Friday 31 March 2017

One and Only Man Bun Response

Was just thinking the exact same thing! I hear nothing but ridicule for the man bun, yet it doesn't seem to stop anyone.

I was buying records from someone on Craigslist this week. He described himself for when we met as "tall with a man bun". I was shocked. He could have said "tall with terrible breath" and it would have sounded the same to me. I didn't realize people admitted to wearing one, even if you could see it. Funny stuff.

Eric Howarth

When did the man bun become a thing? I'd say Toshiro Mifune was the last person to pull it off (which inspired the attached meme), and judging by this Kayak commercial, it's already no longer a thing:

Tami Lefko

I'm sending this to my 16 yr old son who has one.

Jeff Kew

I tried the thinning white/gray pony tail thing for 4 months after retiring - re-capture the hippie days, maybe. It looked like shit - looked like I was trying to re-capture the hippie days...

Cut it short and look more normal, but boring. Benefit: landing pad on top of head is less obvious, now.
Rock on, Bob.
Kevin Ritchie

"Kinda like all those bald guys who shave their heads so they think we won't know"

Would you rather they cling on to the few strands they've got or just be rid of it? My partner just recently made the transition. I'm glad he finally let go

Sharob Knight

Oh Bob, don't start judging people that way. Whatever works for them works for me. Personally, I've seen some fairly sexy looking men in buns. I'll give you Steven Tyler looks a bit like a grandmother whe he sports one but still, I thinks it's cool he doesn't give a damn. Lighten up, son :)

Patty Carlin

The man bun is over. The only person who looked good in it was Gavin Rossdale and he got rid of it. :-) (I liked it on Gavin.)

Kathy Kenyon

So, do you think I should get rid of my man bun, Bob?

I would if you told me to.

John M.

Yul Brynner and Telly Savalas have a bone to pick with you.....

Armand Sadlier

Check out Pony Tales from Kroll Show - re men and their excess hair.

Been reading you for about 5 years now, alway interested in your perceptions. Thanks for trying to make sense of the chaos.

Khalid Hanifi

Yes, you are right--Women do make fun of them!!

Sheryl E Dial

Bob, I'm sure your being inundated by responses but ere's to the deluge!

Ancient hairstyle. Everything has been done and will be done again. Cycles like sounds waves.


Dason Johnson

Unreal. Thom Yorke has a man bun, show some respect!

Tyler Blatchley

this is so idiotic, usually love your stuff though.


Connor Crawford

pppfffffftttt ... who hijacked your account & wrote that?

I WISH I could grow a decent mane again, so I could wind it up & tie it back, whatever.. (my old move was sunglasses pushed up, holding it off my face). Personally, I prefer seeing guys with fancy long hair than baseball hats any day. At least they're making an effort, right?

Justin Gray

There are those of right mind!

Enjoy, Bob!

Mark Atherlay

Hahaha! Man I really enjoy your emails. Here's a great link combining two of the major problems in the world. Groupon and man buns!!

Philip P
BAMP project

Thanks Bob,I saw a guy with 2 man buns.1 on top,and 1 in the back.That was interesting.Have a great day,Ted Keane

Your finest comedic moment, laughing tears at my desk. Great one Bob!

Bob Kalill

Hi Bob - Great spoof on "The Tao of The Man Bun" from comedian JP Sears (2.6m views):

Brandon Deroche

Yep, I'm with you Bob. But, as I'm frequently reminded when I comment this way, you need to end your rant with - "and get off my lawn...."

Bob Langlie

You' and whoever's sporting it are three years behind

Ps can you stop complaining about trivial stuff

Angel Parisi

The man bun has been standard equipment in the Jazz community of Tel Aviv for about the last 5-6 years beginning with the Trumpet player Avishay Cohen and more recently by Amit Freidman and the Grammy award winner Ruslan Sirota. It's become a rite of passage of sorts...go figure!

Hillel Wachs
2b Vibes Music
Tel Aviv-Jerusalem

Wrong. Bald guys shave their head because they KNOW that you know and why go around parading in a comb over? It's called Embracing your going-bald not holding on to your withering locks.

A. Haberman

Yeah Bob. Fire it up.

If you need a hug I'm here for you.

Lee Posner

Haha. Love it Bob.

It's as if Carrie Bradshaw never left our lives.

Simon Forman

Well Bob,

Wouldn't you agree it's a great thing if someone can still get their knickers in a twist about a hairdo, more than half a century since The Beatles? I find your post encouraging.


Peter van Vleuten

Hi Bob,
Man, I thought it was only me!!

Thanks for this, and for all you do.
Greg Calbi
Sterling Sound

Long enough for these guys to do this two years ago:

Also kind of amusing:

Joshua Freni


I don't do this but sometimes a "look" is just someone making a decision in this case getting the hair out of the eyes/face.

even commenting about how fashion sucks, sucks

LA must be horrible with everyone second guessing themselves like you're doing with this missive

who gives a fuck !!!!!!



Marc Beck

Jeez Bob give the bald guys who save their head some credit. It's the manly option in an age wigs can cost 5Gs and always leave you looking worse than Trump. They owned it. WTF else is there to do? Cheers Pete from Toronto.


You must have watched Grand Torino last night. LOL

I must agree though that I think man buns look stupid. But then folks likely think this 63 year old with his (non-thining hair) thick ponytail looks weird too.

Denman Schmid

Uh oh. There goes half your subscribers!

(Not me!)

Richard Pachter

I think that the idea is coming from the ancient warriors. It's not a "bun" it's a top knot.

The Maori in New Zealand have been wearing top knots for centuries

As have the Samurai from Japan

Lindsay Gregory

You are so right and Man Buns are so, so wrong!
Omar Maskatiya
COO Official Charts Company, UK

It's just the new mullet! Haha!

Kenny Lee Lewis

not me! I look nothing like what's in my's great! It's like I'm undercover. People have NO idea, and I like it that way.


I HATE the Man Bun!!! Watch the show Survivor and you will see wayyyyyy too many of them. Guys that wear them are too CUTE, and it makes me just want to SLAP them and tell them to "Wake up!" They look beyond lame. I was a longhair (huge Jewfro) in the 60's and 70's but that was cool. Even a pony tail is cool if you have to tie your hair back. But putting your hair up in a bun?? Sorry, that's where I draw the line. ;-)

Paul Rappaport

Careful this could easily veer back to talking about skin

James K

Bob, you are so late with this man bun stuff, my brother. We've moved on to a whole next wave of hairstyles. The hipsters are setting trends and it's exciting. Living in Hollywood, we are experiencing the newest. We are setting the trend.

Benjamin E. Cazares, Jr., Juris Doctor

Think it started with world pro soccer players to keep long hair out of their eyes while playing.

Robert Lovenheim

Hi Bob,
Man buns have been a thing long enough for a "Man Buns of Disneyland" Instagram account to exist:
Sorry to have to share that with you, but it couldn't be helped.

Deborah Speer
Associate News Editor

A man bun is just a ponytail with pretensions...

As my barber says, the only thing you find under a pony's tail is an asshole.

Enough said.

Timothy Ryan

Thank you for making me giggle during a crappy work day. You continue to be spot on regarding life/music perspective....You are appreciated by this human!

Melissa Provencio

The man bun is totally hot. It's been evolving for a while, I notice it while living in New York City for 16 years. Grow your bun Bob! In LA area, where I live now, there is a shortage of buns! Unless you go to In N Out!

Jennie Walker

Really? Not too judgmental. Seems to be coming from some of your own issues. Surprising you'd put it out there.
Jeff Bozler

I agree with all of this … except the comparison to "bald guys who shave their heads so they think we won't know." I think if you are balding, shaving your head completely is an aesthetically (and socially) reasonable choice; it looks better than a few desperate hairs clinging to the scalp like dying vines. I've been genetically blessed to still have a full head of hair at 56, and being the youngest of six with much older brothers with the same, I don't think I'll ever face that decision, but I have often said that if I were going bald I would just shave it all off and not fight it.

Tom Player

I am millennial. I have a shaved head, no manbun and therefore unbiased.

The manbun has come and gone many moons ago. The fact that you are raving about existence of the manbun is an insult to the common millennial.

In parallel this is simply like saying Bon Jovi's hairstyle hawks major D in 1992.


Zach Jones

haven't read yet, but you had me at the subject! THANK YOU

Danielle De Andrea

This one was a HOOT, Bob. I'm still laughing.

I shaved my head for 23 years, but no more. It is what it is, and it ain't coming back. I'm 58, I own it…

Bob Davis
Retired Tour Accountant

I envy you that you're just now becoming aware of this phenomenon. Here in Denver it's been a hipster thing for a while now. And the man-bun + the full beard? That's this generation's mullet...

Sam Smith

Like you, I'm a fellow bald guy - but I shave my head. Not because people will think I'm NOT bald - but because I'm not ashamed of being bald...and I think it looks better than having that horseshoe-shaped fringe. I always assume most guys who shave their heads ARE bald. I gotta say, it's the ones with the complicated comb-overs (Drumpf, for example), who seem to be trying to fool people...and wind up deluding only themselves.
David Allgood

Love you Bob...but I gotta ask...why are you writing about this?

David Bach

At last someone has said what needed to be said on this topic.

Greg Dennis

When I see someone sporting a man bun, yes, I think it?s ridiculous as I
thought the proliferation of goatees was ridiculous.
But most of all, I think how wonderful to still have a head of hair that
can support such ridiculousness.
What was once a head of hair that Thor could admire now seems more suited
to the crowd at a Channel 13 Doo Wop membership drive concert.

William Nollman

I was with you until the last line. I respect those baldies that just own it and bic it clean rather than getting implants or wigs or, god forbid, the dreaded combover. But yea, the man bun trend needs to die.


Preach! Could not have said it better - man buns are just wrong on every level.
Stewart Lewis

Uh oh... pretty soon you're going to be yelling "getting off my lawn!" ;-)

Gonzo Rock

Sumo wrestlers!

Craig Anderton

It was only acceptable for Riff Raff at the end of Rocky Horror. You know, the scene where you're supposed to shout out, "Hey Riff, who does your hair, Dairy Queen?"

David DiSanzo

Funniest post in ages Bob! Good therapy.

Seth Hodder

Bob the man bun became a thing along time ago. I used to think you were a step ahead of the curve, bob, on all fronts, but I can see clearly now that you have lost your grip and touch. The only thing you've got right these days Bobby's about the integrity of artists and maybe some of the trends in international business and tech. Bob you need to do some soul-searching of your own so I can depend on you further for now you're one email away from being un subscribed

Howard Dlugasch

Hey dude, people are free to dress however they like. Same goes for the hair.
Regardless of that, here a "fun fact": I had a bun in 1991 and and got
more pussy than most see in their lifetime.
Lenny Ibizarre

I'm bald, so I let my hair grow as long as my wife will let me!
Peter Noone

Follow the wearer of the man bun. 'THEY' will lead you to your safe-space!

Wade Mosher

Worst male trend that I've ever seen

Kevin F. Sutter


Oscar Williamson

No definitive answer, but one of the very first people I recall seeing with a man bun, years ago, was Ringo. Somehow, he pulled it off.


George Varga

Hilarious! Jealous! Lol

Jake Gold

I saw a man bun who had a man purse too in Beverly Hills last week. Swear to you. :0)
Harry Levy

Haters gonna hate, Bob.

(My son has a man bun and it looks great. Takes confidence, and YOUNG women love them)

Michele Kalish

Now there is a name for a band. Albeit a band making yoga music but still. ...

Dan Waite

You rock Bob!!!

Steve Gerardi

Love your emails Bob.

The man bun has been a thing for a while though.

Cameron Ridenour

I tend to mimic the community I'm interested in photographing at any particular time.

In my long hair I've spent a couple years shooting rockers and pole dancers, now with my new short look, I'm set to shoot some fascists.
Scott Chmelar


Been around for about 10 years... that's it's becoming acceptable and a trend means it's on the way out. Here come the buzz cuts. :) Oh and the world keeps turning, turning, turning back on itself, like a snake eating the tail of the snake that's eating it's tail.

Rebekah Ann

Beautiful Bob. Let the hate mail begin LOL. Freakin hipsters.... they can take their man bun and skinny jeans and you know what with it. We hear you screaming for attention hipsters so please stop making us plug our ears… And eyes

Great on all levels and you didn't use the words Trump or Park City!

Doug Epperson

Sometimes it's just more comfortable to wear hair up when it's long. I don't consider it a statement about my individuality - I am aware plenty of other men wear their hair the same way.

Sorry it makes you so angry.

Mike Greenberg

Say what you will... but it has only helped the cause over here, not hurt it. I play colleges all over the country with my percussion group and, no bragging here but just to report, it has been a popular attention getter. Alas, nothing lasts forever.

Dan Twiford
(Former bowl-cut wearer circa 1997)

I know you are going to get a load of mail about how bad the man bun is, so I decided to throw you my opinion. I'm a 50 year old woman, when I was 12 and just started to notice men, they all had long hair and they were hot. Then the 80s happened, god I hate short hair on men. When the man bun came back I was so happy, then the world started making fun of it and now I'm sad. Man, I really hate short hair on men. Thanks for asking ;)

Lee Vandeveer

Angry today Bob?
Take it easy you've got a big event coming up.. enjoy. And there may be some Man Buns there. Be patient with everyone.. we're only trying to find our own way home.
Johnny Brower

By the time there's a name for it, it's passè; same as it ever was. Last time I was in LA without my stetson, somebody remarked on what a cliche it was for us 'sound engineers' to wear ponytails, but the very practical reason for this is if you don't tie your long hair back/up/somewhere, the headphones slide off your ears every time you turn your head. And did you know that wearing a hat with a brim puts a notch in your hearing?

Back in my spandex days, I sported pigtails instead of the teased mane typical of the era. Thank God there were no camphones back then. By the late nineties, I was shaving my head; not bald then nor now, just thought it was a cool look that I could never try prior, for fear of being mistaken for a nazi skinhead.Remember them? It was no wonder they were pissed off all the time; they never got laid. Hey, maybe we should ship prostitutes to the Middle East instead of bombs? It doesn't look like they'll be taking up football anytime soon.

Mojo Bone

Wow... my email server must be slow because this article would have been relevant two years ago. The man bun bothers people because it is a man appropriating something thought of as feminine... in the same way that a woman wearing pants (!) used to bother people.

C'mon, Bob. Write another great article about music!

Suzanne Nuttall a.k.a. Ponyta
Toronto, Canada

Haha...Ok Bob, you don't really think men shave their heads so that people won't notice they're half bald, do you??

Everyone knows... But they do it coz its neat and presentable (and I'd bet every guitar I own, that 10 out of 10 women would prefer their partner fully shaved than doing the Homer Simpson).

Hanging it on half bald men that shave their heads is like hanging it on people that cut their nails, or women that shave under their arms... just coz it grows on you doesnt mean you should keep it!

Please! lol.

Simon Hosford

I understand you're an older gentleman but you just discovered the man bun phenomenon? You're about 2 years too late.

Danny Jay

Us bald guys shave our heads to embrace our balding and not fight it. Those with comb overs are trying to hold into the past. It is no different than the streaming vs physical albums mentality.
Now as far as the man buns you are 100% correct.
Rock on
Nick Tuite

Bob, Bob, Bob

Complaining about hair styles on young people?

Now you're REALLY beginning to sound like my parents.

Jim Blaney
Nashville TN

Hey, a shaved head is the ironic combover.

David Scott Carlick

Hey Bob. I'm pretty critical of some aspects of people's style choices too; the millennial beard, tattoos on every ordinary white dude alive, cosmetic surgery (medical necessity not included), etc, but, shaving your head is not an attempt to not look bald, it's an attempt to not be a ridiculous guy clinging to the last bits of hair, trying to make it look like a hairdo. Believe me, it's way more comfortable than a comb over.

Chris Flesher

Jail term for man bun
" The Bitch Handle "

Mark Flores

-Jon Curtis

It became a thing at least 2 years ago...

You're out of touch... please stop writing about skin and man buns and focus on the music.

Leah Cardoz

I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with the snickering women of which you speak.

I'm oldish (38) but everyone I know thinks a well done man bun is pure sexy.

Show this to the cackling hens and let me know what they think:

Also, man buns have been a thing for a looooong while (at least 3 years).

Jennifer Irizarry

As a boomer (loud and Proud) I had long hair in the 60s and 70s and reluctantly cut it to land a job. Grew it back a couple of times. But now, as my hair is retreating daily, I find myself thinking the same thing about man buns. Shit, I'm getting old.
Robert Tussey

It is funny, even though, it is I guess, a fashion thing (sometimes... lol),
I do find it funny, and I don't know why!

Glenda Rush

Hahaha Bob, you're tripping. My hair and I got a divorce some time ago now but I cut it so I don't walk around looking like black Bozo. Everyone that knows me I assume knows why I shave my head. When it ALL grew I had beautiful full locks. Every generation is different, just because you don't understand it...oh well. If they wanna rock Man Buns more power to them!!!


Hi Bob, " hair " a way more complicated subject than you set out in today's piece. Good start but oh oh, watch the avalanche of mail coming! You may need a rescue dog! Best from a Toronto follower, keep up the great work. Rick Kesler.

Hair envy? I get it too, if I still could, it's likely I'd be sporting a 'mun'.

Matthew Aitchison

already came and went, thank god!!

Rob Reimer

Damn Bob, this is a lot of vitriol for a hairstyle. You say you can't tell the personality by the bun, but then you say it radiates follower, lack of individuality, looking for cred. Sometimes long hair makes you physically hot, so you put your hair up. I don't have long hair, but when I did, I put it up because I was hot. Not because I was "trying to gain some cred".

Rob Getzschman

I love you man!
Cuzin D

Even as a proud millenial, I have to admit that this is great (and hilarious). As usual, spot-on!

Joe Casey

Clearly, per other cultures BESIDES the only one you might pay attention to, this hairstyle has been in style for much longer than any hipster has been in existence. That includes back when you were in University.

Devin Nolcox

Bob, I love you and your work, and you do a great job of staying young in your mind and heart, but in this one you sound like an old guy who wants those darn kids to get off his lawn. Who cares how they wear their hair? Old people in 1964 could have used some of these exact same words to talk about the Beatles.

Bill Higgins

The women of London just say "No" to man buns - at least those of us over that age of 40.

Jane Clemetson

lol hilarious.


Making fun of people for the way they look or how they choose to wear their hair? Really? Who cares? Some people are outsiders and some are followers. If they're happy, don't let it bother you.


Pretty sure 'hating on man buns' just jumped the shark, and now they'll become cool again.

Jordan Walker

If you're a real samurai, I'll let the man bun/top knot slide as well. Otherwise…


Ned Ward

"Now you tie it all on top of your head like a Teletubby." LOOOOOL

I love Bob Lefsetz! He's such a well-opinionated guy! Hah!

Destiny Johnson

Haters gonna hate! :)

John Conkle

Teletubby...that's really funny!

Carolyne Mas

I think in this day and age everyone is trying to appeal to everyone. Gay, straight, transgender or whomever. It's not only Gen Me it's Gen Wuss as well. lmao


The man bun is kind of sad. Guys who can't figure out if they are getting old or just getting out of touch, guys who lost touch with what used to be cool, and guys who can't deal with the fact they are getting older. Most important, guys who lost touch with real style. Of course, I could be wrong.

John Parikhal

Bob, I am not praising or blaming, but the herd is huge and sporting the same fleece. The light beard, or

should I say 'beard-lite' and the checked shirt, or any shirt hanging out just below the belt line.

Hair is cropped and groomed just so, neat enough to please my very conservative late Dad. And the guys are in pants

and shoes with white soles. It's the least imaginative, most pervasive look in recorded memory. It's dullness is

only pernicious in that the herd expects everyone to dress that way and today, like-hires-like in the job market.

Your chances of getting hired drop drastically of you look fantastically different. Not in Paris or London, but in America. So it goes. And oh, there slips a man bun,

on a bike, as we were speaking. Tantric.

Enjoy your columns immensely.

Howard Stein

Man bun is hot. I think I first recall it 6 years ago in NYC when it became a "trend". There are specific kinds of guys who sport it (today), bohemian yet ironically professional with a groomed beard and yes, like you mentioned, yoga teachers and the hipsters. It's 2017 and men are embracing fashion more fiercely than ever before and I applaud it. We talk about women equality and rights all day long but, why do men get judged for breaking the norm with their hair style choice? Under every man bun are some sexy layered locks and women who snicker at it are probably middled-aged who's husbands have lost most of their hair and are, like most people who make fun of others, insecure about it. #WhoGivesAShit
Kristen Lucio

i rocked a man bun for eons before it was even called a man bun.
it was a ponytail wrapped around itself.

i loved my long hair, but i couldn't stand the man ponytail, so i wrapped it around itself.
hence, the bun.

women do it all the time !

its takes a real confident man to rock a man bun


This was sounds like it was written by Larry David!

Daryl B. Williams

Love it!


I'll take my man bun over baldness, any day.

Justin Forth

I'm not against anything you're saying but I'm curious as to what other options there are. Everything has been done already. There's nothing new under the sun. The 80's are back. The music has been the lowest common denominator and it's now trendy to be exploring new (old) sounds. The man bun is ridiculous as is that Muslim beard on non muslims (bald head, just beard - you've seen it) So what are these followers, non innovators, raised on devices vs. humanity, to do? They don't even know better. Just asking - Luv ya Bob!

Etan G

Jesus Bob sounds like some major repressed hair envy thing going on.

Derek Petrillo

for once in your life, i dare say you're behind the curve. i feel like the man bun hit its peak 2-3 years ago and is finally dying down, thank God!

Jeremy Mix

Been a thing for a while, and ridiculed for about one day less than that.
You wear one, you only have one strike left to convince me you're not a douche.
Then again, I'm not a fan of earrings on men either. Or tattoos on anybody.
If you're straining so hard to look cool, you're probably not cool.

Mitchell Brook

Speaking as a 50-year-old musician - still doing gigs by the way - the man bun is terrible. I've sported a pony tail - had to - back in the day my hair was nearly on level with my ass. The Man bun is style - and not good style.

My mother - a preacher - wore her hair in a bun to make it fit the silly hat the church required. I get that. It was what it was. But she probably would have preferred to rock her natural curls. She, by the way, at 80-plus - and being my first piano teacher - still does more gigs than I do on a weekly basis than I do. My mom, she was proud that I made a living from music, but, to me, she's the rock star.

I say that because she played/plays for everyone - her church congregation, at old folks homes and, back in the day, when I was wee, in prisons - my mom and dad were pastors for years in Kingston, Ontario and served every prison in the area. That ranged from minimum security digs to maximum security lockups in KP and Millhaven. My dad, god rest his soul, dealt with the worst of the worst. My mom, she played for them all.

I've played a lot of shows in my time, but I'm still playing catch up to my mother. And she did the ones that matter - not to fans, not to people who paid for the experience, but to those who needed it, right then and right there. That's the thing - we love the artist of the moment, we talk about them, we never talk about the folks for whom music is life, who never get the props they deserve because they work in the shadows. And those, my friend, are the people who matter the most in music.

Don't know how I went from man bun to mom, but just saying'.

Kevin Young

Mr. L--

I try not to weigh in too much, but this is important.

My buddy, "Beard Bates", has a Triple Man Bun!

Yeah you heard that right. T to the M to the B.

At first I was afraid, I was petrified...

But then right in the heart of Hollywood, it appeared.

It's a veritable Niagara Falls, cascading gently &/or offensively right down the back of his big ole noggin...

I bore witness. No one warned me!

I was aghast, & giggled behind his back.

Now, we're friends.

He has balls-- 3 of 'em?!?!?!
5 maybe?

Every Sunday, he appears like some kind of hipster unicorn at Harvard & Stone after midnight. A triple-corn? I feel you. I was also at a loss.

But then-- There's the another side to The Bun.

My bass player who will heckle The Man Bun all day from the confines of The Van...

I go to pick him up for tour, and he Peacocks his MB all around the house like there's no tomorrow.

There are protocols in place already apparently. The MB Ship sailed. To each their own.

For J-Sonic it's ok around the house. Otherwise, you get heckled.

For Beard, he triples down on that jam.

Beard Bates' 3X'sTMB...

Live & let live, I say.

Hopefully, we can all laugh at ourselves and each other.

In good humor, good health, and bald &/or plentiful/strangely arranged locks,

noticed watching one of those inside prison shows that a lot of inmates had hair out because of the heat. another fashion from incarcerated culture


And tattoos? Used to be only sailors - 20 to 40 year olds want to show their "individuality" by permanently inking their skin....we'll see how that looks in 20 years! Ever see the tat's of a 70 year-old? Yuk.
I always told my kids....shoot me if you ever see me with a ponytail....a man bun....OMFG.
David Epstein

It's true...all we women do is make fun of the man bun!
When much older men started growing those wimpy ponytails the girls and I vowed to run with scissors and chop off every one we could get to! Kind of ritual scalping or tonsuring!
And while we're on it, could you tell the rest of the male population to lose those Smith bros. cough drop beards? The only ones allowed to have them is the gibbons of zz top! And those two barefoot hillbillies in an old bugs bunny cartoon! That's it! For all who are left contact any of the razor websites that will send you a blade ASAP!
Phew! I feel better now! Thanks bob!
Goodnight from the east coast!
Roberta Shoten

I grew my hair out during a 200-hour Kundalini yoga training certification a few years ago. Our founder Yogi Bhajan--who helped bring yoga to America in the 1960's from his humble ashram in L.A.--encouraged his yoga teachers to embrace our natural divine state including not shaving or cutting our hair.

It's said to increase our awareness. My unshaven beard and hair work like antennae that detect subtle energy from my environment.

"It is said that when you allow your hair to grow to its full length and coil it on the crown of the head, the sun energy, pranic life force, is drawn down the spine. To counteract that downward movement, the Kundalini life energy rises to create balance. In Yogi Bhajan's words, 'Your hair is not there by mistake. It has a definite purpose, which saints will discover and other men will laugh at.'"

Tony Velasco

Went to the Smithsonian in Sept. and found that even Homo Neanderthalensis is now sporting the man bun!
Carole A.

man bun = eww

Denise Mello

Fuck thank God Bob! Someone had to finally say it. I'm surprised it took you this long.

Vee Popat

When did this become a thing. About 2-3 years ago. I work at a university after all. My 22 year son stopped having one well over a year ago. It's over. Kind of like CDs.

Steven Ehrlick

Thank you for making me laugh.

Trump Man Bun:

Vickie Nauman

better baldies shave than the comb over though surely?


I started growing my hair a few years ago to donate for child cancer patients...during that time the man-bun became a thing and I now use it to wrap my locks up...

Over the corse of the last 4 years hearing the ridicule and jealousy (yes from women) people tend to change their tone when I mention I'm giving my hair to a little girl so she can have her dignity I'll gladly let you take mine...

Brendan Carey, Jr.

Bob, I was with you till that last line. I shave my head because I think a fully bald head looks far better than a half bald head; on me or anybody.

Here's my picture of a guy at the theater. If being taller than the people behind you isn't enough pile your hair into a man-bun for even greater visual obstruction!

Dan Prozinski
Mpls., MN

Ugh...don't get me started. Wait… Too late!

Nothing irritates me more than the man bun. I have long hair...know what I do with it when it bothers me or gets in my way? I cut it short.

Guys: stop the man bun bullshit.

Brian Cooney

Samurai man bun:

George Drakoulias

Man buns haven't been a thing since last summer, man braids on the other hand...


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