Wednesday 30 November 2016

Final Kanye

I agree with you Bob. If Kanye is such a great performer and important artist, he should stick to making his music and performing for his fans. He should shut up about everything else and stay out of the press for 5 minutes. Maybe he would get more respect from fans of music like myself. He should stop making outlandish statements and stop his thinking that he is the most talented performer to ever walk the earth.

I am a rock 'n roll fan with a new respect for old school gangsta rap, but am turned off whenever I see Kanye around town (we live in the same neighborhood) or in the press.

My taste for music is in sync with your writings, and I am amazed at how many of your readers actually like Kanye.


David Kopaloff


Ok, can't keep silent on this any longer.

For those who are saying he's "the greatest living creative," "most important American artist" and suchlike, it sounds frighteningly like "Donald Trump is a great businessman and will be an amazing president." This is parallel universe stuff to me.

His music AND his clothes are the Emperor's New Clothes. He can't play anything, he can't sing, he's a really weak rapper and his productions are largely recycled bits of other people's genuine work. He's brought nothing of any actual musical value that I can discern and has been the most obnoxious, delusional jackass of a personality, along with Donald Trump, on the American scene for as long as I can remember. I have rarely seen anybody dwelling so far from any known reality, so full of so little.

He has the unbelievable stones to compare himself to Jimi Hendrix, to Steve Jobs, to Einstein, Disney etc. Jimi Hendrix could, and did, play one note that would transport you, alter your cellular structure, change the way you saw things. Kanye isn't in the same FIELD as Jimi Hendrix. He isn't in the same universe of skill, vibe, cool, class, awareness, expression or anything else. He is a midget next to the great inventors & creators named above. Einstein invented/discovered the Quantum Theory of Light. Kanye designed some crotchless khaki pants. Steve Jobs brought us the Mac, iPod and iPhone. Kanye said, "Imma fix wolves."

I realize that this is a relatively weak time in music and the standards are really quite low. But calling yourself a 'genius' when you're in a field with people who actually have highly developed skills is embarrassing. In a field that's produced Stevie Wonder, Frank Zappa, Ray Charles, John Lennon, Marvin Gaye, Brian Wilson, Aretha Franklin, Peter Gabriel, Jaco Pastorius, Miles Davis, Joni Mitchell, Prince, David Bowie, Pink Floyd, James Brown and John Coltrane, among many others who actually have true skills, creativity and focus, Kanye West is a fleabite on the ass of Music. IMHO.

Fuzzbee Morse


Kanye hasn't had as much publicity in ages as you've given him... send an invoice LOLOL

Johnny Brower


To paraphrase a song title from 70's Australian rock band Skyhooks, "Ego Is A Dirty Word".

Well done, Bob. Nostrovia!

Shakey (Wayne Dagenais)


Kanye West has no talent whatsoever trash

Norman Stone


Why is anyone speaking anymore about this hack...let his legacy be his fantasy...I choose to enjoy real artists and real music...

Timo Cano


Uh... name a more important artist that's alive and still influencing culture. Life of Pablo was genius and just released this year!!! "Waves", "Ultralight Beam", "Father Stretch My Hands", "No More Parties"....How can readers say "Gold Digger" (not even close to one of his best) was his last great song??? Hilarious

Bridget Hilton


Merck Mercuriadis is clearly a lemming that has ingested way too much of the he fucking kidding me?!! Mr. M clearly didn't understand your post....Kanye is an inflated blowhard who has created this situation he finds himself in. Full stop.

Yul Vazquez
Ceremonial Magician


Kanye's artistic genius is apparent in the utter volume of irrelevant peanut gallery comments listed here. The man is a music giant and will remain so. His numbers, much like Michael Jordan stats, speak for themselves.
Bob just last quarter you were proclaiming high and low like the town crier, the genius of Kanye's disruptive marketing prowess,
now you opportunistically rant about his lack of talent. In the words of Bill Withers "You're like a man that loves Jesus who says he can't stand a Jew." Nuff said.

The Real Gregory Beasley


On that Kanye note, don't forget the genius of Mike Dean. Houston hip hop producer legend. Started his career playing sax for Selena, came up with Rap A Lot Records, produced, Geto Boys, Scarface, and has production credits on every Kanye record except 808s and Heartbreaks. Mike Dean is 50 something years old, smokes weed like a champ, plays all the live instruments at the shows (guitar, bass, keys). Kanye works with the best producers in the game, they all produce on their own, then shoot out parts in the same room. This is why his music continues to stay fresh.

Really this is just a shoutout for Mike Dean. Unsung hero, but the knowers know.


Brian Carrion


These clowns dissing on you amaze me. The problem is that greatness and fame have been conflated. Since the 1980s anyone who became famous was also considered great, when that was/is most definitely not the case. It's probably the same time money replaced substance as far as 'artistry' is concerned. Good for you to take in all that bullshit and not be heartbroken. Or at least not show it.
So often you write about places that I used to haunt. Like Pacific Palisades. I used to live in Mandeville Canyon as well. I went to Palisades High and Paul Revere Junior High. That was between the time I lived in Marin County, and then fled home/LA to return to the Bay Area. Anyway, your writings pretty much always transport me. And fuck all the clueless morons defending that talentless douchbag, Kanye. He is the black Trump. Insane, the both of them; without any evident education. Trump with all his glorious modifiers sounds like a 1980s valley girl. Kanye dreams of being Tupac. NEVER GONNA HAPPEN!!!
Keep speaking your truth! You give me the courage to continue my own path, even when it seems the deck is ever stacked against me.

Kieron Kevin McKindle


Kanye has always managed to capture people's attention and doing that is as tough of a balance of art and science as cooking or music.

Perhaps every facet of his life is some form of performance art? That's the most logical reason for why he shows up on episodes of The Kardashian reality show. What other self respecting artist does that unless they need the money or the act itself is art?

Anyway, he is entitled to his antics just like you are entitled to your opinion. Who or how long anyone else pays attention is always TBD. But you, like him, have built a platform and I applaud you for using it effectively.

Patrick W. Ryan


everyone of these comments makes me think these guys are all smoking something to blur the vision of this so-called artist......



When people criticize Kanye it always tends to come from those who are the least connected to the kind of music he creates. Kanye like it or not is an exceptionally gifted tastemaker and a mouthpiece for many things people actually feel. Furthermore, you can't discuss the last 10-15 yrs of Music without tipping your hat to Kanye's contributions. When Kanye said George Bush doesn't care about black people, that's actually what we (black people) felt. When he hopped up on stage and told Taylor Swift Beyoncé deserved the award, that's what many people felt. Rock musicians are free to be flawed, we love them for it. For letting us see the vulnerability. We even anoint them heroes in spite of those unsavory qualities, if that's ok for them what is the validity of Kanye's exemption.

He's been the most innovative player in mainstream hip hop for as long as I can remember.



Kanye's influence on 15 year olds is, at best, dubious.

Derek Petrillo


Never confusion the man
and the music he creates.

Joe Solo


Maybe nobody cares what some old white man thinks about Kanye, but Kanye is still a fucking idiot.


Nobody (Matthew McDonnell)


i don't care about kanye, yeah, he's a genius, he's really good at making music, great producer but he's an ass. so if guys like pete rose or berry bonds can't make it to the hall of fame then why should we care what kanye thinks. he's offensive. i know that's the idea but he just seems like a spoiled dick. so i don't want to hear him anymore.

Jesse Benenati


Kanye West is not a talented musician and is not even a singer...

Jm, hrx records


Really not worth the time, this takes.

Johnny Palazzotto


I like how some fools come to the rescue of this self absorbed, mentally unstable glory hog. Everyone knows Kanye is about Kanye and if we're supposed to feel sorry for him I'll take a pass. At the end of the day he has enough money to remove himself from the public criticism, get help and he will still have his fortune waiting for him when he get out of whatever top notch facility he can check himself into. There are many mentally ill people that have no hope or help why are those blowhards not stepping up to defend or help them? Just look at the Congress that keeps passing on the bill put forth to help veterans or how fucked up the VA. That is where these self righteous blowhards should be focusing there attention to. Helping those who can't help themselves instead of sticking up for this egomaniacal poor little rich man.

Keep the truth flowing Mr. Lefsetz anyone can sit behind a keyboard and pedal a bubble type view of the world that only matters to there own egos.


Mike DJ


"But I can guarantee you one thing: we will never again agree on anything as we did for Elvis"

This was a great line in Lester Bangs' eulogy for Elvis Presley,

There was one Elvis. One John Lennon. One Prince. One Leon Russell. One James Brown.

But I will never agree on an egotistical sample stealer like KW being given that same honor.

Brian Helgesen


Keep it gangsta Bob! Good shit



I can understand the Kanye hate, but when he checked into the mental hospital, I could only think about this video of Dave Chappelle talking about Martin Lawrence on Inside The Actors Studio:

Schlomo Rabinowitz


The problem with Kanye is his stunts are louder than his music, people
know him more for his antics than his albums. Most people don't take him
seriously. I've heard his music and think much of it is brilliant and even
ground breaking in it's genre but his nonsense admittedly leaves a bad
taste in my mouth. He just comes off like a rich, rambling, egomaniacal,
prick most of the time. So as soon as he gets started I usually tune him
out which is unfortunate because he may very well have some relevant
points. If he truly cares about getting his artistic and political message
to the people he needs to change his approach big time! If he thinks he's
truly a leader he needs to learn how to lead.

Mikael Johnston
Producer - Engineer - Remixer


So Kanye West is the "greatest living creative" and Donald Trump is the POTUS. Quite frankly, I fear for my children and the world they are about to inherit. Empirical evidence means nothing, truth is entirely subjective...and subjectivity is now the equivalent of objectivity. God.

John Dlugosz


Thank you for expressing what few have the guts to say out loud. I've been a musician/ recording artist for 40 years and the publicity machine that creates "artists" like Kanye, who can be pumped full of faux self importance to the point of insanity is one of the creepier elements of American culture. True substance is getting harder and harder to find and I'm SO tired of the crap that gets the airtime. The world needs more of the real thing (to be determined by me of course! Ha ha!)

Thanks Bob!

Shari Ulrich


I love ya Bob
You don't shy away from the criticisms. Most wouldn't show those
I really think you hit several nerves here
I don't know any Kanye music and I don't care. Remember when he got punked and the "cops" showed up to a video shoot. He grabbed the tapes and ran off like skittle kid. I have a hard time believing he would run from the cops with the tapes for real but when I saw it, I lost any and all interest in him. Spoiled brat with too big of an ego
Anyway, I loved and love the responses you post
Thanks for writing your own stuff too

Jeff Harris


if people think kanye west is a great talent, then we should all be scared of the future ....what talent?....he is an ass who thinks he can do, say and act anyway he chooses because he has money.....what has he REALLY contributed to society....anger, hostility and, what a legacy!!



My Mom used to say "I love you, but I don't love your actions". I don't love Kanye but it is his actions that deter me from giving his "genius" a chance. The title of superstar genius is reserved for those whose behavior is one becoming of the title. Springsteen, Bono, Urban, Beyonce, Hetfield, Swift. These people do things for the world beyond their music and you can gladly cite them as some type of role-model. Kanye had his slim chance. Let's hope he finally takes his rightful chair with the over wrought, also ran, loudmouth, washed up, woulda/shoulda, irrelevant, superstar category. Move over Madonna, Biebs, Chris Brown, and Liam Gallagher. Good riddance.
Curt Olson


Where did you do your psychiatric residency? If the answer is "nowhere," please keep reading. Opinions about behaviors and opinions are what journalists do. Beware judgments about those with psychiatric symptoms. It's unkind and unprofessional.

Thank you. Linda Kisker.


I'll be the first to admit that I am not a rap fan, that I don't know as much about rap culture as I do about rock, and that I think a lot of rap artists are massively overrated. All that being said I think anyone who does not give Kanye credit as a great musical act is wrong. Whether you like his music or not, it should be undeniable that he has inspired a whole generation of artists, pushed boundaries, and helped create the arena rap world. And I think Merck said it best, his influence over the millennial generation is far beyond any other musician in the world except perhaps Taylor Swift. But what Merck left out is that he has been both a good and bad influence.

He has inspired young artists to create interesting and innovative music. He has also taught young artists that whining and complaining about every little issue that comes across your mind, no matter who you insult or whether you actually believe it is a good idea. I saw him at MSG on the Yeezus tour and during his customary rant he got the entire arena to chant that a specific investor in the audience should invest in Donda (Ye's company). It was funny, sure, but it's not how business is done. Kanye has taught young artists that you can be a musician, a producer, a sneaker designer --a mogul in the 21st century which is great! But he's also taught them that you can interrupt another artist's award winning moment, a huge deal to many artists, and ruin it. I don't know about most people but I see obvious parallels between Kanye's behavior and the incredulous behavior of Donald Trump.

Kanye has shown young artists that it's ok to break the rules. Sometimes rules should be broken. Other times it's horribly disrespectful to the community that has helped make you a star and we should take that responsibility upon ourselves to show kids that it is not ok.

I agree that the Saint Pablo tour has helped change the game once again. He once again pushed the limits and ignored the rules -- that he couldn't turn an arena show into a massive party. That's AWESOME! Merch sales are huge and the gear is highly respected in the fashion world. But one thing that Kanye has forgotten is that he is not entitled to JACK SHIT! He himself has touted the fact that he is self-made, that he pulled himself up and made himself the mogul that he is. So why on earth should we just let him get away with saying all the bizarre crap he says, and why should we just let him be a high end fashion designer if he wants to be. He has forgotten that it was a huge part of why people respected him in the first place, that he was a self-starter. Getting to the top of the music game doesn't mean you get a free pass in everything else. Your comparison to Jordan failing in baseball is perfect.

Merck said that Elton and Bruce and Stevie would disagree with your take on this latest implosion. Obviously he would know better but I think he's ignoring the fact that all three of those artists have worked and worked and worked but never forced their fans to defend their integrity or sanity. (Ok, I Just Called to Say I Love You sucked but other than that, the point stands.)

Kanye West is an inspirational artist to a whole generation of kids and musicians which should not be ignored. However he has not taken that responsibility seriously, and he should absolutely be held accountable for that.

Jonathan Groffman


This ones a tiny bit stinky chap. I love your writing, but you sound just as entitled as you think your subject is.

I might be a little naive perhaps or don't care enough... but chill out mate. I'm pretty sure Kanye makes bank, I know he makes art (good/bad is really unimportant), there are a bunch of off brand rip offs of his shoes/clothing that I've seen about - I'm no fashion expert but I think that goes against what you said? You know the Beatles had egos, they're just too old for twitter...

His wife is his wife. Why is she famous? Why are you famous? The culture we live in didn't happen randomly nor should we be surprised. We built this from the ground up. All the shallowness we complain about was enabled, supported and paid for by us from day one.

We were warned but we decided to go for the face-plant anyway.

I don't think Kanye said anything that radical when it comes to trump... he didn't vote. While that's more or less generally indefensible, a significant portion of our societies fail to vote, why is that? Apathy? disheartenment? Lethargy? Maybe if you're identity/culture gets stepped on enough you stop caring... I don't think it'll affect his reputation (everyone says he's crazy right?). Did Kanye say trump was good for black people? I don't think that's what I heard. I did hear him say we shouldn't be surprised by the result and then something about our generation being distracted... which might be a fair assessment of the culture we live in. But then again he's been a bit of a muppet because I've definitely been distracted and not got what I wanted... Is that how it works? Am I entitled to a seat at the table first? Who gets to sit down first, me or you? Who's more important to whom... Kanye? Your mate Barry? TS? Max? Our new friend Biff? Probably just the money.

I personally hope they continue to spin all of this into some sort of mental health deliverance story. Even if it's hugely calculated by the big machine or whatever... folks are going to need some solid meditation skills for the years ahead. And honestly looking after your head is a great idea.

I dunno mate.



I'll have what Merc's smoking...



That missive by Merck Mercuriadis on Kanye West is one of the funniest
bloody things I have ever read on the state of today's music. Furthermore,
I'm sure the people at West's last "concert" would give Mercuriadis a
different take on his wild claim.

Michael Carman


Kanye is no genius. Merely a slightly talented asshole so full of himself its sickening.How dare he compare himself to Picasso or Jesus for that matter? Yes just like Picasso, who was a thief of African sculpture which was behind Demoiselles d'avignon the earliest,most famous painting which gave Picasso genius status. That kind of bravado did knock the art world and high culture on its ear.

Picasso's quote. "be careful who you steal from." Maybe Kanye does have some wits in his head and he is comparing himself to the real maestro with some irony pertaining to that but I seriously doubt it.

Thinking he is an "ARTIST"- self-proclamation means you are bankrupt.
His music though is surprisingly non-mainstream. I have an 18 year old daughter so I listen to what she listens to. That is the only thing i can find interesting about it. Otherwise his shlock marriage to that whore and her mother the pimp is not worth anything. If you are so full of ego you believe all that crap you are definitely ready to get kicked in the pants by karma. Sorry if he is mentally ill but most of America and the world is these days. Not to much sanity left out there anymore. If anything he is simply mirroring the sad state of the energy of the world. he may be just sensitive. In that case yet thee to an ashram and chill out.

Tara Greene Tarot Consultant & more


Meme mirror married to a sociopath... Don't trust either... Obviously the music industry was in a pretty shitty place for him to prosper...

Dan Yotz


I think you found one of the biggest debatable issues around right now.
Everyone knows the name Kanye (even his name works - who else do you know named Kanye?), and even those that don't care much for him, know some of what he does.
I even like some of his tunes - although I am not a Hip Hop / RnB fan at all, I can dig a good tune when I hear it. And there is no doubt, there is some talent there, but a lot of it is (in my humble opinion) just trying to find the the sound he managed to find a couple times. And it doesn't get a second chance from myself. Others deserve my time more.
Can you get lucky more than once?
Yes, I think so - and if you are super famous, and married to someone super famous, you have a better chance of people looking for the genius in every tune you write.
Not everyone else will get that attention.
So once again, he wins. He gets the attention - even from you.
And look at the attention you have received just talking about him.
We are victims of circumstance

Shaun Booysen


Who the fuck cares about Kanye?

Are you watching how Trump is filling out his cabinet?

Fuck Kanye.

I've got a revolution to plan.

Eileen Marcussen


These comments are gold! I can almost taste the hatred!

First of all, Kanye isn't the greatest "MC/rapper/lyricist/spoken flow guru" of all time... He's not even in the conversation. However, his skills as a "producer" will be recognized for at least this generation's cycle. He has done things first that others haven't thought of, so you get artistic credit for that. For those who don't understand that, you're just old. But, the thing about computer generated "beats" is that they don't age well. That's because there will always be some kid taking your technique and applying the newest technology to it and making your original works sound dated AF.

My 90s generation had a production wizard that was spoken of in the same way... His name was Trent Reznor. He thought of a lot of things first too. When was the last time you heard "Head like Hole" or "Closer" anywhere other than on SiriusXM's "Lithium"? That answer is nowhere. His works, while wildly original, almost sound amateur compared to the production of today, which unfortunately, they are. Hell, NIN's best song in retrospect is the Cash cover of "Hurt," which does prove Trent's talent. That version sounds like he wrote the damn thing. That's nearly an impossible thing to do.

The real rub here is that Kanye is a Kardashian now. That's what's unfortunate. He had skills when his eye was on the music. Now, he thinks he's artful in a lot of other arenas. Those "professionals" decided that. But the finely marketed followers are sheep and are feeding his ego. The masses are just asses. The New Kids on the Block filled a lot of seats too. The work has suffered. Being popular doesn't make you great, the work does. Pablo isn't great, however it's still better than 95% of today's hip hop, but that ain't saying much. Look at ANY chart. There is so little imagination. That's something that he used to make in aces.

I've been along for the ride since "College Dropout." His greatness peaked on "808s" and his own hype and Kardashian styled "feed the media machine" and has carried him since.

I hope he gets his mind right, finds a mirror and gets back to his calling, creating great music.

And I don't give a damn what anybody says, his shoes are ugly.

Chris Booker


Kanye came in my record store that i managed called 2nd Hand Tunes on the southside of Chicago once when he used to just do beats and production for Jay-Z as he let me know. He was manic and ADD pacing back and forth also letting me know how he was going to be famous etc... and was excited we had a Bill Withers LP he couldn't find anywhere in the city that he needed for a sample. He was right.

Peter Gianakopoulos
the Old School Records


Insurance fraud. End of story.

Nick Bearden


I guess I don't care. He is so rude to people I could careless even if he is the second coming of all things music. I don't want to give people like him the time of day. it's just not that hard to be respectful. It obvious he has some problems I hope gets help
For his kids sake.

David May


Reading all the Kanye comments. When Kanye first came on the scene I supported him and his music but with the years his douchebaggery (lovely borrowed term from Ms Day with the Rap Coalition) just became too much. Now I don't care what he records I've tuned him out.

This is America or was... Things are about to get real ugly with President McDouche at the helm. Kanye and his lady should feel right at home as the cockroaches come out of the woodwork. I'm already seeing cracks in society happening in real time in. The Kanye craziness is about to be little more than a footnote in the pages of our once great country. At least for the time being we still have a choice as to what artists we listen to and what ones we tune out.

Greg Philippi


After reading through some of the replied comments on the Kanye piece, I was somewhat taken aback by how angry people got with you on what you wrote.

I thought it was pretty good piece and pretty spot on. I may not agree with all that you write, but I really do appreciate your insight and what you do in your writings.

Thanks and keep em coming!

Be well.
Craig Walker


You can't have a comeback without a Hit.

Adrian Strong


This one was much more balanced.

Kanye is a creative genius, whether white rockers like it or not. This series of emails hammers the point home. You may not like him or his music, and many of us don't like HIM, but he is an incredible artist. I've been a fan of his music for years.

Good discussion overall. Thanks for initiating.

Baris Ozyetis


I'm amused that anyone takes the time to write you with their $0.02, and you publish it along with all of the others.

Here's my $0.02 : for an old white guy, you're a better visionary than most artists and if we're looking for guidance from artists, then you are an artist. You're insight may not necessarily be revolutionary, but you do excellent work boiling down the bullshit to get to the point of the matter.

I tend to separate art from the artist. I don't believe that the art should have to come from some sort of ethical background. The journey should be IN the art, and not before it. Were you homeless at one time? Did you go to an elite music academy? Were you selling out shows all throughout the midwest without a label? Don't care, let me hear your music. Someone else can be impressed with the narrative. That's for them. Not me.

I don't care that Milli Vanilli didn't sing their songs - someone did! The song is REAL. It EXISTS. I've LISTENED TO IT. I feel the same way about Kanye. He's afraid of looking soft, he's a little batshit and unfiltered, but when "Jesus Walks" comes on, that shit is REAL. It's EXCELLENT. And Kanye can marry whoever he wants, interrupt whoever he wants, I don't care because that's not for me. But the song still exists.

Long and the short of it is : if you produce something I like, I pay for it. I don't need a backstory. I don't need a bullshit press release detailing how it's a blend of "classic rock band" with "best selling album of the last 10 years in the genre" and the poetic soul of "Bob Dylan/legendary poet" (it's usually Dylan). I need something to get my attention. Something to grab me by the throat and demand me to listen.

So Kanye when he isn't rapping, not terribly interested. Kanye when rapping, you have my attention. If his opinion should matter so much, why isn't it in a song - the reason I listen to him at all?




In regard to Josh Berman's response:

'When Kanye saved hip hop in '04-'05 it was overrun by Puffy and Murder INC. Kanye literally brought music back into the art.'

True. Still, don't forget, Nas was making his own music long before.

'Is he a nutbag? Yes!'

Show me the papers. He seems like an insecure guy with talent to me.

'Is Kim K a mistake? Yes!'

Kim enhanced his brand. Time will tell which one survives.

'Paul M. chose Yoko and he still got the 'genius' pass. Why not Kanye?'

Two reasons: foremost, you mean John, not Paul; John chose Yoko, but Paul was/is the genius. Second, because Kanye is doing calculatingly what Paul did naturally in the 60s - everyone is: the Beatles set the standard for superstardom, and everyone has since been trying to replicate and surpass it. Time will tell if anyone will. I hope I see it in my lifetime.

'You're a fucking racist who hates hip hop.'

Again, show me the papers.

'Learn about what people like these days if you want to stay relevant you old fucking dinosaur…'

Bob's newsletter is literally about what people like these days, and how to stay relevant. He knows he's getting old, and he's shown tremendous vulnerability over the past year and more. Some more class would suit you.

'…you will be deemed a moron who never got with the times. Do you want that?'

Do YOU, Josh Berman?

John Kay


Holy shit, it's always refreshing to get called an 'old fucking dinosaur' and an out of touch 'racist who hates hip hop' by a kid with a suspiciously middle class sounding Jewish name. We've finally arrived. It must feel good to infuriate those who seem driven to annoy anyone older than themselves.

John Brodey


I lIke that "Paul McCartney chose Yoko Ono, and he still gets a genius pass". Yikes!!

Young Hutchison
Jumping Jack Flash


"But Paul M. chose Yoko and he still got the 'genius' pass."

......oh dear.

Tommy Allen


Hey Bob!

So Josh Berman calls you a racist because you don't give Kanye the same genius pass that Paul M (McCartney, I assume) gets even though he chose Yoko?

And all this time I thought John L was the one who married her.

Thanks for clearing that up for this old fucking dinosaur Josh.

Jim Blaney


This Josh Berman is kinda dumb, huh?

Evan Burr


OK. Yes. It's all coming back to me now. How Paul M. kept bringing Yoko into the studio. All the other Beatles didn't appreciate her presence. Yea. When PAUL M. brought YOKO in... Especially John, who was like, "Hey, Paul M. Why are you bringing my future wife into the studio. WTF? She's the Mother-to-be of my kids so, Paul M, why are YOU bringing her instead of ME - her boyfriend?"

At first glance Josh Berman seems rude, disrespectful, and completely out of place. Well, if you can get past his ignorance of facts. But who needs facts in this day and age when bravado will do. Right, Kanye?

David Eaton


Um... hey Josh Berman
Paul passed on Yoko, sent her down to John's room... and the rest is history... or herstory.

Dan Millen


Someone explain the difference between John Lennon and Paul McCartney to that Josh Berman kid who emailed you. And then tell him Mommy said it's past his bedtime so he needs to turn off the computer.

Tim Fricke


Josh Berman -

I think you mean John L. - might wanna know which Beatle chose Yoko before you start deeming a person "moron" and "old fucking dinosaur."

David Fralin


You might wanna point out to Josh Berman that it was in fact John L (and not Paul M!) that chose Yoko?

Michael Hosking


Anyone who things Paul McCartney chose Yoko doesn't deserve to have an opinion.

Erin Cowgill


Dear Josh Berman - LENNON chose Yoko.

Angela Randall


Josh Berman sounds like a dick. Thanks for the read?


That Josh Berman is a stone cold idiot. Poorly educated too. Conflates your criticism of Kanye with racism. What a jackass!

John in Hollywood


RE: Josh Berman. When did Paul M. choose Yoko? Choose her for what? Are you thinking of John L.? At least dinosaurs have some sense of music history...and facts. And how does not liking hip-hop make one a racist? You need to get a grip...

David Allgood


Josh Berman.
If you think it was Macca and Yoko then anything you write is immediately discarded to the slagheap of bad opinion.


If Josh Berman wants to be so critical of Bob for his opinion, he may as well get the facts correct... it was John that was with Yoko and Yoko had a brain.
Also, being critical of a person does not deem that you are being critical of an entire race of people. The word "racist" is very powerful and shouldn't be used in the wrong context. That just waters it down for those who should be labeled as such.

Dan Goldich


He showed you!

Are Paul and Yoko still an item?
Best Regards,
Zach Goode


But Paul M. chose Yoko and he still got the 'genius' pass.

Best of the bag.



Paul M. chose Yoko?

Kanye a great artist?

This is as crazy as the Trumpanzees handle on the truth. Name one Kanye song that'll be around in ten, let alone 50 years, I dare you. Meanwhile, Lennon and McCartney? I rest my case?

Steve Jones


Josh Berman,

I don't think Paul M chose Yoko. Just sayin'. Classic Kanye fan.

Stephanie Rae


"Paul M. chose Yoko"? That makes no sense.

Bob Giannini


Josh Berman tried to throw dirt and said "Paul M got Yoko..."
Are people really so so desperate to be heard QUICKLY that they can't be bothered to KNOW WTF THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT?
You clowned him by posting his jib. Best laugh of the thread.
josef blocker
el dorado


Paul and Yoko????

Did John and Linda know about this??

Lee Schnaiberg


Hey Josh Berman, JOHN chose Yoko, you moron.

cara trimboli


This is a brilliant post! Why all the complaints??

Alexander Dorsch

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