the primetime slot each year) and the highest-rated conference title game in the late window since 2012.

If the year-to-year gain holds for CBS in the final numbers, it should end up with an audience well above 50 million viewers.

2 crazy games.
Saints were robbed with bad no call.
Chiefs never got the ball in OT.

NFL needs to fix both of those issues!

Jay Marciano


Wow! Where does one start?

Admittedly you are not a fan of football, yet you reluctantly watch and then crab about everything. Besides that, you think being "a little offside" shouldn't be called. Perhaps you thought the blatant missed call that denied the Saints from winning a game they absolutely should have was the right thing. And using the NBA as an example .... please! This is the league that is noteworthy for its phantom foul calls to the benefit of its star players.

As for Kaepernick, if he was good enough he'd have a job with some team. But no team with a good quarterback would want him. And no team rebuilding would want an aging QB either, especially one that built his reputation on one decent season many years ago. The guy just can't accept he's not good enough for any team to put up with his bullshit.

Then you manage to denigrate women who like pro football, my wife for example, who not only likes the Patriots but did not vote for Trump. She didn't vote for that crook Clinton either, and yes, you don't have to be a deplorable to realize Clinton doesn't deserve to win anything.

I suggest you stick to music, Bob, something you know.

Dean Nardi


Bob - I'm a New Englander living in LA (3 years now). And the pride of NE winning will never not be there. B&B (and B) are the best of all time, and anyone that hates the team is just sick of losing. No one likes losing, Bob. So the losers become bitter and the winners question when they lose, because it happens so infrequently.

PS I didn't vote for Trump

Yours Truly - A female New England fan living in LA

Kaily Nash


It's entertainment Bob. The Saints got robbed.

Kaepernick doesn't have what it takes to win games and if he did he would be playing. Maybe you could teach him how to distribute a newsletter.

Who watches a TV these days? You need to read more Bob.

Woody Ferrell


Sorry Bob, I only made it about five paragraphs in before the pessimism got to me and I quit. I can agree that the NFL is a colossal shit show. You can still enjoy the games if you just ignore all the crap.

Deep down there is still the beautiful and strategic competition between highly skilled young men who throw themselves into the contest with abandon. Athleticism at it's best. Coaching strategy as it's cerebral peak.

The game still has the beauty and grace as it always has. You can still enjoy watching. You just have to dial down your bullshit filter.

Kendrick Allen


Love Canadian rules football and it's all over by mid December. But it was darn weird when Shreveport and Baltimore had league teams...

Bob Stevens


Well, you clearly didn't watch the Saint's game.

Blatant pass interference and helmet to helmet contact by the Rams - followed by no call by the ref. There is no review of no calls. The Ram's player who committed the offense admitted it, the NFL admitted that the call was botched and the ref admitted that he did not even see the play. And the game, along with the opportunity to go to the SuperBowl was stolen from the Saints. New Orleans is a one of the few cities left in America with a true identity and real soul. Yet it remains in desperate need of both hope and unity. The Saints are more than just football. They are the common ground that unites us. And that hope was crushed yesterday. Today, on Martin Luther King day, the city of New Orleans is in mourning.

And this woman loves football and hates Trump.

Lori Turoff


What a load of Crap Bob! You should probably stick to writing about subjects you actually know about.

It was painful to read your account of yesterday's game written at such a pedestrian level. Knowledge of your subject was at best - junior high level probably closer to grade school.

and BTW: "And honestly, I'd be singing a different tune if the Chiefs had won, even though I hate them. Because they would have stuck it to the man, they would have given us hope." Who the fuck is US? You got a mouse in your pocket, please!

As stated earlier it's probably best to stick to subjects you actually know about.

I'm done.

Mike Vascellaro


You have a lot going on here.

The fanism or rah-rahism you mention is no more specific to football than any other sport or to the fans in one particular city. Soccer? They have a problem with hooliganism. The fans are more violent than the sport itself.

As for AFBall? It should be played in the elements, that's the deal. It's a test of wills and adaptability. It's not staged and sanitized for your comfort. I agree that the whole CTE issue should give us pause for thought and it should make us question the way money alters our notion of what we can conveniently ignore. And then you have boxing which is all about trying to concuss your opponent. I only watch the big games and as a Bostonian I find what the Patriots have accomplished to be remarkable. Sure, the rest of the country are haters, but as they say, even though Barry Bonds took PEDs, it still takes real talent to hit a 97 mph. fastball 400 feet. There is a degree of athleticism in football that produces more jaw dropping moments than any other sport I can think of with the exception of Aussie Rules Football.

Rules? You've got 22 people running around a space that is three and 1/2 times as long as a basketball court and three times as wide. They now have even more rules and reviews of play. As much as football has gone over the edge, all sports are slipping as far as rating are concerned. I don't have time to watch a football game which is another incentive not to go. Record and slo mo through the game and you end up with 40 minutes of actual content. The only way to do it. More official reviews slow down a game that borders on tedious anyway. Penalties are subjective and there's a lot to keep track of. The Saints were absolutely screwed on the blown pass interference call and they likely lost the game because of it. But with this much physical contact it's hard to just let them play. As it is, I'm sure there are a ton of missed calls, so maybe it's the best you can do with controlled mayhem.

How many truck commercials can you fit into one game? Why does Chevy have an inferiority complex and consequently the worst ads. Give me a warm evening at a ballpark or March Madness.

John Brodey


Bob, REALLY!!!

For the first time , you have reached the highest level of misunderstanding the general concept of "sports" and "media" and how they unite people in the most fundamental ideological way much like music does for ones sole. They are similar which is why you always hear the music chiming in the back round when a team is on a momentum run.

Its invigoration like the feel of a great song that brings back the greatest memories.....sports and music is all we have that seems to bring peace and harmony among a fragile world and nothing less.

The "rules" of the game are there to provide some sort of organizational reality, NOT only to have players be able to throw more for better television as you seem to imply, its how we all need to get along for the most part just like the Music industry which ALWAYS seems to be changing their rules - how about the tribal Moses rules, you know the 10 commandments, the rules we all are suppose to live by so that its not a free for all, how else was he suppose to keep all those tribes in line that he just freed especially without the a media broadcast......THOSE FRCKN RULES!!!

RULES are meant to be changed and NOT everyone is going to like those rules, similar to how you you classify certain sports viewers must be TRUMP supporters.....REALLY BOB!

Your memo is WALKING on the FINE line of those newest RACISM "rules" that keep changing depending on whose speaking and then justifying certain players behaviors as an example of true ACCOMPLISHMENTS and those vulnerable "woman" participating in some sort of scheme.....REALLY BOB!

Hating on a team and its management because they have proven to be the most consistent is like you talking crap about an album that's over rated because the "RULES" back then were albums sold which can be conceived as opinions of that ERA. To automatically assume that the Patriots winning was merely based on some rules that some Referee calls that "allowed" them to win is pure non-sense and believe me, I'm not a Patriot fan or a fan of the some of the NFL rules such as not allowing the other team a similar chance to prevail!

I can comfortably say that the RULES will be considered for change by letting each opponent have a chance and being able to review the calls officials make by reviewing video for its accuracy before its final without sacrifice, especially after this last weekend.

We have had to acknowledge based on facts that BRADY is a bad ass - regardless of age and RULES......PERIOD!

ALSO, I was so looking forward to a good memo from you about the "kickers" in the league who no one ever talks about NOR EVEN MADE ONE MEDIA know the one person that doesn't become part of the limelight after kicking his way to the Superbowl for the Rams......REALLY BOB!
IF you can win using the "RULES" as some seem to do - then its a deserved WIN.....just like your best friend TRUMP ignorantly won using the horrific electoral rules so lets keep bashing him instead of figuring out ways to keep him out of making his rules a reality while ALWAYS uttering his name in every media outlet possible.....REALLY BOB!

Moreover, in any GAME - if you play hard and get ahead of your opponent by more then a few points, RULES and a bad referee that forgot his contact lenses will and should NOT make any difference in the outcome because bad calls are just one of the many factors ones needs to consider while strategizing a WIN in any endeavor -

EVEN when there are RULES, there seems to still be casualties of war for peace or greed, power, racism, cheating, killing, stealing, etc., and all that other filthy crap us humans have adopted and justify.


BOB, you should run for President so you can start changing the "RULES" the way you think they should be.....or would that be your true defining moment to realize how hard Moses really had it, one can only imagine.


PS: Remember - Professor Bob..... IF your can you help anyone!


Solomon Aflalo


Oh Bob. You're going to take a lot of heat for this post! My gal pals watch football on a regular basis and there's no Trump supporters in my circle. We were on a plane while the game was going on. Southwest gives free TV on you iPad/iphone and I was fascinated to see almost everyone on the plane watching the game. When do you see that? Everyone interested in the same event. It made me feel good. Sure the sport is tainted and the guys are (willingly) destroying their bodies but, damn …I was proud of my American Football. Besides Hollywood, what else do we have that's exceptional?

Lizzz Kritzer


Ratings for the games yesterday were very good and the viewership is generally bi-partisan. Are you making stuff up Bob? Not everything is about politics, is it?

Steve Krupa


I think I have a new footy game for you!
It's called Rugby of 4 football codes we play down here in Oz!
Suggest you watch a bit of a game on YouTube. It'll be a mystery to you!
Takes 80 padding, just shorts and jersey.

Your game is "Grid Iron" or "American Football" to us. Many of us put aside a day for the Super Bowl TV show.
Saw a game in New York some years back...couldn't believe they stopped the game, for a rest and a chat, for the TV Network commercials!??

Our own "Australian Rules" game could change your life! 200yard field, running, kicking and catching IS the game! Fast, hard with fanatical supporters!
Rob Allan


dang, Bob?

This is the most condescending and judgemental I've seen you write?

There were BS calls throughout the game(s). Hell, the Saints were ROYALLY Fucked out of playing in the Super Bowl today. But, you weren't watching that game? You were busy making your minutes count reading a book.

The NFL, the NBA, the entire country is Rigged.

The Prince of Saudi Arabia can erase a journalist for the Washington Post and nobody does shit? Not even you, Bob.

We're all complicit that the dollar is our God.

There is a factory in China, making iPhones, where the work is so awful that the factory had to install nets outside all of the floors above the 2nd, surrounding the factory, because workers were putting their things down on their desk and running to the window and jumping to their death.
How many iPhones have you bought, Bob?

You are just like the rest of us Americans, Bob.

You are a cynic full of hypocrisy.

Little Pink Houses for everyone.

Sonny Rock in Phoenix


Not sure about the ending about women. I'm sure you are going to get criticism about that. As for the rest of the piece, per usual, incredibly thought provoking and interesting. I also loved your piece on festivals. I have been talking about it with my father and some other people in the industry. It's so on point. I would love for you to write about live nation and their reliance on statistics. I know from people who have interned that they use statistics for just about everything they're doing. I know you are of the opinions that numbers don't lie and they don't. But statistics won't always tell you the truth about your demographic! The Bonnaroo lineup is a huge example of how this calculating can lead to a potentially unsuccessful bill. They put phish on a bill with over 50% EDM and little crossover in the jam scene. My guess how this happened? Statistics!! Phish are still pulling in huge numbers! So what does live nation figure? Let's put em on the bill and we will get that same turnout. WRONG! Phish fans are not going to pay money let alone trek out to bum fuck nowhere Tennessee to see 3 sets of their favorite band when they can pay a similar price for 6 to 8 sets and it may even potentially be less money. Everything is fucked up. The NFL, the music conglomerates. They are all being managed by people with their heads so far up their ass they have lost track of who watches and goes to their events. Anyway, thanks for being fearless and speaking the truth. I really pray for a day when these people die off, retire, wtvr happens to them, and my generation can step up and try to do things that MAKE SENSE. But then again, millennials are the fucked, burn out generation, so who knows?

Leonard Gilbert


This man does not sleep. How can you know so much about so many things?!!!! Answer: you don't sleep. You read. You watch tv. You listen to radio. Etc, etc.



Mostly spot on with your breakdown of the NFL. The culture is what turns me off, along with the pro-wrestling like overhype of each game/matchup.

Much of the general public has been taken by the faux immediacy created by the league. But when you sit down and attempt to watch a game it's painful. More ads and whistles then action and intrigue.

And then there are those who are dedicated. Grown men in size XXL jerseys to hide their girth which grows each winter weekend while drinking, eating and sitting on their arses, as programmed by the NFL. In short, it's not unlike how the uneducated voter, be they liberal or (neo) conservative, forms his/her political view. Don't be educated about the issues, don't learn more about what's beyond the television. Stay narrowly focused on what you've been fed. Overindulge on it, in fact.

If you come at me with your graying goatee, beer gut and giant-sized NFL jersey, AND you're over the age of 25, I know too much about you. And enough to know I will turn and walk the other way.

Paul Nordlund

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