Sunday 10 April 2016

More Springsteen/North Carolina

Simple point. If Bruce had played and donated the money to help the cause of equality, you wouldn't have all these people talking about it.

It's caused a media storm and I know that other artist are paying attention. And music fans around the country are talking about it.

By canceling, he got a lot of people's attention. Another charity event would have been a snore. Brilliant move in my view.

Chip Latham


1. LGBT are less than 5% of the population. A very noisy minority.
2. Opposition does not necessarily equate to "hate".
3. What about the great majority of folks...girls and women who would be very uncomfortable with men showing up in the ladies' rooms.
4. The problem would not be the LBGT population. It would be with the 'bad actors' who would barge into the ladies' rooms and misbehave.
and you know they will show up -- denial is a river in Egypt.
5. Whatever happened to millenia-old common-sense, Bob??!?
6. I'm SOOO tired of this sh*t!!!


1995: We want Tolerance

2005: We want equality

2015: Bake the f****** cake, bigot!

Keep on writing...Steve Zweig


We are not dealing with "normal" when it comes to Bruce Springsteen.
I saw Bruce in Dallas this past Tuesday evening with my wife Leslie.
Bruce walked on stage gingerly, a little stiff, wearing his sixty six years.
As the show progressed, Bruce got looser, younger. By the time he reached the middle of The River, he was moving like a very fit forty something Jock/Rocker. His singing getting stronger not weaker.
As he launched into his third hour on stage, somewhere around "Born To Run" he had transformed himself into a joyful, twenty something guitar slinger/story teller with nothing to lose and everything to gain. Benjamin Button with a Tele.

His show cancellation in North Carolina is Bruce operating on an even higher wavelength. An empathetic show of solidarity with the "outsiders".
Springsteen is putting his money where his mouth is. The E Street band backin' up the Boss. Not just talking the talk but marching the march. Telling his truth. The Republicans can't shut him up. Hell, neither can the Democrats. Nor can any Corporate puppet masters.
Bruce remains a terminal dreamer with nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Lucky for us true believers in the power of a Timeless Artist's ability to change the world for the better.

Bob DiPiero

Nashville Tennessee USA


I can't believe all the fucking idiots that are for anyone who identifies as a female what is a fucking now and going to the bathroom where my daughter is. Did you see the abuse a sick individual could entertain? That WILL happen somewhere as a result of this insane social justice warrior bullshit.

Sean Mormelo


If he's The Boss, I quit.

Schylar Shoates


I'm not sure what was funnier: the person who called Obama a socialist (he is such a centrist) or the person who saw this as another sign that Jesus was on his way (was he talking about the gardener?).

Bruce (another Bruce) Geenberg


Wow I can't believe the wing nuts who disagree with Bruce

Oh there's a reason the Rednecks live in Red States

What a bunch of idiots.

Bruce couldn't have said it any better than he did.

NC can't take the criticism.

Thanks for showing both sides of the replies. As disappointing as some of them were.

Kevin Sutter


I agree an earlier cancellation would have been more appropriate. But to those who say his playing the date would have some greater effect on the situation I have to ask how that would have worked? He got headlines in the print newspapers and the bottom crawl on cableTV news stations by canceling. Who would have noticed if he had preached to the choir at his NC show? Well, maybe some people would have booed him in NC if he spoke on the stage about the law. Not all BS fans, especially in the South share his politics. Well, OK that would have made news, and that might have been an even better result. But that's a maybe, we don't know that's what would have happened. My point is, he did something, and made sure it was something that would damn well be noticed. Some fans were inconvenienced? Well, that's how demonstrations of principle often work. Will he lose fans, or disgruntle some? Well, it's called spending political capital. Putting it where your mouth is. The perfect move? No,
but I'm glad, and proud, that he made one.

Joe Lee Henderson


looks like it's time to clean up your mailing list.

there seems to be a fair share of hate-mongering idiots that don't understand what the word 'commitment' means.

Bruce did make a commitment, he's committed to NOT letting this country slip back into the racist, homophobic, myopic, xenophobic state it was embracing when he was young.

perhaps these so called fans need to actually read his lyrics before spewing such vitriol. it costs almost a million dollars a day to keep the likes of the stones, U2 and Springsteen in the road.

trust me, he can't 'afford' it.

the cancellation's effect on the media has more impact than a speech at the show, had he not cancelled.

how do we know this? look at those emails and the ones you didn't bother to copy and paste.




This overall issue is so simple
To fix. Mandatory Unisex bathrooms.
If you had a problem with your
11 year old girl going to the bathroom with a transgender
Man who is now a woman ....
And as we know ... That doesn't
Mean that person isn't still into
Girls ... Well ... Problem solved.
We all go to the bathroom together !!!! Nothing you can
Complain about now.
I like it!!!!

Steve Lindsey


Hey Chris Branson, FU, news flash: principals mean more then money!

Thank You Bruce.

Brian Allman


To anyone who says Springsteen is only screwing over his fans, well; maybe now those fans will take a good hard look at their elected government officials and make some changes. It's a democracy after all, isn't it? No Bruce for you, North Carolina.

It's funny how so many young pop stars view the LGBT community as nothing more than a moneymaking demographic while an old school guy like Springsteen is willing to actually throw away money to take a stand on their behalf.

Are any of the young, hot pop tours going to cancel their summer stops in North Carolina? Doubtful.

Will they tweet up a storm and use a rainbow Facebook filter on their profile pic and grandstand to a huge market? You fucking bet.

That's why pop stars today don't say a damn thing worth listening to.

This isn't the same scenario we just saw where the film/tv industry stood up to a similar anti-LGBT bill in Georgia and won, but it's close. And it would be nice to see more young musicians standing up to this kind of oppression with action instead of mindless, transparent blather on social media.

Rob Hoffman


Thank you Bob.

You have a lot of courage.

Ray Foley


PUNISHING HIS FANS? Damn. Got some real rednecks on your list.

Rob Meurer

Wow. Well you can't say that money isn't the motivator in America can you?! To all of the people whining about the NC fans being put out by the cancelled show...maybe all of those poor NC fans should use the time that they would have spent BEING ENTERTAINED to pick up the phone and pressure their local NC politicians to help out the NC people who are LOSING THEIR RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS!

See those two phrases in all caps? Does one seem more important than the other?!


Carry on Bob!
Chris Mann


I respect Bruce for taking a stand on this awful bill, now law, in North Carolina. This is someone who brought attention to discrimination against those with AIDS more than 20 years ago in the movie Philadelphia. And, by the way, this law is more than about bathrooms. It overturns laws passed by cities like Charlotte which insured workplace protection for LGBT people.

Chris Adams


"ThankGod for North Carolina & Springsteen is Disgusting
More Signs of Jesus Coming. He will NOT be in HEAVEN

Sidelle "

How you going to know who's in heaven and who's not you judgmental bitch.

My Best

Roger Alan Nichols


People are just plain fucking stupid. So they say he should have done the show, so the fans would get to hear him - well if the residents of North Carolina don't vote these FUCKS out of Office, then they deserve what the fuck they get. You won't catch my tired ass there, ever, again.

Hank Arnold


How ironic is it that 30 years hence the U.S. has its own Sun City? Lest we forget...

Little Steven's SunCity Video:

Peter Kohan


......tuff call....toby mamis has the right response........

Tommy Allen


If Bruce Springsteen ain't in heaven, I ain't going!!!

Buffy Visick


"ThankGod for North Carolina & Springsteen is Disgusting
More Signs of Jesus Coming. He will NOT be in HEAVEN


It would be good to see Bruce in concert but it would be awesome to see Jesus in concert. I wonder who is in his band?

I guess Jesus won't be in heaven because he'll be too busy playing concerts here.

Donnie Gossett


Like Mississippi's "religious freedom" law, NC's "Bathroom Privacy" law is a civil rights issue. Period. If you don't get that, I can't reach you. Yeah, Springsteen could've cancelled earlier blah blah blah. But it's never too late to do the right thing.


Bruce McDonald


Rule #1. of showbiz

"The show must go on!"

Phin Daly
Marathon Music Mgmt. LLC


"Is this about that thing where people want men to be able to go into the bathroom with my daughter." Why is it always some ignoramus who doesn't understand either the issue at hand or even how to use basic punctuation who feels the need to spout off? I hope Mr. Cole Hartman eventually figures out that this is a law that would force his daughter to show a police officer her genitals at the request of any confused bystander and prevents off-gender parents from escorting their own children in public bathrooms. I wonder though, what the Boss is gonna do about Georgia and Mississippi. In Indiana, we forced the governor to amend a so-called "religious freedom" bill without any help from Mr. Springsteen, but I'm not gonna second guess his decision. Maybe he coulda handled it better, certainly he'll lose money and maybe even some fans , but just as certainly he's raising awareness, which is never a bad thing.

Mojo Bone


Isn't it wonderful how The Dixie Chicks have been proven so right. Ashamed? That word isn't strong enough. But another word that describes the results of George Bush's lies and betrayal of American ideals, democracy and the Constitution is: genocide.
If there was ever a case for War Crimes it should be directed at Bush, Dick Cheney, and each and every one of the
cabinet who stood idly by while their lies saw over over a million innocent people die, millions more be displaced and today we are still witnessing the legacy of that crime. The Dixie Chicks paid dearly for their voice but they will go to their graves with clear consciences and the knowledge that no one died on their watch.

John Brower


I love the racist guy (who doesn't think he's racist) writing about black people destroying their own businesses to prove a point - even though they are white-owned and don't hire blacks from the neighborhood. That guy was probably from my white, upper middle class town. Funny how "liberal" has become synonymous with "educated"...

Robal Johnson


Bruce made a loud statement showing how he feels about hate and any bias.

I am a fan and disappointed but totally respect him for this.

Elliot Mazer


Well you got an artist who spoke up night before last in Brooklyn that's for sure!

Kenny Lee Lewis
Steve Miller Band


You know what it will take to make Bruce's action matter: unity in the community. As in the 60s there were certain leaders who stood up to the "man" (be it government or college authority, and beyond) and then the young generation at the time stood with them, This happened with the Vietnam war until mothers of the sons protesting joined in - then it made a difference. This is not about Bruce - this is about how now every artist needs to stand with Bruce and refuse to play in NC or any state with such laws. If bigger entities stepped in like Live Nation and other broadcast networks and the NCAA and NFL maybe THEN you would have a cause that would have an effect. Otherwise, Bruce cancelled a concert - and stands alone as a rebel (without a cause).

Wallace Collins


Love Bruce. Despise our embarrassment of a general assembly. They don't represent what most educated and well travelled North Carolinians believe.

I hope the nba all star game moves as well until this state shows some progress.

Hal Kempson
CBRE Capital Markets
Debt and Structured Finance


To those who say that Bruce should have played the gig and (donated/spoke up/etc.) To me, the point is that the fans shouldn't be pissed off at Bruce – the fans, the community, the city, the state…they let this happen and they need to know there are consequences to that passivity. Donating a few bucks to a cause only reinforces that passivity – it doesn't change minds. All that does, for the majority of people, is let them feel like they "did" something – when the thing that needs to be done, is speak out and make change. In my opinion, that happens when people get mad enough to change their world. Bravo, Bruce for taking a stand and letting the folks in Greensboro know that they must be responsible for their community and its actions.

- erika wollam nichols/Nashville, TN


Here's what amazes me: The number of ignorant crazed Jesus-is-coming-to-getcha assholes reading your letter is astonishing.

Wally Wilson


Re Bruce. Casual Bruce fan here, but some times he falls off his high horse. It's easy to be egalitarian when you got a couple 100 Mill in the bank. Would he have done this 'back in the day' when he was trying to survive? Maybe. Last time i saw him he spent entirely too much time on politics. As someone once said, "Shut up and sing." I came for the music, not for the politics.

Jim Anderson, Denver.


Bruce doesn't need the money, but does need the publicity. Love Bruce, but he's a 'Limousine Liberal' who could call attention to this and other civil rights issues in advance of these debacles, rather than grandstanding after the fact. He hasn't hurt anyone except his fans in NC who were no doubt looking forward to a respite from their increasingly frightening environment. Lead Bruce, don't follow, buddy.

Gerald Peirine


Not sure what the correct action on Bruce's part should have been to voice his personal opinion concerning the NC law.

Back in the past, artists didn't refuse to play in the U.S. because of objections to Vietnam. They used their stardom and influence to confront the issues head on throughout the homelands and it worked.

There is a side that can appraise his actions as nothing more than an aging performer using PR on a contentious topic to stay relevant.


P.S. After writing the last note to you, I was compelled to listening to Curtiss Mayfield's "Move On Up." (Would love for you to do a spiel on that amazing, inspirational song)

Bruce could have had a more significant impact by giving the afflicted inspiration and tapping on the conscience of the locals who allowed the law to pass.


Some of the vitriol here is alarming.
Yea, Bruce will eat. Yea, Bruce is rich...that's not the point.
Take a stand. Famous, not, poor, just take a stand.
Charles Barkley is also motioning the NBA to move the All Star game. Charles Barkley of all people.

The whole mess saddens me and some of these responses sicken me.
This is what we've become?

Big ups to Bruce...and let's go Barkley!

Keith R. Higgons


I'll ignore what so many other people have pointed out; that Springsteen really hurt no one but the fans by this stunt. I'm willing to give Bruce credit, and think he did act kindly out of respect for a cause that means something to him. I find Springsteen's preaching to be anything but endearing, but I have no doubt his convictions are sincere.

My issue lies with the fact that, like so many other thing Springsteen does, the talk focuses on him. We now have a full two mailbags talking about what Bruce Springsteen did. Perhaps he wanted people to focus on the issue: discrimination.

Just a thought. Thanks for your newsletter; always thought provoking (even when I do not agree).

Alex Speer


Unless you're a white affluent male America seems like a complete shithole to anybody else. Good on Bruce.

Thanasy Spiliotis


"ThankGod for North Carolina & Springsteen is Disgusting
More Signs of Jesus Coming. He will NOT be in HEAVEN"

Grammatically speaking, that means Jesus will not be in heaven :).

Steven Ehrlick


In response to Cole Hartman's asinine comment, he has a complete lack of understanding of the plight of transsexuals / transgenders, and this whole law is going to backfire on NC. Either that or be completely ignored.

It can be a really DANGEROUS proposition to use their natural born gender bathroom.

A typical transsexual who starts as a man and ends up a woman is generally living "her" life as a woman. She is going to be attracted to men, and chances are she's going to be relatively attractive herself, or trying damned hard to be, to the point where men will be likely fooled that she's a born woman unless they really scrutinize closely or have spent a lot of time with them.

So a Transsexual walks into a men's room in full regalia dressed up as a woman? This is either going to severely creep any guy in the bathroom out, or piss them off to the extent where it can be a real danger to use a men's room.

Since they use the stalls anyway, women in the ladies room would never be able to tell who is transsexual and who is not. Much safer.

The same situation generally applies to women who want to transform into men. Generally they are going to be attracted to women and doing their best to look, feel, act like a man.

Imagine a transsexual man (started as a man, living as a woman) at BOA stadium at a Panther's game. Goes to the men's room and sees a Bro-fest with several hundred piss drunk football fans all howling.

Within two minutes she would be getting a beat down.

That law is silly, if for nothing else, just practical reasons, and I'll be laughing my ass off when hundreds of Transgender / transsexuals start flash mobbing public bathrooms and freak the fuck out of North Carolina! You know they are going to organize and do just that. Concerts, sporting events, restaurants, high volume public places of all kinds.

- From a straight dude.

Dan Millen


I am a HUGE Bruce fan. My wife has yet to forgive me for not only waiting all day in line to score tickets released from will-call at the Sports Arena on the Tunnel Of Love tour, but then insisting that she come join me for the show when she got off work. It was less than a week before the wedding and my timing was very bad. Worth 27 years of being reminded about it because it was a really great show. And that was one of probably seven or eight Springsteen shows I saw in L.A. in the '80s. Like I said, big fan. And I get the emotion here but it was the wrong decision. And it is not just the fans who are getting hurt.

His touring crew and the band are all on salary and will get paid, but all of the other folks—from the kids staffing the concession stands to the local crew who is hired by the gig to load the show in and out of the venue lose a day of paid work. And a lot of them were counting on getting paid that day.

I live in Las Vegas and have seen first-hand how a political statement like this hurts people. When Obama made a couple of remarks about execs in financial firms that were bailed out after the meltdown going to Vegas, three big financial conventions cancelled. Wells Fargo, Lehman Brothers and State Farm. The State Farm convention alone accounted for 10,000 room nights. And lots of IATSE members got creamed. Between load-in, the actual convention and load out, the State Farm gig was an entire month of very well-paid work with tons of overtime. I personally know at least a few people who ended up in foreclosure on their homes because of losing that gig.

Although my politics are substantially to the right of Bruce's, I have long admired his backbone and willingness to stand up for causes he believes in. I remember that at all of those shows at the Sports Arena, there were folks from veterans' organizations and local food banks. And every night Bruce took time during the show to remind the assembled masses that they were there, to explain why it was important and to encourage his fans to support them.

That should have been the approach here as well. Do the show. Make it all about the crappy NC law and donate all net proceeds to groups fighting to have it repealed. It pains me to say it, but Bruce took the easy way out on this one.

Bill Evans


Really enjoyed your column and the many thoughtful comments on both sides.

I truly emphasize with the fans in NC who voted against these bigots, yet missed out on the amazing show.

But Bruce clearly did the right thing. Could he, as some suggested, have played the show and not canceled on the fans who bought tickets and even plane tickets, hotels, etc., and donated the money to LGBT groups while speaking out during the show? Sure. But had he done that, would anyone have noticed? Would he have been a top news story? A top trender on Twitter? The subject of a Lefsetz posts and all this discussion? Of course not.

By taking a stand in a forceful way, he sent a loud and clear message to other musicians that they too shouldn't play NC (or MI), a louder message to fans and businesses across the country that they should boycott the states, and the loudest message to other bigoted politicians in other states that if they try a stealth political maneuver like was done in NC, it won't go unnoticed and without consequences. None of that would have happened had he played the gig.

Of course it's easy for him -- he has all the riches any man ever knew and he can afford to be controversial. But he and the band (especially Stevie with Sun City) have been the real deal their entire careers, standing up for the disadvantaged, the hungry, and the working class heroes, using the microphone we give them to speak out.

His (and my) hero Pete Seeger long used the power of song to impact change. Good for Bruce for carrying the torch.

Richard Robbins


I was telling my BF today of Bruce cancelling...he sang out...We ain't playing Sun City anymore...struck a chord in me.. my BF brother happens to Transgender learning disbled..

Allison Hill


I'm sure there are a lot of disappointed fans in Greensboro, and that is understandable. But if you don't understand why he canceled the show, then you're probably one of those people that still think "Born In The USA" was meant to be a pro American anthem!

Daniel Angott


Live Nation is not, could not and never will be the legacy of BIll Graham anymore than anyone will ever be the legacy of John F. Kennedy. Bill Graham had a soul, which is something that does not exist at Live Nation.

John Brower


Kanye West told the world that "George Bush doesn't care about black people" after Katrina. How quickly we forget.


Steve Smith


I love Bruce but this is seriously some pussy shit. There are huge problems going on in our world. Our president is doing the tango after a huge terrorist attack. And Bruce is canceling a show in light of LGBT bathroom rights?? Give me a break.

There were probably 1000 vets that served our country that were looking forward to that show. People wonder why America is in the shitter now. It's because we have American icons acting like complete sissy nannies. Including you, Bob, for supporting him. If we're ever going to get our balls back you need to hand the country back over to red blooded Americans.

The leftist liberal movement is destroying our country. Idk maybe you do want a country with no guns, half the pop on welfare, no pledge of allegiances, woman terminating their children in the third trimester, terrorists reigning terror without being called radical because we're politically correct, and a shrinking military that can't match up to other superpowers in 5 years at this rate, but I don't. You live in a dreamworld like Springsteen. I'm a realist. This world isn't all cupcakes and unicorns.

If he wants to cancel a huge concert it should be due to the complete lack of care for our veterans. Literally thousands dying on the streets.

And he's concerned about bathroom laws for the LGBT community that frankly make many people uncomfortable. Unbelievable shit.

Good riddance, Bruce.

Will Kerlick


I'm always amazed at the backlash.

Every once in a long while I will get a message from someone about one of my political type tweets or posts that goes along the lines of "shut up, you're a musician, I like your music but I hate your politics."

I also get people messaging me saying 'thank you' for saying what they are afraid to say because they are tired of arguing with their neo-luddite relatives for their opinions on facebook. I'd say the ratio is about 35 to 1. For every 35 positive, I get about 1 negative. Which is pretty good numbers but man, that 1 really sticks with ya!

But it leads me to wonder - how do folks deal with liking music made by people who they are diametrically opposed to in their worldview? How do you sing along to "Imagine" and still want to put up a wall on the Mexican border? How can you listen to Rage Against the Machine and not realize you are the machine?

We've been offered spots opening for people like David Allen Coe and we've turned it down because of him, his politics and what he's said. We just don't want to be associated with it AT ALL.

In the past we looked to musicians to be a guiding light at times of trouble, whether it was CSN&Y singing about Kent State in "Ohio" or John Lennon imagining a better world in "Imagine". It seems more and more we want our singer/songwriter/musician types to be spineless creature of content providing entertainment.

How does someone listen to Springsteen's "Born in the U.S.A." and not get it like Reagan didn't get it? Bruce has been booed for his backing of Obama and his left leaning politics and now his stance in North Carolina - how can you have a life long conversation with an artist like that and not know them at all?

How can one love The Clash or The Grateful Dead and not also believe in their "no one wins unless we all win" mantra? How did Yuppies justify going to a Dead show?

These are just some of the reasons I cannot listen to or even remotely enjoy anything by Kid Rock or Ted Nugent - they as people have made their music un-listenable to me.

Now, I'm not at the level of these other folks so one would think that I would grovel for any fan and not wish to alienate anyone but that's not the case. I hope I have lost fans because of my politics because then at least I'm standing for something and I'm not just some mindless content creator.

I don't care if you share this at all, this is me, I sign my name to it and don't hide.

The Fallen Stars


As a recent transplant TO North Carolina from Southern California, I've got to tell you that the anti-LGBT law is the tip of the iceberg.
At times I feel as if I've been thrown back in time. Overt racism. Confederate flags. Necks of red.
The homophobe governor is a former president of Duke Energy which has a penchant for allowing their coal ash waste to leak into rivers…and the price they pay for poisoning their citizens is thousands of dollars. Not MILLIONS. Thousands.
They've rolled back the Voting Rights Act and instituted voter i.d. and other laws meant to disenfranchise those that might elect non-homophobic, liberal-leaning representatives to their hateful, frightened Republican controlled state legislature.
They use drug sniffing dogs during minor traffic stops looking for POT. POT !!!!
As you might imagine, guns and NRA memberships are ubiquitous.

This place can be, on the other hand, pretty cool. There are some excellent musicians attempting to ply their trade. Harry Harrison of the Tills is an amazing songwriter, artist and musical historian. Like a youthful Bob Dylan reincarnated. The Wilder Brothers, (Kevin Roughton & Matt McGuire) write some incredible original tunes utilizing masterful playing and a Ramada Inn, no less.

At least where I'm living (on the Outer Banks), there's work for musicians. For the competent and incompetent, alike. The pay isn't great, but better than So Cal. And with the exception of the aforementioned rednecks, racists and Trumpists, folks can be very cool.

I'm not sure Springsteen's cancellation does anything other than remind people of what they already know: The South hasn't REALLY changed since Reconstruction. There are pockets of modernity and forward-thinking people, but a lot of folks, if allowed to speak freely about what they believe, would say they'd be better off in the Confederate Staes of America.

It is beautiful here, though. Water falls from the sky...a lot. They also have these things called "woods". And critters.

I'm not sure if you should print my name if you choose to publish this, given what I've written….but fuck it. I'm guessing the folks that take issue with it might have to have somebody read it to them.

Scott Sechman


This issue was featured on LBC Radio in London over the weekend - solely because of what Bruce Springsteen did. The broadcast spoke to experts who properly explained the issues and implications in a way that anyone could understand. His cancelling therefore increased the awareness of the issues faced by LGTB people at a local level in London!

I appreciate there are probably some upset concert goers but he bought the conversation to an international level... It IS all about the bigger picture. And as Springsteen says "Nobody wins, unless everybody wins."

Ajay Srivastav


Those letters were the best Friday night entertainment I've had in a long time.

Leigh Caputo

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