Tuesday 14 May 2013

Digging The Hole Deeper

My inbox is inundated with e-mail accusing me of being a racist.

That may be so, I'll let you decide.

But, I've decided to now send the part of the article I cut out, fearful of the right wing backlash (but having removed it, I'm now accused of being one of them!)

Yup, get enough negative feedback and you get gun-shy. I try not to be, but...this is the original ending of the article "The Bank."

Judge away!

That's what Beverly Hills has turned into. That's what all our metropolitan areas have turned into. A repository for rich foreigners who find life better here. They're squeezing out the rest of us. Hell, there's a whole region in London that's essentially empty, it's where the sheiks have second or third or fourth homes, no regular Londoner can afford one.

And before you accuse me of xenophobia, my point is an economic one. Live and let live, I say. But how did we get to the point where Americans are on the bottom and everybody else is on top? Yup, the Brooklyn Nets are owned by a Russian!

Not that there aren't rich Americans... But they don't seem to go to the bank, we don't see them anywhere but the news. They fly private, live behind gates, contacting them is a military operation.

And it didn't used to be this way.

Used to be we were all in it together. Now society is segmented. And to get from one segment to another is nearly impossible.

Meanwhile, you drive on roads that are full of potholes and everybody rails against the government, declaring it incompetent, a sucker of their money.

And I'm stuck in the middle with you.

"A Slice of London So Exclusive Even the Owners Are Visitors": http://nyti.ms/10ulnIc

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