Friday 2 June 2017

Re-Kathy Griffin

Thank you Bob. I've been reading you for years now.

I will keep letting my freak flag fly!

Keep up the good work!

Lucas Garzoli


Bob, you're kidding right?

Trump was not my choice but clearly Griffin crossed the line. Crossed a line so far it transcends any ideology (except Maybe ISIS).

He's the President. Like it or not.

Let's go vintage and reinstate civil discourse. That's the flag I'm flying!

Rob Joseph


Sorry but what a crock.

Wes Kelley


Sounds like Bill Clinton!

Clarence Jey


Kathy Griffin has never been funny, so I'm for anything that gets her off of the airwaves.

Doug Mitchell


I'm not a fan of politics. I do not consider myself a Trump fan. I support Kathy's right to free speech. But free speech doesn't mean free-from-blow-back. She did it. She can live with the consequences.

As for the kid seeing the image and "parental controls": the image was literally posted everywhere on social media.....often by republicans claiming how grotesque it was and how it should have never been taken or released (so counter intuitive and odd which is another ball of wax). The photo couldn't be avoided if you visited Facebook (or just about any other site). And that would be a REALLY difficult image to see of your parent.

I disagree with you strongly on this one. And you haven't been wrong on Trump very often.

Ken Madson


Sorry. Kathy Griffin has always been a punk. She ain't no artist. If that's not enough, she held up what was supposed to be a bloody head. You know. The very thing we accuse terrorists of doing. The very thing that we fear. Sometimes, there are lines. And, no equivalencies.

Thank you,
Ray Laskowitz


This seems more like, "letting you hate fly".

Bill Jackson
Fallbrook, California


Thanks for pointing out the obvious, Bob --unfortunate, but needs to be done these days.
Where was the outrage when President Obama was being threatened with lynching & the like? Too much hypocrisy, America is a universal embarrassment on a daily basis. -- Joel Messerer in SF


Maybe it's CNN's way of courting the conservatives who think Fox is too wingnut.
"See," they think the termination says, "we're not liberal puppets. We can be balanced. We KNOW the difference..."

They think it's a wink and a secret handshake. I promise.

Best Regards,
Holly Gleason
Nashville, TN


best in a while. love it. thank you.

Justin Bolognino


First time I've ever disagreed with you and I'm a Kathy Griffin fan and a Hillary supporter. Too far...


agree....but it was still despicable

Michael Leon


USA the land of hypercrites

Dwayne Lee


Did you write this article with the same intentions as Kathy had with her childish attention-seeking charade?
It's pure dribble, and complete horse shit. You're better than that, and I'm utterly surprised at you for writing such babble.
Republican or Democrat, Conservative or Liberal, the world demands and needs to have a moral line, and when that line is crossed, it comes with consequences.
If you mimick what ISIS does to their victims, you deserve to be put in real jail...period!
Get your head out of your ass and grow up; CNN did the right thing.
Eytan Kamkar


What if Trump had to go to the hospital or morgue to identify the body of a loved one killed, with their throat slit open, trying protect a fellow citizen from a hate crime that was encouraged by the campaign speeches of his president?

Kathy and her photographer were making a powerful and accurate statement and I'm sad she had to apologize. But then again , that's Hollywood, right?

Melissa Ward



Deb Wilker


Way off the mark and showing your talons. You could not write this if it was Obama's head in Ted Nugents palm.

Rick Vogt


Amen, brother.



Chicken shit CNN. Without the Donald, their in the toilet.



I gotta ask, "what did Scott pelley do wrong"?
Eff Barron trump for shitting himself and letting himself be used as a prop.
If his kids can't deal with it, ivanka needs to get the stick out of her ass when she got confronted on a public flight after the election for screwing up the flight plans for civilians on the plan. Fuck them all. The sun doesn't rise and set in their rectums, even if daddy wants Russian hookers to piss on him.




Ellen Miller


ugh - up where i live the venue for her show in october cancelled the gig after an 'uproar' by the conservatives on the venue's facebook page. funniest complaint was 'she disrespected the office of the president'. can she really do that any more than trump already has? i'm no griffin fan to be sure but as soon as i saw the picture and started reading remarks i just had to stop - my takeaway on the entire incident was B.F.D. and move on people.......

Denise Mello


We as a country have suffered the reality of journalists who were actually beheaded by ISIS. I defend Kathy Griffin's first amendment right to produce the image she produced, but the backlash she is experiencing is in my view totally appropriate and renews my belief in the basic goodness of the vast majority of people across the political spectrum.

I hope the massive negative reaction to this will have the effect of causing artists to think about the extent to which they will go to express their personal political views through their art. I wish artists would spend their energy creating art! I'd like to see them express their personal political views at the ballot box and through private donations and fundraisers like everyone else.

I'll agree that Kathy Griffin is 'a nitwit comedian with a brain who's in search of attention'. That said, the image of Kathy Griffin holding the US President's bloody severed head isn't comedy, it's not even nitwit comedy, and she is getting what she deserves for putting a greedy desire for attention ahead of everything else. Yes, she has the right to produce the image but that doesn't mean it has to be accepted by the public.

I for one am glad that the public (and CNN), has rejected it.

Bill Concello


'Amen!' to that.



Couldn't agree more.

Mitch Tenzer


She should try harder to be funny with all of the free time she has now.

Tim Fricke


I'm sure you know you'll receive blowback from this, but not from me. I'm wth ya. RESIST!!!

Mark Towns


Free Kathy Griffin!When I saw it,I didn't know what it was a picture of.Thanks,Ted Keane


Bravo Bob. Well said


Peter Brentnall


Right on, Bob. I just wish Kathy stood up for herself and told everyone to get off their fuckin' high horses. She mocked a man who has no respect for any life on this entire planet except his own. He should be able to take a joke, albeit a sick one. Lord have mercy on this country!

Jonathan Robinson


You've gone off the rails. Lost your bearings. Succumbed to mass group think. George Orwell wouldn't be surprised. I know you think anyone who doesn't hate and bash our buffoon president must be a stupid, uninformed hillbilly, but that's not the case. How else would he have won?

If only he was a great statesman rather than a brash, buffoonish businessman television personality. Then maybe these bold and radical decisions, focused on the welfare of the United States of America and not necessarily the entire world would be more accepted. Then again they are if you consider the voting American.

Steve Lujan in Denver


you ought to be ashamed

S Cosmas

P.S. cruising the sites where that image was displayed? like all over the gd news? she has free speech, but free speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences (like cnn and her sponsors, and her cohosts etc.)


I don't want to speak for Sleazy P Martini, But I'm pretty sure GWAR have violently killed every president since Reagan live and onstage hundreds of times.

Trashy Ashell


You know, I was thinking about this. I didn't actually look at the picture, but its hard to miss the blowback. Didn't the current President spend years discrediting Obama? Saying he wasn't born here? Where was the concern for the children then? Where was the network's concern for what kids were hearing then. At the end of the day. It simply comes down to this. A double standard. White privilege. "There's no way the black man could be smart enough to be president, he wasn't born here. It's impossible and doesn't add up, he must have fooled us or had an advantage." "This woman went too far, she doesn't have freedom of speech or expression"

Yet the white guy in charge can say whatever the "f*ck" he wants. The boomers aren't going to go without a fight, but the fight is coming.


-S. Smith


Thank you. CNN = gutless wonder of mass media.

Sue Taylor
Old Woman from Oakland


Couldn't agree more. I don't get offended by comedians, I get offended by people in power who serve their own interests PERIOD.

What a crock of covfefe.

-Darwyn Metzger


Thank you for articulating my exact thoughts so well yet again

Mick Dalla-Vee


Sometimes u hit the target and sometimes
Ur truly insane...
Quit drinking whatever
Brand of koolaid ur drinking



The problem with Kathy is that she isn't funny.

Dan Fullick


would you have defended a white male comedian who dared hold a severed bleeding head of barack obama?
or showed a picture of barack obama in a noose hanging from a tree?
answer: no you would not have and you know it
you: hypocrite

Ira Transport


Sorry Bob, you are DEAD wrong on this one! Just substitute the prior President's head in this scenario and I doubt you write the same narrative! Most sane people are not saying she did not have the freedom of speech to do what she did... but that does not give her freedom from the consequences of that speech... (just witness the freak out over the word "covfefe"). Just because you can say something, doesn't mean you should! The pic that Griffin showed or the pics of President Obama being burned in effigy are equally against any sense of decency! You say we should want the government out of our lives but on so many other issues I read from you.. you preach government being all up in our shit! She did what she did... and the public has spoken... that's the way it should be!

Jim Ryan


Sorry Bob, you are way off.

What if it was done to Obama?? Think about it..... honestly. Sorry. I don't buy it.

Love your Gregg Allman piece. Can't believe you can be so spot on and so spot off !

Ain't THAT America !

Jimmy Velordi


I Completely agree. Jim Carey said the same thing in support of Kathy. Comedians are the last bastians of truth.
-Demi Davis


Amen! Well put….thanks for writing this.

Kelly Clark


Here's the problem with what Griffin did: it wasn't funny. In order for a joke to work it has to be funny and this simply wasn't. The only message I drew from it was "look at me, I'm Kathy Griffin!"

Brian Cooney


Right on.
Chuck Thatcher, Nashville


Bob, the tweet below (posted over six weeks ago) sums up the situation perfectly…

Bill Hicks Reweeted

You don't get to vote for a President who grabs women by the pussy and the be offended by something a comedian says. Those are the rules.

Mat Orefice


Let's not forget that CNN lead the charge against the Missouri rodeo clown that wore an Obama mask in a comedy skit in 2013. He was suspended for life by the rodeo foundation. I am all for making fun of the president, it's what we do and have aways done in America but this is a new age with sponsors attached. Everybody has a keyboard and precious little feelings that we dare not hurt. CNN is following the rules they helped to create.

Joe Gomez


Bob, I agree, this was within the boundaries of satire, even if in poor taste. Wolf should be put out to pasture with all the other old cows. I don't know how he stays so emoted about every story that hits his desk. Anderson is a child's puppet. Ever since we were told he is gay, we have all been programmed to give him a special break. He is just so precious. We are basically wandering in the wilderness, bumping into each other with more and more velocity every day, a neutron bomb getting ready to explode. Hold on to somebody.

Thomas Geimer


I agree in principle with your commentary about Kathy/CNN, though I've never liked her shtick. From a comedic perspective CNN's New Year's show is better off without her. From a "profiles in courage" perspective, shame on them.

Wally Wilson


Thank you Bob

Colleen Kenny LaRocque


THANK YOU!! The hate and vitriol I've seen on Kathy's social media profiles is insane. She went too far. She apologized. Since when is apologizing not enough in a world where Trump never apologizes for anything?

This is a woman who has performed for the troops in Afghanistan and Iraq and gives free tickets to local vets to all of her shows. She is not anti-American, nor is she a mentally ill or heartless person. Her judgement on this was unfortunate, but it doesn't erase YEARS of supporting the troops and being an activist for women's and LGBT rights.

Mitchell Hunter


Thing is, Kathy Griffin finally did something funny and no one knows quite how to react.

Jon Langston


You are horrible.






If a comic held up the bloodied head of a Democratic president, you would not be as quick to virtually exonerate here.

But we all realize there are some things you do, and some things you don't, because of who is in the White House. You can be Colbert and vulgarly joke about the president if he's a bloated white Republican.



Wonder if Ivanka and Baron were 'deeply affected' by the pussy grabbing? That was THEIR OWN Dad, speaking for himself.

People are being too fatalistic about all of this. We can reverse this climate change thing in a max of four years, and it will take a couple to withdraw. Not only that, companies, cities, and states are going to continue their efforts. They don't need gov't permission! That's what Pittsburgh's mayor said. Who, btw, voted for HRC 80/20, and came out of a 19% unemployment depression by moving away from technologies of the past. They are the MODEL for the future, not a remnant of the past. DT used Pittsburgh for it's alliterative value with Paris. Lazy concept from a lazy mind.

Armand Sadlier


I agree with you, the only thing that I had a problem with is the ISIS Talliban terrorist form of public execution being decapitation it kind of brought that full circle.



The parallels between the third reich and today's usa are startling!
Steve Boone


I was blown away that she apologized, Bob. What comedian apologizes for a joke that falls flat? What artist says "oops, sorry" for a piece of art or music the public doeson't get? I'm appalled that conservatives don't support her right to free speech. I don't like her brand of humor and never have; this is just one more example of why I don't like her. But I just tune her out, I don't cry for HER head. And liberals and the liberal media - all holier-than-thou, when really, behind the curtain, they're in complete agreement with the sentiment of that photo. They're complete hypocrites. In other words, EVERYBODY got this one wrong.

Chris Beytes


Right on, Bob!

Darlene Gorzela


The demise of the band PWR BTTM, whose freak flag fueled betrayal, is another instance of how social media/news have become a gatekeeper for morals/ethics/behavior/poor decisions and its effect on the career of the entertainment artist.

John Kauchick


Enjoy the newsletter, but come on! I agree with your points, there are other and worse offenses by the media and of course the president. BUT we cannot have been (rightly) condemning every terrible Obama beheading "joke" and not this one. We need to hold all folks to the same standard even if we don't like the target of the "joke".

Mike Erario

Jan Ramsey


Agree. She was doing her job. And she got treated as if she blasphemed Mohammef and CNN were a radical extremist sect.

Don Goldberg


So silly,
Griffins' within her rights to do whatever she wants to do. If people, not demos or repubs but people, if people want to let advertisers know they aren't happy, they have that right. Ask George Soros & his band of misfits & Sean Hannity if they have that right. Yes they do. So once we understand the half of the country that doesn't want government overseeing their entire life, wants to be left alone, the capitalist, is the half in power & the other half, the crybabies,the collectivist socialists that always see the worst in people and want government infecting every nook and cranny of our lives to wring that bad out stop destroying whatever positive vibes they had by rioting and showing the hate and spite they have for the capitalist side, then maybe we'll all be better off. This country is fantastic and once the Collectivist sees the good in everyone (we can hope) this country won't look back. Take care, Rich Case



One word…YUP!

Nona Hendryx


You are way , way, way out of line with this blog post. Weight the picture against the reason behind posting it and tell me you think this kind of "humor" is warrented. The curdling effect of Ms. Griffin's motives are unacceptable and the whey left behind is unstrained and offensive.

Cathy Hancock.


Don't worry Bob, Ms. Griffin will rise again. As Jim Carrey recently avowed COMEDY is the last line of defense in our democracy. It used to be music, but that was then and this is now. If I were she, I'd double down and create a two-headed image. One, for what Trump promised, and one for what his evil twin is doing to us all. Kathy has taken a bold strike for freedom and the survival of our species. Remember Jane Fonda during the Viet Nam horror show? Why is it the women have the most courage? Why aren't we following them?


Right on Bob - much ado about nothing

MP Doherty


In the words of my friend, Jon Pike:

If we can all agree that Kathy Griffin is a no-talent hack, can we go back to agreeing that kicking disabled people off of Medicaid is a far worse offense?

Dave Nelson


Kathy griffin isn't funny and really never has been. This barely registers on my radar. Macron standing up to DJT directly? That gets me going!

Leonardo Dosoretz


Right On, brah!~

A. Porro


Horseshit, Bob. If this had been Obama, you and the media would be OUTRAGED and calling for immediate resignation(s) and banishment. Double-standard commentary, my friend.
Scott Hazlewood


It's the old "Selective Outrage" again..The people who are livid about this , are FINE with Ted Nugent talking about lynching Obama..

James Spencer


Bob. This pic is everywhere. Don't even think that it's a good idea to try and shame the minor in this story. It makes you seem like an asshole.

Kevin Hamilton


I hear you and agree with you that limits need to be pushed and freedom of expression defended. But in this case you got it wrong.

You don't have to like the cops, but you sure as hell better respect their authority. Equally you can despise Trump, but you need to respect the office of the presidency.

What would the "punishment" have been if a public figure had done the same thing to Obama's head while he was president?

Always respect the position, not the person if that is your will.

Matt Grandi in Marin


Bob, I love ya. What if Kathy Griffin, whom I do not condone, had put Obama's head on a stick?? Think about the repercussions of that.
Marie Rao


Bob, as usual, you are 100% on this. Comedians have always pushed the limits.
Does the name Lenny Bruce mean anything to us? The photo sucked but it should
not be a career ender. I think Kathy will rise from the ashes.

Katie Bradford
Portland, OR


Humor and violating Federal law are two different things. Libtards struggle with that.



I think you hit the nail on the head about what the real problem with this stunt by Kathy Griffin is. It's distracting from the important things that are going on.

Robert Wood


Great 'Letter', Bob!

I'm not a Kathy Griffin fan by any stretch, but I don't think she should've apologized...

Rodney Rowland


How about Larry The Cable Guy holds up Obama's head in a noose? Go ahead. Spin that.

Lawrence Shore


I couldn't agree with you more! Not only that, I think the piece succeeds as art. It's well-composed, perfectly styled, Griffin's performance is committed and in the moment. And now it's been effectively censored by the crowd - what a damned shame.

Jeremy Shatan


Completely agree!

She's punished by the anti-Trump network for being too blatant...6 months down the road, by which time it will be long forgotten.

And as for Baron, Trump is playing the child-sympathy card, poor Daddy 'n child, while forgetting the daily things HE says and does which offend children and people everywhere?

Gimme a break.

-brian dolzani


Amen. Nicely said.

Ashley Jones


As usual, you miss the point.

Your political blogs are so mired in left wing propaganda, that objectivity does not exist in your thinking.

What if a comedian had held up a decapitated head of Obama?

The left wingers would have rioted in the streets, and accused every white person of racism.

Double standard, indeed.

Matt Mavrolas


right arm! rwhake


"Yet the whole nation has got its knickers in a twist while the President sells access to the Russians" - Bob Lefsetz

Hillary LOST Bob, Trump is president. She sold access & US Uranium (via Uranium One) to the Russians & pockets over 100 million, (not Trump!)

HRC DID that! Trump is innocent until proven guilty…unless your get all your info from MSM.

Don't take my word for it. Check out the donations to fine charity work of The Clinton Foundation & World Initiate since she lost the election.



PREACH, BOB!! (Yea, I'm yelling)

Francia Buitrago


Well said Sir.

Ray Dariano


I could not agree more.
If Ted Nugent is okay with Trump to suggest beheading Obama and Hillary..that leaves him no moral ground to take issue withKathy Griffin.
How about Sasha and Malia and how THEY
felt about that talk? Where was Donald then?
Add hypocrite to his list of shortcomings.
Bit then who expected anything more of him.
He is a crude and classless man who is doing a fine job of undermining himself.
Carry on Mr. President..we'll just wait for you to self-combust in due time.

Alice Barstow


Go get 'em, Bob! Well said!

David Arnold
Houston, Texas



Blake Foster


You call this 'testing the limits'. I call it disgusting. Would you have had the same 'move on' reaction if she had Obama's head in hand? I would have. There should be limits and this is the market playing it's role. The left is going after conservatives by using the boycott attack when they don't agree, they riot at universities when someone is engaged to speak that they don't agree with and probably don't know why. That's OK with you I suspect? Take your lefty jersey off and think of just how plain wrong this cry for attention is by Griffin. No doubt she figured there would be a backlash and believed any publicity is good when you're on the brink of irrelevance. There has to be a line somewhere, the marketplace of ideas believes she crossed it.
Jim A
Castle Rock, CO


I have been reading you for a year now and find you enlightening, not always right, yet willing to lay it all out there. I find your writing amusing and conversational: however, here is where I have to say something. Our entertainment industry have every right to express their speech and their thoughts, yet, do not have the right to disrespect. And all this has turned into a disgusting mess. When does it stop. I am not a Trump supporter, I am an American supporter. Nonetheless, he is the president. Done. Wasting time and massive amount of money just to see if maybe Russia and Trump did a naughty, which is not punishable by death, in the meantime, other things need attention yet nothing gets done. Don't like what Trump is doing? In four years, vote him out. Obama had his time and done. There are those who did not like him either, but by the grace of God, no one was saying or creating these kinds of acts against him. Imagine if someone from the right did what Griffin did? Can you honestly tell me that person would not have been lynched? Come on, tell the truth there. The Left is screaming for equality and respect, but they are leaders in the pact of not showing by example. I don't lean left or right, I lean to compromise and getting things done.
Then Kathy Griffin says this is artistic expression? No! It is gross misbehavior. I knew Ambassador Stevens and I had met James Foley; knowing they died in two different horrific ways, I can never unsee what happened to them and many others ,yet here we have a female comedian disrespecting the president (whether one likes him or not-the office should be respected) depicting this disgraceful act in her expensive clothes, make-up and hair style and holding a bloodied head in order for free speech is directly spitting on those who are dying this way all the time. It incites anger, hate and is a gross management of what we are showing our young. They think this is okay. And, yes, Trump's kid, my kid and thousands of others saw this. No need to search deep, it is right there.
It is time to grow up. Turning on the TV or Internet with the majority of comedians and writers childishly attacking and belittling all aspects of the president is very old and tiring. Fix our own neighborhoods one by one and focus on the positive: the negativity and bashing is letting bullies know they can keep bullying. ?Our president too needs to buckle down. Restain and control from all sides of the equations.

Thank you for reading my comment. I am just tired of it all. And I agree with you, it is our musicians who need to write a message, something we can hold onto and show our feelings as we did in the 60's and 70's and be peaceful and respectful about it?.

Have a good weekend.
Joyce Adamidis


Hi Bob

I occasionally (regularly pre-election) write a political "blog" - actually just quick old school mass email along the same lines as you (albeit it's much more so links and rarely - maybe a couple of x - has contextual writing supporting it, while your written content is generally stellar).

I staunchly believe I am a true independent and see good and bad on both sides. I grade Trump a generous C right now and if nothing gets done by another do-nothing/partisan-ridden/politically- motivated Congress by the time they go on summer break in 7 weeks I'll drop Trump's grade further. As top dog in politics he gets credit and blame. Personally I think he's in way over his head (as I thought he would b and a part of why I voted HRC. Since when do kids get to go on summer break when they don't do their school work all year? Congress needs to work to find something meaningful to agree on - that's good for the majority of Americans - and pass

With that said and I kno you like straight talk, you're such a lefty you can't c straight. Your KG comments are exactly the same as the lefties responding to my blog. This is about SLICING OFF THE HEAD OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE U.S. What's confusing? A TERRORIST STYLE BEHEADING OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE U.S., OF A HUSBAND, A FATHER TO 6, INCLUDING A YOUNG IMPRESSIONABLE BOY. This is so beyond over the line. Tiger loses sponsors cuz he gets a DUI and I believe I read in fact that he had no alcohol in his system, albeit that is certainly not an excuse and I would not want him representing my brand after this and prior. KG must get pulled. Other liberals talk of blowing up the WH, still others speak of incest in the Trump family. (From where I sit it seems - certainly to my surprise - that Donald is an excellent father and/or married women that more than assured the kids would turn out to b nice, respectful adults, as well as seemingly good parents in their own right.) The photog and everyone connected needs to b exposed and/or some sort of severe scolding and/or other actions taken. Photog does she look in her kids' eyes? I am appalled that the media published the picture as if no big deal.

As an aside, many years ago at the height of the OJ case I went to the costume shop to pick up a Nicole head or mask to wear for Halloween; the Halloween shop explained to me that they never sell the "victim." I tried a few others and found it to b the same. Even Halloween costume stores have better judgment!

You and the other hard core and even less hard core lefties "counter" that we should look at the GOP and see what they have done/said. Well, personally, I'm unaware of anyone on the right - in politics, pundits or comedians (a GOP-supporting comedian....pretty darn close to an oxymoron) - doing anything remotely close. And, frankly, I don't care - to make a point - if they did. What the right did or did not do does not matter right now....what KG did and what the left does regularly and, possibly worse, what the mass media does in under reacting to this (and other lefty over the line actions) is unacceptable. (The WSJ is the one very objective news source; conservative editorials / opinions but the reporting of news - sans spin & complete - is stellar.)

As many have said before, pls stay away from politics. You've got beyond fabulous stuff on music and often great stuff on other, but your lost in your liberal bias unable to see political happenings objectively.

Thank you for your hoped-for read of my comments and you're welcome to "publish" this if so inclined.

Howard Rosecrans


Settle down Bob! I don't believe Kathy Griffin has been arrested, has she? One of her employers (CNN) decided that this stunt was too offensive to their audience and didn't have the courage to stand with her in defending her first amendment right to free speech. Follow the money... It was a business decision for CNN. Not a crime on her part, nor on theirs. I will say that the reaction of the general media seems curious to me... definitely covered as news "story" but hardly one of universal outrage or anything near what it would have been had a comedian done this in 2008 with Obama's head! And can you imagine Al Franken reacting so calmly as he did here, with Ms. Griffin? I absolutely believe in and would defend her right to do this, regardless how much I personally think it's utterly obnoxious and in terribly poor taste. Of course, as always, it's everyone's right to react as they want to. That's what our first amendment is all about. Just like when the Nazis marched in Skokie in the 70's, and they were protected... no matter how many folks they pissed off. By the way, I didn't hear your outrage about provocative conservatives (Ann Coulter, Ben Shapiro, etc.) essentially being banned from public speaking engagements on college campuses all over the country... why not? Is your definition of free speech only the speech that is politically correct and not offensive to liberals? Many prominent lefties (Howard Dean, Ted Wheeler, etc.) have been saying that "hate" speech is not protected. Want to weigh in on this? Remember, speech that offends no one doesn't need protection!

Byron Udell


This entire rant is a total piece of shit from top to bottom ! I get that Lefsetz and I don't agree on all that much, and some of his past op ed's have been very solid, and well thought out, but this one is a sad commentary on how far he lets his liberalism override his brain ! Nothing but false charges, no evidence to support his claims, sweeping generalisms, democratic talking points, charged language, populate this piece of garbage !

Lefsetz goes on and on about Free Speech, something we both agree on, he references, Chris Rock, Steven Colbert, and of course Kathy Griffin, no mention of Milo Yiannopoulos, Anne Coulter, or David Horowitz, all of who were denied "Free Speech" from the Brownshirts at Berkeley ! Hard to discuss the topic honestly, without even a mention here, but that assumes that honesty was part of the intent here. What about the conservative limits being tested here Bob, you know, Life begins at conception and marriage is between a man and a woman, along with if you came here illegally you broke the law, just to name a few concepts that when tested get shouted down…..

Bill O'Reilly was discussed here as well, yes his deplorable behavior with woman finally got him fired, and rightfully so, however no mention of Bill Clinton, who was just as deplorable but kept his job ! Both men should be shamed for what they did, but to overlook Slick Willie in this discussion is another blind attempt to sell only liberal talking points, but we are not buying. Trumps behavior with women is deplorable as well, but to date, has not risen to the level of O'Reilly or Clinton.

As for Lefsetz opining on the mental state of Barron Trump, what a putz to even mention this ! The kid may have some issues, I have not examined him and I would bet neither has Lefsetz, so his comments are stupid, uninformed, and lack in even the basics of human compassion. I always felt that anyone's kids ( under 18) are off limits, and only if they enter into the political discourse after that age, are they fodder for commentary ! Such as Ivanka, she is a fair target for any of Lefselz fits of rage, in his sad attempt to make himself feel better for his party getting decimated in the last election !

As far as Trump and the Russians go, there is zero evidence of any wrongdoing, this may change, but unless Lefsetz is speaking directly to Robert Mueller, he is just shooting from the hip ! I would remind him, no matter what he thinks of the man, Trump is an American citizen, and is innocent until proven guilty ! We have due process, evidence, discovery, and the right to defend yourself, and finally, be tried by your peers, not in the press. If Mueller does his job, we will all find out, is it too hard to wait for that, or should we just get a noose now Bob ?

I think we can all have a different definition of comedy, obscenity, and taste ! Nobody is taking away Kathy Griffin's Free Speech, she simply got fired because CNN did not want to be associated with what she did. Not the first employee to sound off and get fired here, so relax, and respect CNN's decision to can this "D" rated comedian, who in my personal opinion went too far. I disagree that only Fox viewers were pissed off, and of course your sweeping generalization here is pitiful in its stupidity and shallowness. Maybe, for you that image was okay, but a lot of folks found it disgusting, and offensive, and yes, many of those folks are democrats ! To be clear, I felt the same way when Ted Nugent blasted a hole in the effigy of Barack Obama, and had he been employed by Fox, I would have hoped they would can his @$$ as well ! I was disgusted that Trump had him at the White House, after that prank as well. As long as we are on the subject, I didn't like that Barack and Michelle hosted a rapper who spoke of cop killing at the White House either.

Why lethal injections and cheering was brought up, I have no idea. I could imagine a couple whose daughter was raped, tortured and murdered, by some maniac, cheering when the State took his life, and I could feel empathy for them, not sure what that makes me ??? Funny, Mr. Lefsetz has compassion for murder's who have earned the punishment they receive, but does not lament the lives of innocent children aborted for the crime of…..well nothing, but hey, that's just me.

Lastly, to bring up cops killing a Black man and going back to work after a trial served no purpose to this discussion. However, if you want to wade into this topic, you at least should have some facts to support it.

Again, anti-cop propaganda and talking points hand selected by those idiots at Black Lives Matter, is not sufficient to enter into an adult discussion ! But to make one point, look at the murder rate in Chicago, and see what percentage of Blacks are the killer and the victims. Also, noteworthy, when the bullets start flying down there on the South Side, the Black families, in fear of their lives, call the cops ( made up of all races) to protect them. The police respond to an active shooter event, with their lives on the line, try doing that day after day Bob, and them come back to me with some more useless BLM nonsense. My brother just retired as a Sgt. In the Houston Police Department, after 33 years. He was twice decorated for bravery, he never shot anyone, but he could tell you stories that would fry your hair, so back off the BS Bob, you might want to ride along with some cops before you $#!t all over them. Yes, some are bad, we have a system to deal with that, it's called a trial, which you mentioned, but I guess unless the verdict doesn't go the way you like, it is not valid ??? Like say, Ferguson, even thought our Black AG, Eric Holder and the Feds went down there and found the same evidence as the local cops, which concluded that the shooting of Michael Brown by officer Wilson was justified. But, hey, why let the facts get in the way of a good talking point…isn't that Saul Alinski 101 ?

Good Grief !

Raymond Murray


What do you really mean when you wonder what web sites is a 11 year old manhattan boy "cruising" (who happens to be the son of the sitting us predident)?

Can you really imagine that in the nyc household of the President's family that there are no parental controls? Really???

How can you assume that his "schooling" comes into play when this visual "incident" comes into his world....all of our worlds.........especially since all avenues in the connected world of observable media repetitively show and share the imagery and the stories behind the picture.........anyone would have to have been dead not to see the graphic image displayed over and over during the active news cycle when this story trended "bigly"! Any 11 year old in the world would have had the images foisted upon them.

Am I right, you don't have kids?

If not when you walk the mile in a parents' shoes then you will know with clarity when your 11 year old child's sense of safety and security are violated and I bet you will be ever quick to want to protect and defend....maybe even lash back!

This has nothing to do with any ones political views and all about what is reasonable and tolerable and from where I sit....left leaning folks ain't got much of that! .......Including you!

I have been a recipient of your writings for years and you have helped inform me and shape my attitudes on a variety of topics and I share frequently your thoughts often with my tribes and friends.

You have missed the mark on this one!

And please do keep those cards and letters coming!

Fred Reinhart
Phila, Pa


"And to tell you the truth, I believe what comes out of Kathy's mouth more than that of social climber Anderson Cooper and fake Mr. Gravitas Wolf Blitzer. Come on, she's got more creativity in her little finger than either of those MALES"
I'm not a fan of either Anderson Cooper or Wolf Blitzer, but what does being male have to do with creativity or truthfulness?
And how is Anderson Cooper, Gloria Vanderbilt's son, a social climber?
"And the people pissed about this aren't watching CNN anyway, they're over at Fox."
??? At this point I think you need an editor. Badly. Or simply to re-read and think things through before you publish.
I believe the boy's name is spelled "Barron."
Kathy Griffin did mess up, but she could have handled both her error (in judgement and taste) and her apology a lot better than she has done to date. Engaging Lisa Bloom to represent her seems to be compounding her errors.
Curtis Roberts

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