Friday 6 May 2016

A Little More Trump

Stop making fun of him!

If that worked, somebody else would be the nominee, he wouldn't have increased his share of the electorate after the debacle in Wisconsin. The more the holier-than-thou say they know better, the more the downtrodden and alienated double-down.

And if you think continuing to label him a racist iconoclast works, you don't realize that most of those voting for him don't care what the man says, they just want to shake up the system, they believe in the man, not his outbursts.

Truly. There are only so many redneck yahoos out there. Trump wouldn't have won the nomination if they were the only ones who cared.

Hillary lost the nomination to Obama in 2008 and she's doing a good job of losing here. Because she's not playing to win, she's playing it safe. Utilizing the Clinton handbook of the nineties, where you triangulate, comb the research and tell people what they want to hear.

That don't work no more, in the twenty first century people don't want artifice, they want AUTHENTICITY!

Hillary is making the number one mistake of the popularity wars, she's letting her haters define her. It's hard to come out from under that. Furthermore, she's playing nice and being all milk and cookies when we know she's more cutthroat than the Donald and more experienced. It's time not only for Hillary to take off the gloves, but to be mean. To zing. This is a heavyweight fight and you cannot win if you're on the ropes and you don't punch back.

Furthermore, this is the tech election. And in tech there's a huge first mover advantage. He who gains traction first, even with a substandard product, oftentimes wins, especially if he improves the product along the way. And believe me, the soft, sensitive, reasonable side of Donald Trump is being groomed for the public as I write this. What's Hillary gonna do then, when Trump is alternately sensible and nice?

Talk about jujitsu.

Clinton plays by the old rules, the ground game. But today it's all about the online game. The right wing owned talk radio and the left wing owned the internet. But now Trump has leapfrogged the left to own social media. The days of blogs are through, now it's all about Twitter and Facebook and Snapchat...and Hillary better start now, because it's gonna be hard to garner a following in the fall.

What do we know about Hillary?

What the right wing wants us to know about her. The email server, Benghazi. Most people are clueless as to who she really is, and the truth is when you get her on stage, in front of people, she's quite remarkable. But Debbie Wasserman Schultz put the debates on Saturday night so no one would see them, so the frontrunner wouldn't be challenged, and today the media is all Trump all the time. The Donald eats a taco bowl and it's front page news. As if those voting for him can't see it's calculated and ultimately don't care. Will you stop making fun of those leaning to him, that's how the Republicans got into this pickle to begin with.

And all this b.s. about immigration and trade and...

It's not about the specifics, it's just that Trump's adherents believe someone's finally listening to them, that he's on their side. So far, Hillary has been defined by the LEFT as being on the fat cat Wall Street side. And that's just nuts, it's Trump who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, it's Trump who's inured to the private jet lifestyle. We haven't seen such a topsy-turvy delineation since Kerry was the traitor and Bush was the war hero... Huh?

So please Democrats, stop going negative and start going positive. Give people a reason to vote for Hillary as opposed to trying to scare them away from Trump. I mean how scary can the man be, he was in business with NBC, he was on television ad infinitum. No one thinks that prime time is peopled with criminals.

But there are legions of people who believe Hillary belongs behind bars.

Come out swinging Hillary. Make news every day. Don't play it safe. Don't worry about the dyed-in-the-wool Democrats, they're already on your team. Cater to those in between, who've lost their jobs and feel they're unheard. And the irony here is that it will bond the disaffected Bernieites to you along the way.

Stop playing to the moneyed interests. You think you need them but you don't. Bernie didn't and he raised a ton of cash. You can too, if you're just honest and forthright, if you're three-dimensional, if you let people know who you really are and convince them that you care about them.

And I know you do.

But no one else seems to think so.

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