Saturday, 7 November 2020

Biden's Speech

He came out in a mask.

For far too long America has been losing. Targeting minorities. Becoming isolationist. Pursuing strategies that have not only disconnected us from the world at large, but made our country, once the land of hope and freedom, into a laughingstock.

Is our long national nightmare over? I am not sure, but at least we're finally going in the right direction, with a man known for his empathy, who wants to restore true American values and lift up not only our nation, but its inhabitants, each and every one of them.

He's old. By old standards. Today people regularly live past 100. And sure, some of them suffer from impairments, but the truth is, the older you get, the wiser you become, you've seen so much, you've learned so many lessons, for once we've got a truly experienced pol as our president. HALLELUJAH!

Yes, that's where Joe Biden has spent his career, in government. Something that has been denigrated for four decades now, as inefficient and wasteful. For far too long the underclass has been ignored while the upper class has taken the ball and run away with it to the point where they're not even playing the same game. We need to support those in need. Every person deserves this. Especially those born through no fault of their own, why hold them back when they're just beginning?

Yes, we need to open doors at the top, for women and minorities and the economically challenged. You must be able to lift your way up in traditional avenues, not only entertainment and athletics, everybody deserves a chance to make it in the American system, as an integral part of what makes our nation work.

Barack Obama promised hope. Little did we know how much hope we needed. As a result of the policies of both parties, many were left behind in the march to globalization. There are so many efficiencies that too many people are out of jobs, and the jobs that are available are low-paying service gigs that pay so little you can't make rent, never mind put food on the table and support your family. And it's hard to feel good about yourself when you've lost in a game of musical chairs, with no opportunity on the horizon. It can't be every person for themselves in America, we must come together and lift each other up.

Of course government is imperfect. Of course America is imperfect. But that's no reason to shut its systems down, put incompetent people in positions they're in no way qualified for with the end result being the only winners are the corporations who employ lobbyists to get the results they desire. Climate change. Not only is the west coast burning up, but Colorado too. And there are endless storms on the east coast, more intense than ever. Can we stop putting our heads in the sand and think about solutions as opposed to shrugging our shoulders and saying it's too bad for those afflicted?

And yes, Puerto Rico needs to be made a state. D.C. too. Not for the electoral college votes involved, but because their residents deserve power, a right to vote, there's no reason we should treat Puerto Ricans as second-class citizens.

Obama gave us hope that we could right the wrongs of the Bush administration. Which kept giving money to the rich which did not trickle down to those who needed it. But Obama was hamstrung by a Republican Congress. His heart was in the right place, but action was hampered. However, we should never forget that it was Obama who put forth the ACA and got it passed. Did you read today's "New York Times," about the Covid effects of the Sturgis rally? Attendee Albert Aguirre died, because he didn't have health insurance and was afraid to go for treatment, because of the expense. Everybody has a right to health insurance. And never forget, we are all linked. If one of us suffers a loss, it impacts all of us. That person can no longer consume, that person can no longer produce, and those two are the basic elements of our nation's economy. Our nation runs on the spending of the masses, not the billionaires. The masses keep the billionaires in business, because if people stopped buying, there would be no reason for the companies those billionaires built to exist. We must save Main Street as well as Wall Street. We must provide a safety net for our citizens as we strive to eradicate Covid-19 from our nation.

Covid-19. Mark Meadows said it was no longer a priority. Donald Trump said we had turned the corner. Meanwhile, the U.S. is setting new records in infections, it's the one area in which we truly rule the world.

So, Joe Biden, making the speech of his life, rising to the occasion, thanked those who helped him get here, but he continually hammered points about the coronavirus. It made me smile, truly have hope, for the first time since March. Yes, Covid-19 is gone from Wuhan. Essentially nonexistent in New Zealand, and on the ropes in Australia and South Korea. Why can't we conquer it here? Elon Musk and Tesla provide electric cars, Apple provides a computer that fits in your hand, but somehow, we're powerless against this virus. HOGWASH!

Yes, what Meadows and Trump have said is malarkey.

So what if it's an ancient word. The truth is no one is hip in America anymore. There are so many niches, no one can be up on all of them. So, we must put our heads together for safety and progress as opposed to pulling apart.

I don't know about you, but the declaration of Biden's victory this morning did not seem real. Maybe it was the days we waited. Maybe it's because we've been abused for four years and we're still afraid. But tonight we could not ask for a better effort in bringing us all together. Maybe now people will start revering the experienced. For although old, Joe was sharp tonight, hitting all the right notes, ones that seemed to have been excised from the lexicon.

Hard work? We've got to pull up our sleeves and push this country uphill. Take it from down in the pits to level ground, and then build it further up again. There are so many moving parts, which is why you need a leader to deliver context, to get everybody on the same page, all Americans moving to fix what's wrong and build what we need.

It doesn't matter how you look. It matters who you are. Character. If you're not afraid of looking like a dork, then you are inherently compromised, you're fearful of owning your identity and truly following your heart. For far too long, this nation has been subject to groupspeak. To the point where people are afraid to say the unpopular. But if you're not willing to push the envelope, to hang it out alone, at best you're a cog in the wheel. And we need those cogs, but we also need innovators, leaders. Like those electric cars... Do you know why they're such a big deal? Oh sure, they use electricity produced in fossil fuel power plants. But electric cars are MORE EFFICIENT! With internal combustion engines, most of the energy bleeds off as heat, it does nothing to propel the automobile. So, with electric cars we can reduce our carbon footprint. And just because some other nations are polluters that does not mean we can't lead. Ever hear of leading by example? That's what America used to do, this country was the envy of the world.

Unfortunately, too many Americans are sans passports, they haven't been anywhere else, so they're uninformed as to the rest of the world. Life in Denmark and Sweden is pretty neat. As it is in Canada. Talk to a Canadian, they love their national health care service, they don't have to take an unwanted job just for the insurance, and they can leave jobs and even become entrepreneurs while still being covered. And it is these seekers and doers that build the economy.

I'm not going to argue the issues. I'm not going to try and convince you that you're wrong. I'm just going to say, as Joe did this evening, that there are so many POSSIBILITIES! Our nation used to have a can-do spirit, not a can-not. And it's been our outside of the box thinkers that have revolutionized not only our nation, but the entire world. That's the American spirit, the sky's the limit. It's built into our character. But you can't go it alone and just because you're successful, that does not mean everyone else has to be unsuccessful, there's no reason it has to be a zero sum game.

I didn't need so much hope when Obama first got elected. Sure, we were going in the wrong direction, but democracy itself was not at stake.

And truthfully, whenever I start to become elated, I think of all those on the other side and it deflates me. Why they hate us so bad, why they're so stuck on individualism to the point where safety nets are abhorred, I do not understand. But sometimes by chopping off the head, you kill the whole animal. Without Trump disparaging good Americans, without Trump telling individuals without portfolio to stand up against our government institutions, maybe those on the other side will calm down, maybe they'll see what Biden has to offer is actually beneficial. As for those afraid of Marxism and the rest of the b.s. spewed by the right wing media, you can relax, it ain't coming, just pay attention.

My country is not what it used to be. Income inequality is rampant, such that if you apply yourself, put your nose to the grindstone, you still might not get ahead. We need those who work with their hands. They should be able to afford a reasonable lifestyle while they're providing for us.

This is a reset. I cannot guarantee you everything will be hunky-dory, but we've finally got someone experienced trying to lead us down the right path. Once again...HALLELUJAH!

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Friday, 6 November 2020


He's not gonna go.

Let me tell you how this used to work, when the Republicans were actually Democrats by today's standards. The Senate turned against Nixon, they confronted him, telling him he did not have enough votes to evade conviction at an impeachment trial, and Nixon resigned.

That's not the way it's gonna go down here.

Last night, the "New York Post" turned against Trump. If this were still 1974, that would be the first domino. Right wing newspaper stakes a claim and the rest of the media and then elected officials fall in behind. But that's forgetting that they tried that, back in 2016, and it didn't work. Let's not rewrite history here, even Rupert Murdoch himself, came out against Trump. And never forget Trump's dust-up with Megyn Kelly. She dared, just like Lesley Stahl, to ask him hard questions, the questions expected by any political candidate, and Trump blew back, hard. And the consequences? NONEXISTENT! Megyn Kelly felt uncomfortable at Fox, so she left, only to find out the public wanted to watch Fox, not her, that the anchors are fungible, and Trump broke code and released the "60 Minutes" footage before CBS, getting the advantage of spin and greatly decreasing the impact of the ultimate telecast.

And it wasn't only Rupert Murdoch who was against Trump, but essentially all of the Republican string-pullers as well as the candidates who were running against the Donald. What happened? Trump became the nominee and fearful of getting their balls cut off, incurring the wrath not only of Trump, but their constituents, they got in line and became 24/7 Trumpers. His way or no way.

In other words, Trump dictated to the media, which fell in line, and the elected officials, who fell in line. So, even if both of them come out against Trump, HE'S NOT GONNA LISTEN TO THEM! Come on, if Fox, a disinformation outlet, dares to criticize Trump he goes nuclear, he starts ranting on Twitter, and his reach is more than theirs.

This is how despots, authoritarians work, they don't give up power, they cement it.

So, Biden won the election. WHO CARES? Come on, take the presidency from me, I dare you. Meanwhile, I've been muddying the water to such an extent that my constituency, proven huge on Tuesday by an unexpectedly large vote, which the media completely missed, believing Biden would win in a landslide, will stand behind me. And furthermore, the ass-kisser-in-chief, Lindsey Graham, donated 500k to Trump's legal team... Once again, what are the legal issues here?

You've got to watch tonight's Bill Maher.

Oh, you don't get HBO. I guess that just proves the point of Tristan Harris's appearance on the show. We're all now sliced into our own private bubbles by our information systems, which for the vast majority of America are social media outlets. Harris was in the "Social Dilemma." That was on Netflix, you've got that, and it's only anti-Trump if you decry the manipulation of people into ignorance. Harris lays out the influence of Facebook. The truth is, many of Trump's minions are living in a completely different universe.

Actually, all you've got to do is turn on Fox News during prime time.

Your head will spin, like Regan in the "Exorcist."

Yes, Laura Ingraham was talking about the integrity of the election process. That Republicans have lost faith in it as a result of nefarious Democratic actions and it must be investigated, otherwise the count can't count. Whoa... Wasn't it the right that supported DeJoy's crippling of the Post Office, wasn't it the right trying to suppress the vote? The defining element here is Trump and the Republicans want to halt the vote in Pennsylvania but continue it in Arizona. And pissed, Trump is now telling his folk to vote AFTER election day!

And tonight Tucker Carlson talked about the corporatists who will take over the government. Yes, the rich who will keep you down. Huh? Aren't most of the uber-rich Republicans?

Yes, if you're watching Fox, you're getting a completely different spin on reality, there is no reality. But most people get their info from social media, to the point that we will have QAnon believers in the House of Representatives.

So, after Bill Maher's interview with Tristan Harris, the single best guest appearance on the show this season, there's a panel consisting of Rosa Brooks and Malcolm Nance. Brooks is the daughter of Barbara Ehrenreich, who has revealed the problems facing the underclass, and Brooks is also a law professor at Georgetown. Malcolm Nance is a security consultant. You know him, he's all over TV, he worked in intelligence in the military. And Brooks was playing the optimist and Nance was playing the pessimist.

Which are you? I'm a Jew, we've been persecuted for millennia. And anti-Semitism is ramping up, along with Holocaust denial. I'm a pessimist, so sue me. Jews have to always be on alert for incoming, I am.

But if you're a Biden supporter and you're a pessimist you're a pariah. You must support the man, and not spoil the party. As for those on the other side of the political fence... You should have seen my inbox, they were convinced Trump was gonna win, CONVINCED! And they were dancing on Biden and my soon to be graves. They had the coffin nails out. Trump was gonna finish the job, bring prosperity to America, right all the wrongs. But now it's not going their way.

The TV networks are afraid to call the election. Fox called Arizona for Biden on Tuesday night and Trump and the right still haven't gotten over it. Both Trump and those on the network have continued to excoriate Arnon Mishkin. The networks and cable channels are afraid of calling Pennsylvania, never mind Georgia and Nevada, because they don't want the blowback. Hell, the other outlets won't even call Arizona!

So, my inbox has quieted down. The balloon has been deflated. But there's still some air in there. But if the left insists on continuing to drain it, make the balloon go completely flat...WATCH OUT!

That's another Fox spin. That conservatives are docile, and it's the left that always revolts, we've got to watch out for Antifa. Like I said, it's an alternate reality, which tens and tens of millions of Americans eat at the trough of. So, if the media insists on Biden emerging victorious, do you really expect these Trump acolytes to sit at home and accept it?

That's what Malcolm Nance was talking about. Paramilitary efforts. We've seen them already, right wing militias going after protesters, right wing truck caravans, closing roadways, surrounding a Biden campaign bus. And Trump has been egging them on, continuously!

The law doesn't matter. IT DOES NOT MATTER!

Trump just has to not leave. He's already not gonna concede. Make him, I dare you. AUTHORITARIANS DON'T LEAVE! They just rewrite the playbook, and stuff the public with misinformation.

Meanwhile, you've got those roving paramilitary outfits. It always starts small, it doesn't start big and fizzle out, it builds. Just when you think you're safe, BINGO, you're gone. As for the Supreme Court doing the right thing... Hell, as Nance says, it's like "Judgment at Nuremberg," which was about prosecuting the court enablers in Germany!

Forget legal reality. Anybody can sue anybody and bury them in paperwork. And Trump's an expert on this. Did you watch either of the NXIVM documentaries? Naysayers were buried by the legal efforts of the organization, funded by the Bronfman sisters. Truth only comes at the end of the line in a legal spat.

And speaking of truth, once again, it's being revealed days after the election. Forgetting our fakokta Electoral College, the public at large voted for Biden in overwhelming numbers. And with two Senate seats up for grabs in Georgia, the Senate might still end up blue.

Of course we've got to credit Stacey Abrams for the Georgia miracle. She felt the governorship of the state was stolen from her, so she not only got angry, she did something about it, she got 800,000 new voters added to the rolls. Ergo, the Georgia miracle. Proving the power of one individual, proving the resentment of African-Americans, proving that if you make people believe they've got a stake in the outcome, that it will benefit them, truly, they'll vote.

But, not everything is turning up roses. Democrats lost seats in the House. They did not regain state legislatures, so redistricting is out of their hands, i.e. gerrymandering. And let's be clear, Biden is a one-termer. He's just too old. And then where are the Democrats? Never forget that Harris is black, and that's one of the reasons Trump got elected in the first place, resentment of Obama. And yes, white nationalism has raised its head to a point heretofore unseen in most Americans' lives. And Trump has endorsed it, after all, there are fine people on both sides.

And the irony is yes, there are fine people on both sides. But, once again, Mark Zuckerberg is the most powerful person in America. Yes, if you want to control the outcome, if you want political power, own a printing press, or the modern-day equivalent. That's how Murdoch influenced not only American elections, but Brexit! And Zuckerberg was not elected and is beholden to essentially no one.

So, if you're on the right, you truly believe the election was stolen.

And on the left, it's all delusional "Happy days are here again!"

And neither is the truth. And it will have consequences.

But first Biden has to be called and then Trump has to go. Turns out, as I stated above, the entire U.S. media apparatus is gun-shy about stating the obvious, Biden's victory, and no one has come up with a good plan to get rid of Trump, they just keep talking about the law in a lawless society.

Be afraid, be very afraid, no matter which side you are on.

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Thursday, 5 November 2020

Dan Wilson-This Week's Podcast

Dan Wilson is a songwriter, perfomer, producer and painter! You know him from Semisonic and "Closing Time" and "Secret Smile" as well as "Someone Like You," which he cowrote with Adele, and "Not Ready to Make Nice," which he cowrote with the (Dixie) Chicks, and many more. Listen for personal history, band stories and songwriting tips!

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Wednesday, 4 November 2020

Music Business Election Lessons

It's not the 1960s anymore. You remember, the era when music drove the culture and impacted young 'uns philosophies. Musicians were wise gurus. Sure, they were getting wealthy, but concert tickets were three, four and five dollars. Albums were under five bucks and royalty rates were low. There were no tech billionaires, never mind finance bros. In other words, musicians graduated from the middle class to the upper class and they brought their middle class values with them, there was no one-tenth of one percent to sell out to, and in that era, and throughout the seventies and into the eighties, corporations were the enemy, you didn't do commercials, you both wanted and needed to keep yourself pure, to align you with your audience. Your career was everything. There were no side hustles. No branding of identity to sell perfume and clothing and other dreck. You were what you sang, and your public believed you.

Furthermore, you could reach everybody. That was the power of Top Forty radio. Which transferred over to FM radio in the late sixties and seventies. Everybody was clued-in, there was a dividing line, between youngster and oldster, and although not everybody was hip, they wanted to be, they may have waited years to grow out their hair, years to get into album rock, but they didn't pooh-pooh the scene, they were oblivious until they were enlightened.

Today the landscape has been complete shattered, Balkanized, even though the industry and the oldsters still believe we are operating under the old paradigm.

The "stars" don't reach enough people to have influence. Every act is positively cottage industry today. However, believing there's still one fan to make, they bland out their image so as not to offend anyone, so they can sell them products down the line. Then there are the cartoons, talking about a fantasy life that exists for almost no one, gangsters and dope deals and other stuff straight out of the movies. These tracks are the equivalent of high concept, blockbuster movies, with superheroes and special effects, they bear no resemblance to life here on planet earth, it's all fun.

And the fun is had by the hoi polloi. The public oftentimes has more power, more of a voice than the stars. Everybody can participate in social media for free, and there's always someone with traction. Then again, it's like a glorified high school election, someone is a star and then the next year's class comes in and the old stars are forgotten.

So, you can't reach everybody. The key is to go backwards, into your niche, to explore and ultimately reveal your identity and feelings. This has always been the essence of blockbuster music, but interestingly, once again, the regular folk are showing the way. The way you make it on social media is to have an identity, to have edges that can hook people, it's interesting that pop acts shave those off, ultimately leaving them without influence.

And the audience no longer looks to musicians for messages. Of course, there are the bottom-feeders, but they're no different from Kellogg or Post advertising cereal on television so kids will force their parents to buy it. There's no thinking involved. And as soon as someone can think, they want to be an entrepreneur. Business has replaced music as the goal, unless you're from the lower class, have received a substandard education, or are a minority with few opportunities, then music is an option. And the focus is money. Making a living is more important than getting your message out. Music used to be the domain of the middle class, that's no longer the case, as the middle class slowly evaporates.

So oldsters, boomers, are still waiting for that twenty first century protest song. But that would require acts to create it and fans to listen to it. Today's young acts did not grow up with a history of protest songs. Now they aspire to be Mariah Carey, who broke thirty years ago. Or a rapper. And in a world where Whitney Houston is inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, how can the institution and the music purveyed be said to have any meaning? Not only was Houston not rock, she was singing fluff. And there's a place for fluff, but that is not what the Beatles sold, which broke this industry wide open.

So, today's young 'uns don't have the bones to create the protest song. And whatever they create has a limited audience. Ariana Grande has a new album. Have you even heard it, are you even aware of it? The biggest acts in the business are sideshows, with a self-hyping industry little different from the Democratic Party and its media partners, who think they know what's going on when they patently do not.

Music has power, but you've got to use it.

As for Kanye West setting himself on fire, creating a presidential sideshow, it turns out it was a media story and that was it. No one wanted to vote for Kanye, no one took his run seriously other than the press and maybe Kanye himself. Train-wrecks sell ads. And if there's an ad to be sold, the media is complicit. To the point where non-stories are amplified and real stories go unaddressed. Everything's about money. And when that's the case, there's no soul. Steve Jobs famously said Apple computers were tools. It was up to the user to create something. But for two decades, the public worshipped the creations of the techies, until the game of musical chairs ended, with a handful of technical companies ruling, and software became the game. You'd think the focus would be on software in the music business, i.e. the music itself. But the biggest story in music today is the size of streaming payments, when the truth is if you're popular, you're making a ton of money, assuming you don't have a bad deal with your label/distributor. As for everybody else? Not enough people are listening, sorry. They're like the nincompoops agitating for manufacturing to come back to America. That is never going to happen. It's just too expensive. And it's the customer who won't bear the freight, the customer that rejects the overpriced local product. I mean who wants to pay a thousand bucks for a mediocre flat screen TV?

But in a world of winners and losers, the major players, i.e. the three major labels, are circling the wagons, putting out less and less material, all of which can potentially be huge right out of the gate. They're in the moonshot business, whereas this business was always built on singles and doubles, you didn't hit the grand slam right out of the box. Then again, the home run rules in baseball, it's all or nothing, and the managers are ruled by data to the point the soul has been eviscerated from the game. But there are rules in baseball, not in art, the sky is the limit in art, but there's an inherent ceiling, no one in the infrastructure wants disruption, they just want things to continue the way they have been as they spew false figures to make themselves feel good that have no real effect, like trumpeting Springsteen has had a top five album in the last six decades. It's like watching sports, where the announcers are constantly coming up with irrelevant statistics. Never mind in this case manipulated. Who cares about the social impact of Springsteen's new album, we've quantified it! Isn't this the opposite of what Springsteen stood for?

As for Springsteen and the rest of the acts taking political sides... Why should anybody listen to them? Where is their gravitas? Springsteen may be a hero to his fans, but he hasn't had a ubiquitous hit since the eighties, before many voters were even born.

So, the oldsters have no impact upon the political mind-set of their constituencies.

And the youngsters were never selling what Springsteen did, never mind Barry McGuire or Neil Young. There's no history for this. And why should a youngster believe the words of a musician, adopt their views?

So musicians can have no political impact. None. There's no framework for it.

Furthermore, the audience may not be receptive to their views. They're getting their messages elsewhere, the musician has to compete with the gamer, those who rule online, who evidence their personalities. So, you got promoted by the machine, you sang a bland song, you did corporate deals...why exactly should I listen to you again? The artists have sacrificed their cultural power.

As for those complaining they're doing it right, yet with no traction, I respond that they are not doing it right, because either their music is not good enough, not enough people want to listen to it, or they don't realize music is a hard game today, where you're lucky to have an audience at all, and if you do, you superserve it and grow it from the bottom up as opposed to the top down. If you're complaining about your reach, you've missed the plot. The game is to motivate your listeners, instinctively, so they spread the word. And if you try to motivate them falsely, by imploring them to stream on Spotify, and complaining about the game, that you're not number one on the chart because of a manipulation, you've lost the plot. Growth needs to be organic, or you're done. The faster your ascension, the quicker your descension.

To change this we must start completely over, with a blank slate. The industry operates on the eighties MTV paradigm, one of monoculture. The monoculture is gone, history. As for being truth-seeking and honest, those are anathema today, because you might not get rich and people have no respect for truth and honesty.

Only they do.

Movements start small. Now that we can reach everybody, creators wants to reach everybody at once. That's a fool's errand. To disrupt, you start small, with an incredible product that you refine over time. And users/listeners, are more important than cash. You get the audience and then you monetize. Quibi should have realized this from the start, but they didn't, they were slaves to their business plan, there is no business plan in art, it all depends on hits. And hits are made by the public, not the machine.

So, music has squandered its political influence. And it's not as easy as going back to the past, because our nation has fractured politically, there's not a ready-made national audience for an outsider performer, irrelevant of their politics. Until this business flips, and focuses on the music as opposed to the penumbra, the chart statistics, the grosses, all the metrics that have nothing to do with the art, never mind the entrepreneurial ventures, music will continue to be a sideshow of little influence, as it was before the Beatles. Sure, there were stars, there were hits, there was fandom, but it did not impact the soul of our country, it did not move the political views of listeners, never mind the government.

So, to change we've got to run in the other direction. Away from the modern construct. We've got to focus on the art, the message, sans the hype that is dismissed by most of our nation today. To compete with Trump you must be his opposite, you can't win playing his game.

And you must know the landscape, both inner and outer. You must draw people to you as a result of the magic you create. And to a great degree magic has gone out the window in the internet world where mystery is history and everybody is fighting for attention.

Yes, not only has the music business changed, but the music itself. And the audience. To expect the game to play out as it did in the past is a joke. You've got to first make music believable before you expect people to believe its message. But art is more powerful than business, every day. Art is more powerful than money. But you must use the tools, you must adhere to your inner tuning fork, one devoid of conventional trappings. The business has abdicated that viewpoint, it is far from the garden. There is no new Joni Mitchell. As far as getting back to where we once belonged, JoJo no longer has to leave Arizona to score some California grass. Times have changed, but the business is stuck in the past, to its detriment. It has lost its place in the political firmament.

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Tuesday, 3 November 2020


We went to bed and we did not know who won the presidency.

I was in second grade. What I remember most is that although we started school in September 1960, by January it was 1961, and you could flip the numbers over and it would still be 1961, and they said it wouldn't happen again many years it was clear I wouldn't be alive when it did. A minor item, but when you're seven, these little markers are a big deal. But then you get old and you realize nothing is a big deal, you'll live and you'll die and then ultimately you'll be forgotten. You think you want to leave your mark, and then you get old enough to realize it's a fool's errand.

Now Fairfield Woods was both an elementary and junior high school, at least when I went there. And the buildings were separated, connected by a hall in which the principal's office was located, someplace you never wanted to go.

Kindergarten is a blur, other than the fact it was 1958. Did I really go to school in the fifties?

As for first grade, it was taught by Mrs. Godfrey. These first grade teachers are saints. To put up with kids who are not yet formulated, who are not yet obedience trained. Then again, it's different today, with all the pre-school, with kids being able to read before they even go to school, but back in the fifties, this was a rarity.

And, they passed out books. That was another very cool thing about first grade, you got your own books. And in a matter of just a few school days, you were reading. And then you got the "Weekly Reader." I don't know if kids get that anymore. Then again, those were exciting times, with space launches and scientific discoveries, we thought we were thoroughly modern, the internet was not even foreseeable.

So now it was 1960. And there was a new second grade teacher, Miss Kamph. She was young. And we could relate to her better, she was less of a mother figure. This was back in the days where single women taught for a few years and then got married and disappeared. These were also the days you didn't get a male teacher until at least fifth grade. Then again, we were unenlightened, but we didn't think we were.

But Ms. Kamph's room was in the junior high wing. UPSTAIRS!

Now Fairfield Woods junior high was run like a military operation. You had to walk around in circles in the hallway. In one direction. Even if your next destination was just a few feet to the left, you had to walk all the way around the building to the right to get there, and believe me, you didn't want to get busted. That was one of the breakthroughs of going to high school, it was a free-for-all in the halls. And ultimately girls could wear pants and boys could wear jeans, but that was just before I graduated. Oh, the wars we fought back then, remember when skirts couldn't be above the knee? Probably not.

The junior high kids moved classrooms every period. Whereas we in the second grade were in Ms. Kamph's room almost all the time. But when we left, if it was between junior high periods, the halls would be full and we'd get pushed around like bowling pins, but we didn't care, we enjoyed it, we were hanging with the big kids, remember when junior high students were sophisticated? Oh yeah, back then there was no "middle school." And junior high was just two years. But...

I was trying to remember if we had lockers. But now I realize we did not, those were for the junior high students. We hung our jackets in the room. And this was when the men started being separated from the boys. As in the smart from the less intelligent, or motivated. Remember SRA? Once again, probably not. It stood for "Stanford Research..." was it "Associates," I don't remember. But it came in a big box. which you opened and got cards, with questions you answered, and then checked your answers on these other little cards and then filled in a graph with your results. You felt good if you didn't get any wrong. Yes, even at this young age they were undercutting our creativity, our originality, making us conform. We believed if we got good grades and obeyed, everything would work out. Ain't that a laugh.

So the first thing I remember about second grade, other than Miss Kamph herself, was the hurricane. It was the fall, school was open, we all went, and then it was closed, they sent us home. And this was back in the era where you walked to school, your parents neither dropped you off or picked you up. I lived about a ten minute walk away. So I put on my jacket and endured the weather on my walk home. My sisters were at Fairfield Woods too, but we did not congregate, we all went home independently. Where we looked out the window and waited for the end of the world, but there was just wind and rain. Furthermore, they sent us home too late to watch cartoons, so it was kind of a botched day.

But then came the election.

I was for Kennedy, because my parents were for Kennedy, they were big Democrats. I never had to do the switch in college, realize my parents had their political heads up their rear ends and switch sides from their party, the Republicans, to the Democrats. And oh yeah, when I went to college everybody was a Democrat. The Vietnam War was still going on. the Establishment was the enemy. You could literally name the Republicans on campus. To this day I still cannot understand how someone can be a Republican. Then again, this was in the era of Rockefeller Republicans. Those don't exist anymore.

So, I watched the black and white TV with my mom. The results. I never went to bed early, maybe because my mother never did herself. And she slept in until ten every day. But there did come a point when I was sent upstairs, probably 8:30 or 9. Oh, that's another thing, we used to rank on those who had to go to bed early, who could watch Claude Kirchner but then had to call it quits, who couldn't even watch network television, which started at 7:30 back then.

So I went to bed convinced Kennedy had won. I was sure of it, I remember my mother telling me so. And needless to say, my mother wasn't awake when we left for school, she never served us breakfast, but occasionally my father bought us doughnuts. And I'm hanging outside the classroom, at 8:30 in the morning, the junior high kids started at 8, they were already in class. And remember when you lined up outside and waited for the teacher to unlock the door? I do. And, of course we're talking about the election. And one of my classmates says Nixon won. And I'm arguing with him.

So I ask Miss Kamph. She seems to come down on the side of Nixon. And now I'm totally confused. My mother was hip, she was with it, she couldn't have it wrong, no way. But as the day ensued, the word spread, that Kennedy had won, I don't know how we ultimately found out, someone in the administration must have listened to the radio and conveyed the information.

But I was too young to be concerned about shenanigans in Chicago. Or to even know that Kennedy's dad was a bootlegger. Or maybe he wasn't. They're still arguing about it. And since it's in the past, we'll never learn the truth.

But JFK was a revelation. He was old, but he was young. Remember when your parents used to call people in their late thirties and forties "young," we always used to argue with them, now we know they're right.

And Kennedy represented the youth, a break with the status quo, he was a new man for a new decade and it was gonna be all roses and champagne until...

The Cuban Missile Crisis.

I remember that. The pictures on the front page of the "New York Times." The missiles on the decks of Russian ships, covered up, but everybody knew what they were.

And by second grade I don't think we did air raid drills anymore, for nuclear wars, where you got under your desk, but we were totally aware that a bomb could end life as we knew it. Although I do remember being confused as to the difference between an "A"-bomb and an "H"-bomb, I looked it up on the internet a few years back, I forgot what I learned.

So I was scared life was gonna end. But my mother said if they dropped the bomb we'd all die and not to worry about it. But Kennedy turned around the ships and then...

Well, there were the rocket launches. The space race was a big deal.

And Jackie was on TV giving tours of the White House on Sunday nights, how she redecorated it.

But what was truly memorable was Inauguration Day, obviously January 20th. It was a snow day, so we were all home. Otherwise I wouldn't have seen it, there were no TVs in classrooms at that point. And for some reason my mother was watching it upstairs on the little black and white in her bedroom, and I sat on the bed and watched too, as I stared out the window at the cold and the snow. And I remember Robert Frost speaking, although he looked so old, and almost like Nikita Khrushchev, and all the adults could not get over Kennedy not wearing a hat. And soon thereafter, no one did. My father stopped, whereas before that he and all his compatriots did.

I can talk about other elections. Like in '72, when I turned on the TV and it was already over, even though it was barely after 7 on the east coast.

And there was the exuberance of '92, with Clinton's initial victory.

And there was the defeat of Kerry, we were dumbfounded.

But back in 1960, things were different. Kennedy represented the future, he represented hope. The American Dream was still alive. There was no income inequality (even though there was a good deal of poverty, although in high school we raised money to eradicate it, it was one of Johnson's big crusades), we were all in it together. Everybody I knew was middle class, although some had Cadillacs and some had Pontiacs, or Fords. But few had old cars, you see the cars didn't last that long, a new one every two or three years was de rigueur. But they all looked different, in many cases futuristic. And we thought we were jetting into a better world.

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The Count

I'm numb.

How could the polls get it so wrong?

The only silver lining is 2018. If you remember, it was bleak for Democrats on election night, but over the ensuing days the results changed in many races and the outcome was ultimately much more positive.

It was not supposed to go down this way. The traditional Democrats gamed the system, installed Biden, and they even convinced us everything was copacetic, but come on, there was a giant enthusiasm gap. Old Joe was phenomenal yesterday, even better than Obama, but it was too late, it was always too late, it's still too late.

Once again, Democrats were optimistic. They felt they had this one. They ignored the prognostications of those crying "authoritarianism" like Sarah Kendzior and Umair Haque. Those two didn't even get mainstream traction, even though they were the canaries in the coal mine. Their opinions were too outside.

But now we are here.

I'm not going to predict or even envision what happens if Trump ultimately wins, however...

Everything they told us was wrong. Lindsey Graham was on the bubble, he was losing in the dollar race, yet he walked to victory.

And Florida, and Texas, turned out they were not in play. All those upstart Democrats, who were going to eviscerate the status quo? They fell by the wayside.

And even Lauren Boebert is gonna win.

Here's the truth folks. The red hate the blue. Too many bluish people don't truly know red people. I'm not talking about the person in your neighborhood, I'm not talking about your circle of friends, I'm talking about those in the Deep South, those in the rural areas, the hinterlands. It's not just a difference of opinion, it's worse than the Hatfields and McCoys. I was on the phone with a legendary country musician. I asked him about politics...he didn't want to go there. But when he danced around it, talking about the was scary.

But the 2018 comeback was all local. Whereas we live in a country made up of states. Can a Californian convince a Texan to go blue? Hell no, Texas and its enablers have been denigrating the Golden State for years, talking about taxes and hindrances to business. But isn't Silicon Valley in California? It's just like Trump denigrating New York, you'd expect lawlessness in Manhattan. As a matter of fact, that's how many red staters see the blue states. Socialist where the upstarts are coddled as opposed to put down, and nothing puts you down like a gun.

So, why did they vote Trump, in addition to their hatred of the Democrats?

FREEDOM! They don't want people to tell them what to do. Don't talk to me about voting against their own interests, don't talk to me about abortion rights, what they're interested in is being able to be whoever they want to be with no infringement. The right owns "freedom" just like it owns "taxes."

It's a dirty word. The government wastes your hard-earned money. And just like the Democrats let the right define Hillary, they've let the right define taxes. Never mind it being your civic duty, we do have roads we drive on, so many services that taxes pay for. And, as far as that canard that the poor don't pay any taxes, they pay them all day long, because they spend their wages, and go to the grocery store, buy anything, even on Amazon, and there are taxes.

Meanwhile Trump lies and even Jack Nicklaus believes it. He says that his Covid was cured by hydroxychloroquine and that hospitals get paid more for Covid deaths, look it up:

Trump controls the news cycle. So what he says has impact. As for facts, as for truth, they went out the window years ago. It's every person for themselves in America, and therefore lying, cheating and stealing is cool, unless you get caught, even in some cases if you get caught, like Roger Stone.

So it didn't seem like Election Day. They were so busy telling us to wait days for results that we didn't expect any. And then I looked at my phone in the late afternoon and they were already calling states. HOW CAN THIS BE?

But it gets worse, everybody's got a different take. "The New York Times" is calling states blue that TV is calling red. As for TV, CNN's coverage is so superior it's laughable, John King deserves an Emmy for tonight's performance with the electric maps. The way he keeps drilling down, comparing to four years ago, updating the count, playing out scenarios... On MSNBC we just get spin. As for Fox...a terrible set with no energy.

So what we know now is Trump is not going to concede, no way. He told us so, but now we've got to believe it.

One thing's for damn sure, this election is gonna be close. As for counting all the ballots, verifying signatures on mail-in ballots... Supposedly very few have been rejected already: but on recount??

Let the games begin, let the arguments begin.

Naysayers were not listened to. Not only Kendzior and Haque, but even Bill Maher. For years he's been sounding the alarm, saying Trump won't leave, and the Democrats' answer? HE'LL HAVE TO! As if possession were not nine-tenths of the law, in this case possession of the White House.

So, it turned out the national media, the elites, were not in touch with the pulse of the people. Sure, Facebook is a bad actor, spreading falsehoods, but that's another thing the Democrats don't understand, THERE ARE NO UNDECIDED VOTERS! Nothing Trump says can sway his minions, can push them away from him. Even if only truth was told Trump still would have gotten their vote.

So, four years ago, after Hillary's defeat, the left and the media did a big self-investigation. Nate Silver did an exhaustive mea culpa, but this time around he said that Biden had a 90% chance of winning. As for those margins? They disappeared into thin air, they never really existed.

Philadelphia has stopped counting mail-in ballots for the night: So we're not going to get a result tonight, Pennsylvania is truly the Keystone State.

And Trump could win and it will be all over. Or we could argue about it for eons, but the Democrats always concede, for the good of the country. As for riots in the street? I don't expect them, certainly not soon. The Democrats are not fired-up, they're not angry, they're stupefied, and too busy licking their wounds.

Biden could still emerge victorious. There's a good chance of it.

But we do not live in the country we've been told we do, no way. The media is in such a bubble that it can't see reality. Which is that a whole slew of people are pissed the country didn't go their way. Talk about international trade, talk about immigration, talk about minorities... And, they need something to believe in, in this case nationalism. Yes, you can rally around the flag, even in Sturgis, and that can be enough to live on as your parents die of the Covid-19 you brought back from South Dakota and you get evicted from your domicile. You've still got your freedom, you've still got your gun to defend yourself, even though today's wars are fought on computers, and even if you're dumb and uneducated, you showed those people who thought they were better than you that ultimately they were not.

Dark days ahead. We've turned the corner on Covid-19, we're on the verge of herd immunity and Scott Atlas knows more than Dr. Fauci!

And the truth is the bluish elite threw over civics decades ago, it was too busy getting rich, elbowing everybody else out, however hard they worked for the money. You just can't do the right thing every four years, money can't solve all problems, especially when it comes to hearts and minds.

So now, we're like Eastern Europe. Azerbaijan and the Armenians are in a death duel. We can't solve our country's problems in a day, never mind a year or a decade, they're baked in!

So, if you're on the right, if you're a Trumper, congratulations, you've got a better of idea of where this country is at than everybody in the media. And if Biden wins, you won't take it lying down, you'll take to the streets.

And the Democrats will be afraid.

Very afraid.

It's nighttime in America. I'm afraid to go to sleep because I'm afraid to wake up and get the results.

It's not the America I grew up in. Hasn't been for decades. Income inequality, the opioid war... Reagan legitimized greed, and both parties drank at the trough. Clinton caved in to the right and cut welfare benefits. And Gore conceded after Roger Stone's Brooks Brothers revolution and today, a president can even legitimize his followers shooting people and surrounding a Biden bus, scaring those involved to the point that rallies are canceled. After all, there are good people on both sides.

Check that, turns out there are only good people on one side. THEIRS!

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Monday, 2 November 2020

Yearly Number Ones-1981-2000-SiriusXM This Week



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The Queen's Gambit

I thought it was real.

I know, I know, that's ridiculous, but otherwise why make a movie about a female chess prodigy with such a harrowed background?

I've got no time for chess.

We all started with checkers, had no idea what the back of the board was all about until the backgammon craze of the mid-seventies, but that's seemed to die out.

But chess has always remained.

It was something you learned to play at maybe ten, give or take a year or two. You were taught the rules, you played a few times to remember them, and either you were hooked or you were not.

I was not. I don't have the patience for it.

Which made me think what I do have the patience for... I guess we all have our interests, playing chess is not one of mine.

But I did follow it. Bobby Fischer vs. Boris Spassky was a big deal back in '72, and this was when people still aligned Fischer with his Jewishness, which he ended up renouncing, and more.

But there were so many draws.

And unlike in the film, major chess matches were so long and boring, the time between moves, ugh.

But then we had Garry Kasparov, the best ex-chess champion, standing up for truth, justice and what we used to call the American Way, in Tom Petty, he won't back down.

But was I paying attention to chess in the mid to late sixties?

No. I thought maybe there was a female champion. It was possible. And watching the series I figured she O.D.'ed, or died in a car crash or something, and that's why I never heard of her.

But in the final credits I read "The Queen's Gambit" was based on a novel, so that scotched my belief, and also made me re-evaluate the series a bit, but I did enjoy it, it did maintain my attention, I did not find myself talking through it, I felt like I went down the rabbit hole into someone else's story, and in an era where we're all thinking about ourselves and our futures, it was a good respite.

It was the cinematography. Honestly, those days were not really that good. And if you lived through them, it's hard to see them as period nostalgia. It's one thing to put the fifties in a box, but the sixties were an explosive time when anything went.

So there were a few clinkers, like the push-button phone. I don't know anybody who had one of those in the sixties. But one must say the cars were fantastic, they did their best to get that right.

So, the pills/the tranquilizers. Hmm... I know...

Oh, here's the spoiler alert. If you're gonna watch the series and haven't yet, stop reading here. Or continue if you want this to be like a typical film/TV review, where they tell you most of what happens, where the trailer hits all the high points. Not that I'm going to be exhaustive, but I do want to discuss some of the plot points.

Like the aforementioned pills. How did she keep getting them in Kentucky, had she really bought that many in Mexico? So, they gave her insight and their only need was as a plot device to illustrate at the end she didn't need them?

There were so many significant elements that were brushed over, but I thought this was a biopic and it was permitted, but since it was fiction, I felt we needed a bit more explaining.

Like Mr. Wheatley. Exactly why did he leave Alma? Was there another woman or not?

And what exactly was up with Beth's mother and father, were they ever together, was he two-timing his wife or..?

And then the twist that the mother had been rich?

These were all significant points, but they were not fleshed out.

Never mind Townes and the homosexuality... There were so many plot points, maybe some could have been excised or the series could have been longer to make what happened more believable.

And exactly why was Beth so strange? So nonverbal at times? And what was her view on sex, etc.

Maybe the series hewed too closely to the book, they tried to cram too much into it.

But despite all the above, I very much enjoyed "The Queen's Gambit," and I recommend it.

Maybe because there are so many lessons, maybe because it has you questioning your own upbringing and choices.

Like do you obey authority. This was a big issue in the mid to late sixties, questioning authority. Which kind of has me wondering about the Trump folk, he says it, they believe it, why? I certainly don't accept and believe everything out of Biden's mouth, and it has nothing to do with the man, just that you've got to keep all politicians at a distance.

And the music! When the TV showed "Hullabaloo" and there were the Vogues, singing "You're the One"... They were just a brief moment of time on the radio, I never really thought I liked that track, but I loved hearing it in this series. It made me go to Wikipedia, to look the act up. They predated the Beatles, they were a vocal group when that was still a thing. And Drew Carey resuscitated "Five O'Clock World," but still one cannot explain how great it was to hear that track on the radio.

Back when you sang along.

And "Along Comes Mary," with the drug reference front and center!

When that track came out, we thought the Association was a cutting edge group testing limits. Little did we know they'd ultimately be seen as a lightweight pop act, maybe unjustifiably. But that intro, it encapsulates the west coast, paisley, sky's the limit ethos. And it's funny with these cuts how they bring back a specific listening experience, in this case driving with my mother and sister to visit my mom's parents in Massachusetts.

And "Classical Gas"...

At first I thought it was a soundalike, but when I realized it was the real thing, I smiled. We pooh-poohed some instrumentals, but we always liked "Classical Gas," and Mason Williams worked on the "Smothers Brothers" show, back when the talent tested the limits of the execs and that was a big thing because there were only three channels.

And being scorned in high school, wanting to fit in and ultimately realizing you don't want to.

And intelligence/genius coming with a cost. Beth ultimately fit in nowhere, except with her chess peers, who were all damaged in their own way. Chess players are depicted in this series like poker players, who knew you could make such a good living, then again maybe it was just the best who cashed in.

And Beltik losing his passion for the game. This'll surprise you. Or surprise those around you. You do something every day for years and then you don't want to do it anymore, possibly forever. Sure, it's legendary with swimmers, talk about a thankless, isolationist sport, but even with high profile endeavors, they consume your life and then you realize you've got no life. Even worse, you find out nothing can replace your old passion.

And is ordinary life better? Is it more fulfilling to be surrounded by coworkers at a supermarket than to be lionized, yet alone.

And you've got rock star behavior. People at home are salivating for recognition, and Beth punts on "The Tonight Show." These geniuses are different from us. Sure, we'd cope if we had their success, but we don't.

But the feel, that was the genius element!

It really felt like the pre-internet sixties, without even answering machines. If you weren't home when someone called, you missed it. If you regretted something you said or did and wanted to call the other person immediately on their smartphone, you could not, you just sat at home alone, or paced the floor with your thoughts.

And travel was exotic and most people could not afford it.

And it's your relationships that will get you through, you're nowhere without them.

And, as great as you think you are, you can't make it without the help of others.

And some of us are just destined to live unfulfilling lives. You grow up with such hopes, and then you have a few defeats and you just can't get the gumption up anymore, no one is paying attention, you're already over the hill. After high school it's up to you to make something of yourself.

And Jolene did. But the squash was a bit much. That was truly an elite sport back then. Really, still is.

So, you're engrossed with the images and the story and this is not the world you want Trump to bring us back to, but you are entranced by the innocence, thinking back to what you were doing at the time.

Yes, I was alive and conscious in '66. Even though watching this series that seems amazing. I had parents, but there were limits, I had hopes and desires, I had to keep them to myself for fear of them being quashed. Hell, I think I had to move to California before I could truly be myself, truly be free. Then again, today everybody is so intertwined you cannot escape judgment unless you refrain from going online, which is an impossibility, even doctors text appointments these days.

So, we've got an educational system that wants to drain your creativity, make you conform. Money is the holy grail. Who you are, your individual choices, are pooh-poohed. Either you're a winner trying to keep the others down, or you're a resentful member of the underclass, and the twain shall not meet, whereas they did in the sixties. But, watching this series it made me think of parents who told us they walked six miles through the snow to school. We had it harder back then. Having a car to drive yourself to school was a rarity, now it's de rigueur, youngsters cannot understand how we lived, even though it seemed so present, so up to date back in the sixties.

And sure, "The Queen's Gambit" is about the triumph of women.

Then again, Alma is suppressed, and ends up being enveloped by alcohol.

And realizing you're just not good enough, like Benny, that's a hard thing to swallow.

So, "The Queen's Gambit" takes you on a journey, removes you from everyday life, and that's enough, but there's so much more.

There are the vagaries of life, how stuff happens that you cannot anticipate, that deliver roadblocks, and also, occasionally opportunities. And how one person can be such a significant influence upon your life, even though you don't foresee it.

And how you only get one life, and you get to choose how to live it, or else you let it happen to you, which sometimes isn't fulfilling.

There used to be movies like "The Queen's Gambit." But they never grossed as much as the high concept fare with superheroes and special effects, so they stopped being made, they moved to television, as streaming series. But they're even better on television, because the creators can go deeper, tell more. Like I said above, I wanted to know so much more about the lives and motivations of some of the characters.

Here's hoping you've got a Mr. Shaibel in your life, who nurtures your dream.

Here's hoping you give officiants like Mrs. Deardorff the middle finger.

Here's praying that you've been taught to keep your eyes open and make your own life, that you're not beholden to others' expectations, that you can be the real you.

That was the message in the sixties.

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