Wednesday 22 March 2017

Absolutely Final Skin

Coconut oil and water will save mankind

Citizen Cope


Hi Bob , All this time I thought you had a thick skin ... Bub Zulu


Hey Bob

How about a letter on prostate issues and urination problems?

Would love to hear what your readers have to say about the topic.

Rob Evans
long time sufferer of prostate issues and urination probems


Look at all your responses!
Regular column for sure. Amazing. I'm going to give coconut oil a try myself now.

Statins? Hope you don't have joint pain and muscle aches.

I highly recommend subscribing to The People's Pharmacy newsletter. It's free. Two pharmacists write it and offer great info for patients on every kind of health issue imaginable. They are very credible and site medical journals/ studies in every issue. They fight the FDA for patients, undergo their own studies of faulty generic medications to help patients, and more. They genuinely want to provide solid info. Consider checking them out. They might even have info on your itchy skin condition and tips for treatment in their archives.

Dane Farnsworth talked about finding a good naturopath. Does he/she have one on the Westside? Need a recommendation.

Hope you feel better soon. Love your newsletter, even the music ones-- lol!
Martine Ehrenclou


Well, call me cheap but if it was my money I would try my Neutrogena Daily Control first. 9 bucks and if it doesn't work you can still use it to shampoo your "hair". All that other shit will cost you an arm and a leg plus who wants to give up pastrami sandwiches and celery soda? You might as well take a dirt nap.

Joseph Barbarotta


Bob, like many of us you bought into that whole Statin farce. Do yourself a favor and read up on the research.
Steve Mazzola
Omnia quaere


Man, I don't blame you if you don't listen to anyone's advice. Especially mine!

Oh and dietary cholesterol has ZERO effect on your blood cholesterol. That's a holdover from the 70's & 80's talking.

People still touting 'low-fat' too. A real shame. Look where all the 'low-fat' food got us.... bloated, overweight, diabetic whales.

Use coconut oil. Fair warning: it solidifies around 55 degrees. But it's easy to find and works great.

As for quitting sugar for a day? That's useless. If you want to see the benefits of that regimine, you'll need to be all in for at least a week. If not more.

Talk to Peter Attia.

Bill Seipel


My grandmother had beautiful skin into her 80s. I asked her secret: she never ever used soap. Nothing but very warm water followed by cold water.
When I hear about coconut oil it's usually accompanied by *only* coconut oil. Which means no soap, natural oils and probably the skin takes care of itself.
I've done this for years after mid 40s chronic roseacea outbreaks and it has never recurred since.

Jamie Howarth (Midd '76)


Please send this to Jeff Laufer- tide doesn't suck
They make the totally pure, organic tide ( clear container) that's equivalent to anything sold at Whole Foods, except it actually cleans clothing
And they make a no scent, no allergens version of tide ( white container)
Both are really good.
Been using the white version for a few years.
Also good is arm and hammer

You can start a whole new blog now!

BTW I've been to a Chinese physician who is based in NYC and Vancouver who has treated Andrew Loog Oldham ( it's on the docs website, but he said he hardly sees him anymore )

And if you saw the news today about that new super statin - hopefully the price will come down and we can all eat eggs everyday and not have to worry about high cholesterol or heart attacks

Check out a site called Food 52 you have the health version of it!!

Amy Krakow


Hey Bob,
Move to Canada where regardless of your ailment you'll get a great doctor and health care.

James Hyslop


Bob I tap out buddy. Can't read all the responses. I am a bit younger but starting to get some issues. Guess I'll be experimenting on some of these suggestions.
Johnny Vieira


Bob, I'm flabbergasted...this outpouring of responses about your skin issue is remarkable, flattering (to see your readers' and fans' loyalties)--and it's convinced me you've now effectively broken on through to the other side. I see a weekly "Lefsetz on Health" column--which encourages reader feedback, sharing & participation. Your work is always widely read, respected and appreciated--but it feels to me that you're on to something really big, genuine, lasting & important for us all here. Bravo!!! I got chills reading many of these earnest, sincere and healing-based insights...Big time! Kudos, Alden Marin


When I was at my dream job at [record label] which took years and years to land [as dream jobs do] and started to see it slip away because I couldn't navigate the politics, my body reacted into plaque psoriasis, which there is no history of, in myself or family.

For context, that ailment happens when you are under so much stress that your body starts attacking itself because it believes your own skin is pathogenic. Literally.

I'd go through it all again for one day back in the building.

Name withheld


I work in music and travel a lot to Nashville from Finland.

My skin is better in Finland,
but always gets super irritated in Nashville.

The chlorine and the godknowswhats in the water you guys have there makes showers, drinks including the ice cubes an irritant.
The taste of medicine of non-organic milk and meat in the states is always a shock too.

I try to stay on bottled water, fruit salads and stuff from Whole Foods when in Nashville.

My doctor here in Finland also told me that many golfers who go there to play get skin problems coz of what you spray on golf courses to keep all but one style of grass dead.

Somewhat typical to the USA, the answers you get are focused on what more to buy and pile on your skin, instead of what to leave out of your life.

Tapani Rauha/PopRockJazz


Wow. So many people who care about you. Lucky guy. I don't have a cure for you, but felt compelled to offer something so....thanks for the entertainment.

MC Sneed


Colloidal Silver water. The hospital at home. I have been making and drinking 'silver water' for 15 years and have just recently added/coupled Organic Sulfur (MSM) water to my diet. A little goes a long way. I recommend buying a kit online that comes with a 12volt generator and 2 bars of 99.9% silver.
Cures addictions! anti fungal, anti bacterial, anti viral, cell differentiating, antioxidant.
Take your health and power back for free!



omg statins !
See movie Statin Nation I and II
Then try FOOD :-)
(low carbohydrate / high fat)

Jonathan Whitton


Tried psoriasis ointment? I use one called Psoriasin. Its over the counter and the only active imgredient is coal tar. Have to use it a couple times a day but it gave me true relief.

Andi Rock


No cholesterol comes from any all vegetable product, ever.



Have you tried a gluten free diet..

I became gluten free four years ago when my mom was diagnosed with thyroid cancer.

Her thyroid was removed, but she had to go on a diet to keep her weight in check.. so she asked if I'd do it with her for support. Obviously I said yes.

Up until then I was diagnosed with chronic bronchitis and spent most of my life with an inhaler on hand.

As soon as went gluten free, no more breathing issues and I haven't used my inhaler since. So I did some research and found loads of stories from people being healed of seemingly unrelated ailments, including skin conditions.

Anyway, maybe worth some research.

Hope this helps!

Anthony Vasquez


I had a slight case of psoriasis for about 30 yrs...was treating it with topical cortisone cream...not a huge deal but even the time I knew I was only addressing symptom.
My wife suggested I speak to a counselor from The Kushi Institute, the center for macrobiotic food/ lifestyle in Beckett, Mass. I agreed.
I was advised to give up poultry / eggs for 90 days... not a small request for someone who at the time didn't eat beef, lamb or pork.
I did it and all skin problems vanished with a more plant based diet.
Western culture tends to load up with an inordinate amount of animal protein...
Since then, I've chosen to occasionally eat beef.
This is due to dealing with Lyme, the awful ailment named after a town in your home state. Replacing myelin demands the l-Carnatine found in beef & salmon.
Moving away from too much animal protein & sugar should clear up most of your problems.
Good luck,
Kevin Teare


With everyone and their brother writing in with their can't miss cures, I can't believe no one's mentioned the most obvious one, the one "the establishment" doesn't want you to know about.

You're just gonna need a witch doctor, a machete and a chicken…

-Zach Ziskin


I am in my 40's. I've had acne and rosacea all my life. I'm still dealing with it. I live in NYC and have access to the top dermatologists and the ability to get many credible recommendations due to my job. I think I've seen every top dermatologist in NYC over the past 16+ years living in this city. I have been on every cream/ ointment/ pad/ facial/ I tried different light treatments/ oral antibiotics... you name it! Good lord, the money I have wasted on this skin! It made me into a skin addict trying to find the right products. My skin got worst. I trust two dermatologists in this city. One is an absolute gem. Bottom line, I'm figuring it out on my own even today by taking suggestions from a few areas and creating my own routine. I was taking screenshots of all the tips and advice coming through since your initial post! I thought maybe these suggestions will work for breakouts! Copying and pasting suggestions and sites. Which skin condition is next? At this point, I get more excited about talking skin and diet than anything else.
Paula's Choice is a great site. Paula Begoun is the founder. She has her own line of products and suggests a daily routine of products based on your condition. ( natural or not since she claims not all natural is good) Consistency is key! She is a wealth of knowledge on all skin conditions. Also, unscented detergents and fabric softeners + fish oil pills and but refrigerated probiotics. Take daily. Probiotics are key ( check out the best brand and units) and yes changing your diet. Water + lemon daily. I have coconut oil on my face for the first time thanks to your post! What a skin community!

Natalie Bubnis


Catching up after a business trip i see you already have loads of response but wanted to share my experience.

I've had a Pityriasis versicolor condition for about 20 years. I'm 31 now. I gave up trying to hide it with stupid shampoo you have to apply and wait 10mn in the shower 3 times a week before every summer. I decided to own it and fuck the world. I live in Lille, France, the weather's like Paris/London, not so wet but always grey.

But then i started improving what i eat. Still eating loads of meat (i like it too much) but dropping sugar is what i think made the difference. I make a conscious effort to eat wholefood, vegetables, even wholegrain pasta/rice instead of regular ones. Of course no sodas, even fruit juices are to be avoided unless fresh pressed. Your body uses the energy provided by the sugar to break the molecules of the fiber of the fruit. Without the fibers to break the sugar just goes straight in your body and messes you up.

I hope you'll find a way to get better.

Adrien M


Who knew that so many men had skin issues and weren't discussing it?
Now I know why everyone in so cal smells like a pina colada....,coconut oil!!!!
Come with me to Myanmar and get your JUBU or JUDDHIST on. Good pilgrimage. Reduce stress. Be barefoot. Turn off!!!
Btw I take hot showers, moisturize, sun block, swim salt water as often as the east coast allows. Eat meat in moderation. Upped my fruit and veggies. Cheat on cookies!!!
Something I learned a long time ago from my dad HAPPINESS is the key to all.
Roberta Shoten


Thanks for sharing all the skin stuff.

I'm glad (and really sorry) that I have so much company in that arena.

One thing worth noting on the food suggestions…

Your blood type has a lot to do with the type of exercise that's best for you and the type of foods that suit you best.

For example, Paleo diets seem to work well with Type O people (the most common blood type) but not so well with others.

This is worth googling and digging into as there are a number of contradictory positions out there. But, blood type has a lot to do with skin.

And, sugar is just plain bad - that includes high fructose corn syrup which adds corn as an allergen to the sweet mix. It's in so many foods that it's freaky. Snack at your own risk if it comes in a bag.

John Parikhal


Thanks for the call out, Bob. And yes, coconut oil is ridiculously high in cholesterol, but it is a different chain that doesn't clog your arteries, actually does the opposite. Who knew.

So you know who I am, I started in the record industry business delivering records in a van and working at Music Warehouse on LI in the early 70's then landed a job with RCA/AM/Arista records in the late 70's until mid-80's in sales and promotion in NY. Loved the business, but left for personal reasons.
I started my own advertising agency in 1985, which I've had since then. But still a music junkie.

I'm now also Chairman of the LI Music Hall of Fame ( Which kinda brings me full circle.

As I mentioned, my gf is a board certified health coach, her name is Katherine Kappas, you can look her up ( She helps a lot of people with all kinds of issues, holistically, and if you want to chat, she can Skype or Facetime with you since we are in NY. She won't charge you, she's a doll and thinks this whole situation (especially the sex life part) is hysterical.

Good luck with the skin. Let me know if you'd like to speak with Kathy. Hey, you never know.


Ernie Canadeo


Green smoothies cured me- Almond milk, kale, apples, bananas, wheatgrass powder, trader joes antioxidant powderextra virgin olive oil, cinnamon, ground flaxseed meal.....i have the skin of a 12yr old ballerina -dave schimansky


Bob - have you tried taking piles of Vitamin C? Supposed to be great for the complexion and skin.

Richard Sales


I didn't see anyone suggest Windex, but Michael Constantine swore by it my My Big Fat Greek Wedding

Philip Scott


What an outpouring.

Forget the music business blog. You need to shift it over to a healthcare blog.

You'll make a fortune if you can monetize it!

I wonder if Adele has eczema?

Rik shafer


If I recall correctly you have a form of leukemia for which you are taking
a rather expensive drug. Apologies if I have gotten this part wrong.

A few years ago, an acquaintance in our age group (coincidentally also an
avid skier) was DX'd with leukemia and prescribed a drug which showed
promising results but which made his skin itch horribly -- so much so
that, at his request, his medical team took him off the drug.

I don't know whether my friend's situation bears any relation to yours,
but if it does I'd advise not stopping the drug.

I hope you find some relief among the hundreds of heartfelt emails you've
received lately! Aren't people wonderful?

Judy Smith


Back in '12 I was diagnosed with rectal cancer, went through 5 weeks of chemo and 28 radiation treatments. About 14 treatments in, going to the bathroom became tear-inducing torture, one of the reasons I went from 160 lbs to 112 lbs within 4 months, why eat when you know you'll go through such pain? After going through that, a 3 month period with a colostomy bag, the three week long hospital stays and two major surgeries, I'm now ok. Not great, looks like the cancer is holding off, but my digestive system is whacky, I can go literally 10+ times per day if I eat like a normal human being. That I can deal with if I plan properly, like eat nothing or like a bird if I'm going to see a show like Gene Simmons tonight, who wants to hit the can in a nasty bathroom in a concert venue???

The biggest issue is my SKIN in the bum area, going to the bathroom a lot I can deal with. My skin, almost five years later is just raw, almost tear-inducing still at times due to radiation proctitis. I guess it's chronic in some, saw a dermatologist, yep tried several creams, nada, oncologist, it may go away, colonoscopy Dr, eh, not much you can do. Really??? I'm not the only one that suffers from this but there's nothing on the market that can help?

That's my SKIN story. I was diagnosed at 45, I'm 50 now. I tell people all the time, sure cancer of the bum is an embarrassing subject, but people need to get checked and they don't. Even those that witnessed me go through this. But if one does, and is saved from the torture I endured, I'm good with that.

I'm back up to 142 lbs, in shape, put some muscle back on at Planet Fitness, funny when I tell people, their reaction is YOU had cancer??? Yep, me, at 45. Colonoscopies at 50??? I really believe they should start at 40 or earlier, almost everyone I met at the Clinic was 40 or under going through a similar ordeal.

Thanks for the newsletter, it's always interesting.


Howard Ross


Thanks - note - Shingles may be real for some of your readers. My UVM college audio producer & friend was named Witt Shingle he worked with Gabby on Hawaiian Slide Key albums in LA with Ry Cooder. I got a shingles shot. Best ~ ski or hang in central VT some day - Jim Eaton


Am an eczema survivor

1. No fabric softener.
2. Dreft or Mrs. Meyes for laundry (or any ECO brand at Whole Foods or Co-op)
3. Whichever lotion you use from that long list of recommendations, be sure there are NO SULFATES. Eucerin and Aveeno both contain sulfates, I believe.
4. Coconut oil does work, but is very greasy
5. La Roche Posay Lipikar Lait (not from CVS, but from Europe - the laws are more stringent in EU than US, so it's a better formulation from EU). Here's who ships it

Lesley Bracker


Not one to ever jump in but exactly the same skin issues. New drug out, Xolair, given by injections, super expensive unless health insurance covers.
Specifically for rash and inching only, for over active immune system.
Just starting injections this week.

Ron Finkel


Everything is connected to diet. What is your cholesterol? If it is really high that can indicate that you have inflammation which needs to tested. Get your CRP tested. How is your b12 level? That is important too!

Jeanette Kimszal, RDN


Hey Bob...It's my experience that dermatologists just treat the symptoms and don't get to the root of the problem. I think a lot of skin issues have to do with diet. A holistic doctor recommended that I stop eating grains and no processed sugar. When I immersed myself in this diet my skin never looked better!
Thanks for all your great writing!
All the best,
Brandon Wilde


I have allergies and eczema and get dry itchy skin too. I'm Black and haven't had good luck with visiting dermatologists to relieve my skin symptoms. They don't usually work for me.
I have nothing for you but hope you report back on what you did and how it worked out.

Given the huge number of responses, can you write about back pain and sciatica issues? If you don't have such pain, make it up. Ha!! I need to tap your hive mind to crowd source some remedies for my life changing pain.



Given the response to your skin issue, I'm curious to see what your audience has to say about Tinnitus.

Keep up the good work.

Scott Drath


It's called eyes wide shut syndrome.

You allow the "authority" to poison your water with fluoride (used for rat poison, read your toothpaste warning). By the way your body is made of water. You're food is processed with chemicals, genetically modified, bathed in pesticides, old, dead, shipped across the planet from nutrient deficient soils to meet your demand and convenience. Yes all your booshie restaurants serve you poison and fish from a Fukushima radiation laden Pacific Ocean, let alone a place like McDonalds that should be charged with crimes against humanity. Then you breath oil and rubber all day in the big city while they spray you overhead with chemicals. And if you don't think so think again, the facts are out regarding atmospheric testing or whatever the hell their excuse. One day crystal clear, the next smoked out with lines of haze from high altitude planes. It gets into you, food, water. Then, you go to rest on a mattress with springs in it, little do you know that the coils, with 40 wifi/cell tower/radio signals surrounding you act like antenna and create a nice radio frequency cloud surrounding your bed so you can cook a little at night.

Welcome to the 21st century of the average American, unfortunately uneducated and unaware. What else would one expect?

No sparay??? Think again -----

Marcin Janiszewski


OK Bob, as one of the true Gurus in my life, I have to keep you healthy!
This is Sherry Brescia'a website. Everything you need to know is there.
She covers everything from skin to acid reflux, pain, diet, and beyond.
As I faithfully check in with you everyday, do yourself a huge favor, sign up for her program and she'll check in with you everyday. It all comes down to educating yourself in the world of acid / alkaline, and eating great food.
Get rid of all your ointments and fire your doctor for now. (Most doctors training only concerns medicine and how to prescribe it, having no clue about preventative practices). Unless you break something of course:)
Only you know and I know, It's not what you put on, it's what you put in,

John Ellis


Never tried the apple cider vinegar but I can tell you that Geoff is right about the Kenalog shots. If u want to take a trip that involves wearing shorts and short sleeves, get one 10 days before you go!

Curry Grant


I speak from experience - it took a rheumatologist to diagnose the skin condition that I had ALL OVER MY BODY (it crept up, little by little, as you have described). The problem was an inside job (they usually are, unless it is contact dermatitis). Perhaps your GP will agree? Sometimes, hematology can be helpful, as well - especially since you have had a blood disease in the past. Feel better!

TL McMillan


Impressed that John Duignan says he's cured his tinnitus on his own. Never heard that before, and after suffering with ringing ears for twenty some years...I would love to know how he did it. And what caused his tinnitus in the first place. Music? Loud noise? Drugs? Gunshots? Other?

Warning! A tinnitus topic might launch yet another avalanche in your mailbox! But it would be the mitzvah of all time for us sufferers.

This is the ONLY thing that gives me momentary relief from the insidious ringing:

BTW...I forgot to mention that taking benzodiazepines aka anti-anxiety drugs (commonly known as Valium, Xanax, Ativan, Restoril, Klonopin, Versed) will not only make your ears ring, but they will make you itch worse than any other cause. Flaky skin is one thing, but itching is in actuality the way that a body expresses pain. And theoretically pain is your 'friend' because it alerts you that attention must be paid.

I wish our bodies were like cars so we could just lift up the hood and see what's wrong!

Lisa Freedman


Catching up on emails and I just read yours about your skin condition and if you haven't found a solution, I can share what worked for my son after seeing too many "expert" dermatologists in NYC to count and different diagnosis's. As you say, medicine is more of an art form than science. He was in such pain from the itching, rubbing countless creams and ointments on himself, self medicating with benedryl and atarax and none of it really worked. A lot of skin flareups happen when the weather changes btw, but you probably know this already. He finally found the cure from Dr. Emma Gutman, who runs the Eczema Center at Mt. Sinai in NYC. She saw him and in :10 seconds knew exactly what to do and how to fix it. Within two days his skin was almost flawless. And the itching you speak of, I know how absolutely horrible and painful that is. Here was what 'cured' him immediately and of course, hope it helps you -

1) Take a warm bath with 1/2 cup clorox (the kind you'd use in with white clothing in laundry) and a full tub of water. Soak for 5 minute 3 times a week.

2) Shower using Ketokonozol shampoo (need script for this) for your scalp and Shampoo and face.
Use hibiclens to clean the rest of your body in the shower.

3) Phototherapy - start at a low dose (30 seconds) and increase.- 3 times a week. You'll need to find a doctor who has this machine and obviously get a script for this too.

4) He also took a low dose antibiotic for 10 days since all the itching caused an infection which is what makes your skin itch even more.

Over the years, my son was prescribed so many creams and ointments with steroids for this condition, that I could scream. Had I known about this much healthier alternative treatment, I could have saved us from years of bad skin management.

Good luck!

Susan Solovay


FWIW this stuff has done a decent job

Jason Kennedy


I know you have a lot to sift through. I hope that you have started your road to healing. It will take some diligence, focus and patience. I have added some additional notes.

Stay away from Parabens, banned in Europe, cancer causing and they irritate the skin. (It's on the villains chart in the link below with the other ingredients that are harmful) The EU has higher regulations in the cosmetics world than the US. You would be better off getting samples of products to try because you will know immediately if they irritate. The coconut oil can be blended with a lotion and it will hydrate the skin.

California is the lead with the highest organic food regulations in the US, thankfully.

Heal your gut.

You can go and try done bone broth. You can get it at BelCampo. Check their site
If it's of interest, there is a book about the benefits of bone broth, "Nourishing Broth," or you can just google the benefits. It's liquid gold as long as your condition doesn't get worse.

If you purchase probiotics, which you should immediately, highest content, in the billions, make sure it is dairy free. Dairy is your enemy.

You should look up foods with high levels of histamines and adjust your diet. Speak to your allergist/doctor.

Keep us updated on your progress.

Laura Tamburino


Your reply went to my spam box. I've read a good amount of the responses and I concur with most of the natural practices. As far as the coconut oil goes, make sure it is organic, raw and not pasteurized. Dr. Mercola is a great resource and has an extensive website. I had some weird skin stuff going on and it's hard to tell what will work sometimes as they stem from different sources. Dane Farnsworth was right on the money, in my book! Two things to always remember, (if it's not an allergy to grass or something along those lines) if it's coming out on your skin your body can't process the toxins and your liver is in overload. Whatever you put on your body topically absorbs and goes through your kidneys to process. So putting Jergen's or other chemical based lotions will process through the liver and isn't helping. You need to find the source. There are a lot of ways to detox and that should be high on your list!

Of course your doctor said that, Ugg!!!! Coconut oil is antibacterial and antifungal so even if it doesn't solve the skin issue it's not going to hurt you and will give you other health benefits and it's cheap compared to what he is going to prescribe. I didn't see anyone recommend Castor oil, but that is also very good. Again, organic and not pasteurized.

Check out Bullet proof coffee for brain function. You don't need to do their system but the premise is good.

Just one more thing...sorry! Apple cider vinegar is also an anti-inflammation remedy. I have used it topically and drinking it is really good. Your mind immediately thinks it's an acid, but when ingested it will turn your body alkaline. But that's a whole other story!

Good luck and I look forward to your course of action and to see your progress.

Tanya Page


Hey Bob,

Just turned 31 and had a breakout on my skin that sounds incredibly similar to yours. Mine is mostly eczema, which I've had before on a very small scale before it vanishes.

It started with peeling under the fingernail of my right-hand ring finger, and then around it. Expanded to my inner ear and then my scalp. Later started getting a rash on my forehead and palms and I finally said enough and went and got a steroid cream.

The doctor seemed unconcerned; he told me to reduce my stress/anxiety (I work in tech in SF) and my carb/fat intake and sent me on my way in less than 20 minutes. Thanks dude.

So I'm turning to Eastern medicine to augment my treatment. I know, that's the shit that killed Steve Jobs, right? Not exactly.

I lived in China for four years and learned a thing or two about this. The thing is Traditional Chinese Medicine is a whole-person approach to internal medicine. I've got this cream for the surface symptoms but my skin condition is simply a physical manifestation of something that's out of whack internally.

Western medicine's strength is it's empirical and you have science to back it up but they usually just throw drugs at the symptoms until they stop.

Eastern medicine has a history spanning millennia to back it up but less empirical support. However, they treat the whole person with a root cause approach.

But you gotta be careful. Look for a Chinese or Taiwanese doctor first, or at least someone who's been trained in China second.

The woman I'm seeing helped a friend after a serious car accident. She was having terrible neck and shoulder pain so the doc brewed up a tincture from scratch and two weeks later my friend has made what you might call a miraculous recovery. When she heard about my problems she gave me the recommendation immediately.

I'm headed in Monday for my consultation. I'll keep you posted, if you're interested.

Get well soon.



Poor dear. I'm with you.
It wouldn't be an on / off again case of shingles would it ?

I just picked up an ancient book in my house: The Ultra Simple Diet by Mark Hyman, M.D.
Because I just want to get healthy and lose a couple of lbs. It's one of those anti-inflammation diets that starts your day with a good green tea (coffee can wait) and has me cooking brown rice once a week and storing it in little plastic bags to eat during the week - this among other recommendations.

A healthy diet couldn't help and I doubt you will go hungry either.

I'm sending you "get well vibes" !

Barbara Rounds


Johnson's Baby Shampoo is the trick for the itchiness around the eyes and face. Dermatologist recommended this for my husband and I a couple of months ago (we live in SWFL) and it does the trick every time for us. Lukeward water, light scrub, it was gone in 2 days......and hasn't reappeared since :) Cheers! Elisa Miller-Burda and Petr


Thanks for that 2nd round of replies. If you are considering a 3rd, keep in mind they say in Judaism that 3 times a "hazakah," a strength. In other religions and cultures of course 3 has its own symbolism of strength. So, I imagine you'll get more replies to your reply. You're definitely keeping a lot of us entertained. Clearly this is more interesting than our boring and often depressing Facebook feeds these days. Stay strong; there's always a light at the end of the tunnel!

With great hope for good epidermal news,

Rachel Steinerman


What's funny is seeing the names of people I used to see / hang with / bump into / hear about at conventions 20 - 25 years ago, in various stages of inebriation or drug usage, now espousing about coconut oil and lavender aloe and Panthothenic Acid. Dylan was right, the times they are a changin'. As well as the people.

Barry Lyons / Rent A Label

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