Thursday 21 July 2016

Pro Trump

This is what we're up against.

The good news is I received 433 responses to my convention piece and got only 46 negative responses.

The bad news is not all Trump supporters are vocal about it and so many say they won't vote at all, or will for a third party candidate, seeming to forget the lesson of Bush vs. Gore (and Nader!) back in 2000.

This ain't the sixties anymore. When the younger generation was wrapped up in music and everybody leaned left. Just because you're a music lover that does not mean you're a liberal.

Read these. They'll puncture your bubble.


what nonsense......... the country has been defined by Obama and Hillary for the last 7.5 years!

Those were your the county is now the way you wanted it, with those two running the show.

Hillary will continue with more of the same shit........and you are voting for her!

Me thinks thou protest too much..........

matt mavrolas


No. (Not with you.)

Scott Hazlewood


I'm with you Bob, but for this; guns are only scary at first. ( I mean, think about it; what's scary about a gun that you're holding?) Once you've learned how to safely operate them, they're just a tool; no more dangerous than a pneumatic nailer, just a helluva lot more portable. I live in the open carry state next door to Ohio, and you can rest assured, it looks nothing like an episode of "Gunsmoke"; sure, it's legal to openly pack heat, but almost nobody does, and particularly not with long arms, unless we're hunting, because it attracts attention. Open carry is actually pretty damned inconvenient, in practice, and everybody I know that regularly carries does so either with a concealed permit or illegally, which brings me to my point. Thus far, there's been no reported violence at the Cleveland convention, nor the environs thereof. Don't it make you wonder if those of us who say 'an armed society is a polite society' are right?

Mojo Bone



I mostly enjoy your messages, but I have to believe that you send some of these out to provoke a response. If this is your goal, then you did indeed succeed.

However, if you were sincere in your remarks, then it brings into question your understanding of the music business, because your statements on politics and for that matter, the gun issue, are so flawed as to be laughable. You are projecting your feelings and emotions as facts, which clearly are only one side of the debate.

I don't know where you went to college, but if you took a world history class, maybe you could send them a copy of your article and persuade them to give you your money back. It shouldn't take a lot of persuading.

Question: What is the difference between a pizza and an unarmed Jew living in Germany during WWII?
Answer: A pizza doesn't make any noise when you put it in the oven.

I'll bet all of the 6 million Jews who died under Hitler's oppressive government didn't own guns, but I'll also bet the ones who turned them in to the Nazis wished they didn't. Maybe a few more would still be alive. Think about it when you vote for Hitler, er, Hillary this Fall. She doesn't like guns either. Maybe that's why she didn't send any men with guns to help those four guys in Libya. It was only four guys, but as Hitler, er, Hillary said "What difference does it make?" Obviously, none to her. But it does to the loved ones of those men, it does to me, and it should to you.

It was nice of Hillary to accept Obama's support for her campaign, the same guy who gave $180 Billion to one of the enemies of Israel, who, if they could, would arm missiles with nukes to take out Jerusalem. Maybe you missed that in the news while you were recovering from your fall on the way to the slopes.

Final question: Did that fall knock all of the common sense out of you?

Keep the comedy coming!



Dude..this was so rough to read.

U obviously are clueless as to what is really going on in the Republican Party. It's undergoing reformation. It's being split into two factions a pro-America (Trump) verses a globalization (Bush/Ryan/establishment).

Meanwhile your beloved Democratic Party is doing the same retread shit they've done since the 60's.

You keep your biased head in the sand. As for the rest of America, we are moving forward.

P.S. Hillary may win but that doesn't change who she is and you can F-ing have all you won't of that.

Jack Lynady


No !!! (Not with you.)

Steve Haymes


Been a subscriber for years. Please stay out of politics. You are welcome to your liberal left opinions, but save it for your dinner parties and ski resort cronies.

"When you win, and you will..." Not a good look Bob, not a good look.

Sellersville, PA


I read this intently thinking that maybe just maybe you would tell your followers of something….anything that is better now than 7 and a half years ago. At no time in my 6+ decades in this great country have we had the multitude of hugely significant problems all happening at once. Citizens on food stamps, lack of jobs, porous borders, race relations, terrorism on our soil, lack of respect for law enforcement, dismal education system, trade imbalances, insurmountable debt to leave to our children/grand-children, our enemies gaining strength, honesty from our leaders. You get the picture? I could go on.

Bottom line Bob is that your core theme to musicians is always to recognize when things aren't going great you can't just sit around bitching about it. You have to see what isn't working and then change course even when it doesn't feel comfortable. That's where we are right now in this great nation. Its last call. Do we want to be like the clueless record executives that you talk about that can't see next week due to their butts glued to the past or will we decide that this just flat out ain't working and maybe its time to take a bold move in another direction. I never figured you to be a status quo guy but few things surprise me anymore. A band doesn't get better by sticking with the same failed thinking. Sometimes you gotta shake things up…replace the lead singer or fire the dishonest manager to make great music.

Steve Harry
Managing Director
East Coast Entertainment


as flawed as Trump is, he is still preferable to hillary. you already know millions think that way.

Thaddeus Graham


It ain't "your country"

Wolfgang Berger


Bob: don't talk about guns you know nothing about them and it makes you sound like a pussy, which I believe you are not.

Kurt Lambeth


Dear Bob,

Basically NO! I could never bring myself to vote for Hillary no matter the other candidate. Not saying Trump would be any better or worse, though I would have liked to seen Marco Rubio nominated. My only hope is that Hillary is disqualified for her transgressions somehow and the Dems have to find an alternative.

Keep 'em coming, Bob. I don't usually disagree.

Dean Nardi
Knoxville TN


So, from this we can tell you are a fraidy-cat around guns for some childish reason. But we can mark you down as a "maybe" for a Trump supporter. LOL.

If you think Clinton and the Dems have ANY answers, then you are the one who is insane. Delusional.

That said, I often enjoy your opinions on music and tech. More often than not, we agree in those realms.

Barry Pike


Your full of shit! You should read more and write less.

Jim Garrett
Chief Revenue Officer


no (Not with you.)

Charlie Gaylord


I've had about enough of your inane bullshit with this once-bearable-now-trite're a fucking shill for Apple, Facebook, the book publishers and Hillary Clinton & the DNC. You're so far gone, you're ready to embrace Sharia Law. I'm Unsubscribing from this waste of my time....

Stan Miller


You have lost your mind Bob. Trump ain't perfect but Hillary would be a far worse leader. Get off you wacko liberal agenda and wake up


No, sir. I am not.

Myrle McNeal



Robert J. Levatino CPA


Not this time, Bob. None of this makes sense, you're right. But as bas as Trump "seems" Hillary Clinton (and her husband) are not the answer.

Emails? You bet. It isn't just the emails, though. It's Benghazi and the trade for Bowe Burgdahl and the IRS scandal targeting political opponents. These and more happened while she was an integral part of this administration.

You're right. I don't recognize this country anymore. But it's time to get the other side in there for a term or two.

Bill Shafer



John Warden


FAR AWAY FROM YOU - don't like your politics

you're pretty interesting otherwise

Benjamin Nowak


Typical effin' liberal. Wow

William Watts


Uh, no, sorry.






Spoken like a true elitist out of touch progressive Californian.

Sean Mormelo


No, Not with you. You whiffed on this one! The democrats are the elites now. So lets get back to music.

John Barone in Hollywood


"...this is the fringe..."

Lol. You must definitely live in a liberal bubble. Trump is more mainstream than you realize. The Republican elites/establishment; not so much.

When the elite/establishment said, "we aren't coming to the convention," most modern Republicans said, "GOOD! You big government globalist warmongers and the limousine liberal Dems are the problem and we don't want your poison here anyway!"

Mingle with the little people a bit, Bob; it'll open your eyes. This will be hard for you to swallow, but out in that vast expanse of "flyover country" (and a steadily growing number on the coasts) there are very few people in America who think like YOU.

Think are thinking like Trump...

America First
Border Security/Vetted Immigration
American Jobs First
Less Government Intrusion
American Education
American Innovation
American Greatness

...and that's why he is so popular. He's saying what the NeoCon and NeoLibs won't say and is willing to do what they won't do. Political correctness be damned.
And yes, I am a Millennial saying this.

Imagine Recordings


Nope. Not with you. Can't even believe you are so blind. I always enjoyed your articles on music. But as a moderate, I am blacklisted as a musician in this wing-nut, left leaning country now. I'm done listening to all of that crap. Lets hope Trump wins, to teach all of you lefties a hard lesson you desperately need to learn. It ain't all about you. Buh bye Bob, nice knowing you.




I've never written before but this piece was over the top.... My guess is because you want to get a reaction.

I'm a democrat that is going to vote for Trump!!!

So....No, I'm not with you!!

You're a typical liberal from the NE that doesn't understand American family you've never had children.

Our country is going to hell because of liberal elitists like you who want to force their beliefs on America and we're tired of it!!

Look at Trumps children....they didn't become that way because they were rich,'s because of how they were raised and if you had children you would understand that....

I grew up one of seven children in Philadelphia and luckily we moved to Oklahoma when I was 12 as I probably would've been an elitist liberal just like you.

I smoked pot in College was a liberal, however, I
paid 100% of my college education and Graduated. I've been married 34 years and have three children and three grandchildren.

I've had to move 14 times all over the USA
for job opportunities, never once asking for my parents instilled that into all of my brothers and sisters. WORK HARD AND YOU WILL GET AHEAD!

Unfortunately that's no longer true....I'm tired of working hard and getting a bonus and over 40% is going to the Government...,what for more free phones...and food stamps???

So vote for Hillary, who's above the law and keeps the poor down because it makes her richer!

Barry Burmaster


Really Bob, It's all the fault of the Republican elite? You are a very intelligent man but your judgement in my opinion is very myopic! America is not recognizable because the elite of both parties have done this! The Democrats are as guilty as the Republicans. The truly sad part in all of this is that we the people have allowed this to happen.

Ross Robinson, MD
Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists, PC
Anesthesia and Intensive Care
Saint Thomas West
Nashville TN



You have some "good ones" -- A lot of those.

You also have some "bad ones" -- This is a bad one.

Kurtis Barton, Media Hacker


We are seeking The Future, as you once did. (how can you not get this?)

Dennis Brent



Are you serious?
You've got a dead set Muslim for a president , under whom race relations have gone backwards over the past 8 years, and you've got a Democratic presidential nominee who the FBI says is extremely careless with state secrets and whose foundation is totally funded by the Saudis....and you blame all of America's woes on the Republicans?
What are you smoking, mate?

Tony McAuslan


Okay I must say I'm shocked at you Bob. I had hopes that you were a man of conviction who backed Sanders because you really believed in something different. But you along with other Bernie supports I know, have now said you will vote for Hillary despite her being the worst of all Bernie spoke against.

I hear many people like you who bash the Republican Party for all that's ails this nation like it hasn't been a snowball effect from many horrible missteps of presidents past. It's been so long since we've had a real leader I think we've forgotten what it's like but I'll say one thing, it sure ain't Hillary.

I have two friends who are going to vote independent rather than vote for Hillary. Those friends are voting on principle of which I thought you would as well. If your passion for Bernie was true, you would not vote for Hillary because she is cut from the same mold as Trump and all the other fat cats who've destroyed Washington and our faith in politics.

You speak of hate and divisiveness coming from the republicans but you can't honestly believe the democrats don't spew the same crap behind closed doors. Do you really think they have the answer?

We're all just guessing and history is bound to repeat whether we learn our lessons or not because every next generation thinks they can do better than the last so we cast aside whatever we see fit.

I really don't care who you vote for but I had to finally say something about being disappointed with you. You speak of a bygone era where belief in something greater was true belief and it formed a nation. If you're belief ran as deep, you would follow it to another candidate other than Hillary.

Stand up. At least you know you voted with conviction at the end of it all.

Ted Yoder


Never. You sound so foolish, might as well piss in the wind.

Charles A Bull



John Kendig


I disagree with you on this Bob.
Trump is imperfect, Clinton is flawed.
Obama has wasted truckloads of opportunity. His greatest feat is to remind Americans that we are to blame for the acts of the few. I wish I never voted for him.
Get with it brother, this is as good as it gets.



No. You have lost your mind. Obama hates US. Hillary is a bad, nasty person. How can you say anything good about her?



Take the Country back from who? Haven't we had a Democratic president for nearly 8 years?

Dick Eastman


Stick to what you know Pal.

Richard Rosenberg






Brad Folmar


Fuck you

Clay Miller


Your views are so wacked. I like when you talk about music. But your political views are just nonsense.



You are a fucking idiot Bob !!!!!
Wake the fuck up

Everett Lybolt

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