Wednesday 12 June 2024

The Biden Freeze Video

"President Biden Stupefied During Juneteenth Party... Others Dance, Joe Watches":

This is why the Democrats are screwed, like the major labels, they still think we're living in the twentieth century, in the pre-internet era.
Did you see that article in "Billboard"?

"A new survey conducted by MIDia Research and Amuse found that only 6% of artists are interested in signing with a major label.

"Connecting to listeners, not making money or signing to a major label, is the most important aspect of success for a musician..."

From: "Artists Want Help Breaking Through the Noise - - Just Not From Major Labels, Survey Finds":

The Democrats believe what happens in the three major newspapers counts, what happens on broadcast and cable TV, when the younger generations, from Gen-Z down, all live online. And a lot of their elders do too.

I wasn't looking for this clip. I came across it on Twitter. At first I thought it was one of the endless right wing tropes that would not echo outside the community. But then I decided to Google it, and it was EVERYWHERE!

In other words, you will not be able to avoid it. And try explaining it away. Good luck. You can't.

So if you're an under forty voter, an under FIFTY voter, you see this and ask in the hell can we elect an 81 year old President?

There's a good chance we can't.

Meanwhile, all the soft-hearted liberals on the left, the Boomers especially, believe if people from the tribe just stop criticizing Biden and his age the problem will go away.

I just came back from my college reunion, and all those people are ten years younger than Biden. And their mind-set wasn't active, but retired. This is the nature of life, it ends. But not in the minds of Biden or the Democratic Party, for them the road goes on forever, but even musicians can't do it at some point. As for you pointing out that Paul McCartney is the same age as Biden, have you heard him sing recently? When he's alone, sans his exquisite backup group filling in the holes, it's positively execrable, you wince. As for Bob Dylan... I won't go anymore, his voice is a croak, never mind that he rearranges the songs.

But we're told by believers to...still believe. As if sheer will will change reality. This is no different from the religious right believing that prayer will solve all their problems. Can't anybody live in reality?

So let's say you're not sure who to vote for, the very few who will decide this election. You see this video and ask yourself... Is this guy up to the job? And if he dies in office do we want Kamala Harris?

Nobody wants Kamala Harris, which is why she did so poorly in the primaries four years ago. But we keep being told that dropping her now would alienate women and people of color. Says who? And where are they gonna go, to Donald Trump?

Can't anybody live in reality, see what's right in front of their eyes?

This story is building as I write this. To tell you the truth, I thought it was a joke, a wax figure of Biden, he was that immovable. But ultimately he did move and that's when my heart sank and I got angry. Is this what it's come to? Is this the world we live in? Where reality and truth are completely out the window?

The Democrats should go to Biden like the Republicans went to Nixon and tell him he's got to go, leave him no option, tell him they're going to replace him at the convention, that he needs to step down from the race for the good of the country. Oh, he can say for the good of his family, in the wake of his son's conviction. Hell, J.Lo used the excuse to cancel her tour, Biden can use it to cancel his run.

Everybody's online, especially the younger generations. And what do the older generations who won't let go of the strings say? GET OFF THE PHONE!

Like that is going to work. Why don't you tell them to stop having sex while you're at it. Like I'm going to lay down my connection to the world to satisfy some ancient Boomers who are out of touch with the world.

This is an utter disaster. You who spend no time surfing might think that it won't have much impact, that it will fade away, but it's going to change hearts and minds of voters throughout our nation, who just can't fathom voting for a man whose life is being snuffed out.

Oh, don't try to defend Biden. By pointing at how he's run the country. That his mind still works. No one is buying it.

As for Trump... He's not stiff like this. He may be fading too, if you're online you've seen the story of his speech about sharks and electric boats and... Just because one guy is delusional and fading does not mean we too should follow the same path.

This was bound to happen. The Democrats had their fingers crossed that they could make it to Election Day without an event like this. Thank god it happened this soon, with time to scramble and replace Biden.

Get Biden to agree to step down, cancel the debate, get a new candidate or... Risk losing not only the election, but the entire country, i.e. democracy.

Turns out Trump hatred is not enough. Not when you're running with your arms by your side.

This story will impact and never disappear. And lord only knows how the Republicans will make hay. All I can say to the Democrats is, WAKE UP!

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