Thursday 20 April 2017

Re-Grushecky/Springsteen Protest Song

I'm going to write a
protest song about
charging money to download protest
songs (from your own
web site).
They sure got the title right!
Speaking as an artist-traditionally, that's not
why we write 'em.
My song will be available for free.

Joe Walsh


Nailed it as usual Bob.

Saw this popping up in my social feeds all morning. Rolling Stone and Pitchfork both using the misleading language to 'hear a new Springsteen protest song here (their websites)'. Only to arrive there and find the link to a 99 cent download. Didn't even give it a second thought to download it. Went to YouTube ... as you noted: nothing.

At this point I'll wait until it eventually services on Apple Music (yes my paid streaming service of choice, mostly because of Zane Lowe and his ability to show me new music) or somewhere else online or forget it all together.

Ryan Hobson


Oh boo-hoo-hoo!!! I've never seen you poor mouth any rocker over 99 cents. Pittsburgh is not a bastion of high standards of living, it's a working man's town with working man rock. And if Joe's buddy deigns to help him out every once in a while historically and stylistically to his craft, and if it helps a working man make 99 cents, then bravo for one rocker helping out another. But YOU are no help decrying that he's using old tech. At the same time, kudos to you for making your list aware that the song exists, because even in your ire, you're helping him make a buck.

Paul Cramer


I just read your column and, as usual, I'm first hearing about this hype from you. I read about 1/3 of your column and got curious. So, I go to try and find the song. Finally after a few errant clips here and there, I find the website and se that it'll cost me a dollar. At first I think, "Why not? It's only a dollar and I hate Trump so it'll be worth it, right?" But then I start to feel like a sucker and I don't like to feel like a sucker so I end up abandoning the effort and go back to your email. After reading through the rest of your message I'm totally with you. Even with all my money, I won't even give the guy ONE MEASLY DOLLAR to satisfy my curiosity.

I do kind of hope that it's a hit only because I'm excited for the resurgence of the GOOD protest song and if Trump can't start a new era of protest music, it can't be done.

Thanks again for another fun trip this morning!



Welcome to 2017, Joe. Lefsetz is 100% right. Not to mention the irony of trying to make a measly buck off of a "protest" song.

Jeffrey Stern


Bob, I had not heard of this song...Nowhere on Insta or FB or YouTube--and I'm on those all day, every hour...sometimes by the minute. But because you said it might be worthy of attention and time...I want to hear it, suss the lyrics, see if it resonates, has the gravitas we desperately need right now to fight and Resist. But go to the guy's site and pay and download?? No way! That's not what makes America (or Internet freedom) Great...more like something the Erstz Alt Right new order schemed up. I'll pass. Thanks for the heads up tho...Marin


Josh Solomon here. Indie musician and member of Chicago-based, Americana roots-rock band, The Empty Pockets.

I'm a fan of your writing.

A line in your latest email struck me...

"So you hope that the stars align and people will check out your tune."

As an indie musician whose made a living making music for 10 years, my sense is that is very bad advice.

That's old world thinking.

Screw the "stars aligning."

Musicians should build their email lists. Build an audience. Cultivate a tribe.

No need to be famous anymore to make a great living, have a good career, etc...

At least that's my two cents.




Already circulating as soon as it hit radio via video on Facebook. So much for the download only option.

Are these people living in the past??

Stephen Tatton


Is this another April Fools joke?

Mary Beth Medley


Agreed. You snooze, you lose.

Carolyne Mas


Amen Bob! Identical experience.
Onto the next now without ever hearing it

Dave Morris


A 1%'er writing a co-writing a protest song because his favorite politician didn't get elected? And here I am thinking that the thing that really needs protesting is that there are 1%'ers.
It's not like consolidating appx 92-95% of the wealth in the hands of the top 1-2% has anything to do with why no one can afford to purchase music or go see live shows-right? Except for the 1% fashion show that Coachella has become I mean. "Glamping?" REALLY??
That you missed this and concentrated on their dinosaurish method of how the song was released is sad. And that Springsteen missed that instead of protesting he should be organizing- using his largess to back candidates he supports for the 2018 mid terms? That is downright pathetic.

Chris Long


Facepalm... more like faceplant.

Gonzo Rock


take that Grushecky. ya dummy ya...

David Elkins


"And monitor your social media feeds. I tweeted Grushecky all of the above and what did I hear...


You sound more like a scorned lover than an objectively minded industry insider (in this case)

I anticipate your reply :-)

Jon Landry - GroundSwell Music


Sounds like Joe Grushecky is the kinda guy still wearing an onion on his belt!

Jeremy Silverthorn


He's free to do with his music as he pleases, Bob! He's not decrying streaming services. He's just not using them. His choice. Good choice? Maybe not. But his choice.

Michael Fremer


Did I miss something Bob how come you never mentioned the big protest song with Dylan et al???



Maybe he's too busy teaching school to monitor his social media feeds....

Joe Haus


He is still teaching school. He's working. OK?

Calm down and get your ego under control. So he didn't answer .
He responds very well to his fans.

Tom Claycomb


Is Bruce still trying to pull off the working man Schtick from one of his mansions? Seriously!

Bill Tibbs


Not going to pay either. What is it, "the dawn of correction" for a new era?

David Reilly


I tried too. Saw it in my social feed and clicked through. I would have even a download with say a one click Paypal purchase. Nope, full registration form - I was aghast at the lack of insight. I did check Spotify and he's there but not this tune. I did listen to several tracks though...
Don D


Preach it bob preachhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Any appreciation big or small is a dream come true for a true artist. If someone believes in you enough to listen/participate AND engage, you have to as well!



what a great line

"And the enemy is not piracy, but obscurity"

Love, Peace and Soul
Dave Moskal


A new Joe/Bruce track? I had to have it.

I'm still okay with a download - though have become a very loyal Spotify user in the last year.
Still use my iPod all the time, just hated the Apple Music streaming interface so bailed a few months ago after years & years of being an Apple loyalist.
The fact that they discontinued the Classic and made me buy a new one every time the previous one crashed helped my exit too. Downsized to a smaller model.

Er, Joe's website's commerce function - not working.
So, today's awareness (I only heard about it from you) drove too much traffic to the site & crashed that area of it's functionality.
I hope it's working when I try again tomorrow. Will remember to because it's these two guys.

But if it's not working again tomorrow, you're right - I'll hope it's streaming soon.


John Porter


Maybe Bruce thought up the lyrics while he was on David Geffens yacht with the Obamas, Oprah, Tom Hanks and other oppressed people. He can really feel the pain from there. I love Bruce, I know most every song but come on. He smells phony. He can never come across as genuine as Dylan. Oh well I am sure he will be fine without my advice or yours for that matter.
You've got to buy it to hear it. That's funny. Maybe The Springsteens wants to keep up with the Geffens.

Anthony Rizzo


No, he's living in 1980... I'm from there. Was a broadcast engineer and built a lot of studios there.

Sargasso Sea of the Mid-atlantic ... as you can tell.



You have picked the wrong object for your ire.
It is Springsteen, who has not lifted a finger, and been totally absent from any presence at any of thousands of meaningful demonstrations, marches, press conferences, meetings, or acts of civil resistance or disobedience, who deserves our scorn and anger.
Imagine what his presence could have meant in DC, or Dakota, or Ferguson.
And now he is SELLING his- ho ho ho "protest song " ?
Fuck him.
He is perhaps the single most notable MIA among the many artists about whom you have written— AWOL in the struggle, and whistling on the way to the bank.
In fact, fuck them all.

David Rubinson


i bought it.
it's not great... feels rushed.
there are some good parts that could've been made to stand out more.
maybe make it more anthemic?
oh well.

Matt Gorny


Thanks for another great post. This one is such a clear lesson. I am one of the old fashioned ones who ripped the 1000+ CD collection and still buys track from ITunes. But even I wouldn't pay for a track I have never heard or, most frequently, seen in YouTube. Also, I am not an insider but certainly a music lover for four decades and I must confess, I did not know who was Mr. G. was and I still don't. Sad to see a man wasting a prime opportunity to use his collaboration with "The Boss" to make himself known to new audiences.

Alberto Torres


My song idea. Give trump supporters somewhere to go, so they can turn away from him in good conscience. Acknowledge we all hoped he could rise to the occasion. Ease into what appears to be early dementia( or just aging) he's not who he was even a year ago.Highly unsafe. Acknowledge deep sadness at having to let go, Then ask him to get a better support team (Obama and staff?) and if he won't., then we take the only responsible path--------impeachment. I'll try to come up with catchy lyrics and melody, I may ask my daughter Wendy Griffiths to work with me on this. Or you??? Your friend, Sue Cook


So if artists only give away their work on YouTube how will they pay rent?
Doesn't make "cents"

David B. Cooper


Good job Bob, at least you are shining a light on these "protest" song efforts. I've said it a few times, good deeds get noticed when people like you talk about it. Well done.

Pete Meehan


Do let us know when they tweet back at you! We're waiting breathlessly!

Fer crissakes...

John Cunningham


For some folks it costs them to protest for some folks it pays them to protest ?

Mike O'Dwyer


This is pathetic. 24hrs later. Nothing. A digital desert for a song that is supposed to be a resistance call to get people charged up. A song for the masses stuck behind an antiquated paywall is an absolute zero entity today. I LLOOOOVE Bruce, his people know better. Fix it then. I want to HEAR the song.

Len Ottesen


Your letter left me curious, so I went to the purchase link to see if they at least played a preview before purchase, and got this:
Resource Limit Is Reached
The website is temporarily unable to service your request as it exceeded resource limit. Please try again later.

Amyah Parrish


Great read as always Bob. Q: why has 'The Boss' gotten so DeNiro-politico since his book tour...?

Douglas Haight


I'm trying to get clear on your advice here… I know you say we need to get all of our songs out there, to keep everyone interested in them… But if my production and budget only allows me to put out one produced single every 6 to 9 months, should I still be putting my other songs out in raw form, meaning homemade YouTube videos of me performing them acoustic, if I'm confident the performance is strong, or should I wait for the produced singles?

Gregory McLoughlin


Living in Philly, and knowing how passionate our Springsteen fans are, I have to believe people will pony up for this. Regardless of the delivery system, these are people who will pay top dollar to see a 3+ hour show...they'll pay $1 for the song

Jesse Lundy


So I went through the process of buying the song. Oh my god what a hassle! You have to buy from his site. I didn't know who he was as I'm sure most don't. You have to fill in customer information and then after wasting all this time I FINALLY downloaded the song. And it's a .m4a file. I purchased it through my iPhone 7Plus (mobiles the way, right?) so there's no option to just play it. But I can open it in iMovie. WTF?

And the song is just ok. Too bad. If this was available for free and better yet on YouTube it would get immediate traction. Few people are going to go through the hassle I just went through (and I'm a tech geek!).

Preach, Bob! Teach these people how to get their music out there!

- Kevin Thomas


Joe Grushecky-@JoeGrushecky:

@Lefsetz Working on it Bob!


Jon Bahr - @JonBahr:

@JoeGrushecky @Lefsetz We at @cdbaby can help you get it right out this week.

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