Wednesday 20 July 2016

The Convention

I don't recognize my country.

For this I blame the Republicans.

Not the rank and file voters, but the establishment, the elite, which has preached hatred for so long that now we end up with a country divided between the knowledgeable and the ignorant, the tax-free and the worker bee, those who think the government is anathema and those who know that freedom means nothing without protection.

Ohio is an open carry state.

How can this be?

Ever held a gun? One of the scariest experiences possible. You immediately feel the power. To maim, to kill. Sure, you can shoot targets but so many want their firearms for protection, even though it's their kin they end up shooting.

You can't make a western movie or television show because ratings are so low, but it's "Maverick" and "Bonanza" 24/7 in these bizarre places where people can shoulder rifles publicly. If this is freedom, I want no part of it.

And I abhor the fact that the media hasn't pissed on this convention which is a Trump party speaking to so few. That's right, they moved the stage up to the middle, because there aren't enough people to fill the place. But, rather than point out that this is the fringe, with cuckoo ideas, the talking heads heap gravitas upon these hatemongers twisting the truth.

If you listen to Ted Cruz you believe that Obama is dead set on the destruction of America.

But Cruz didn't win the nomination. No one could beat Trump because there wasn't a reasonable Republican candidate extant. One embodying their agenda of kissing the ass of the poor while paying fealty to the rich. If you think cutting the budget of the IRS is a boon to our country you don't know that most people file a short form, they don't even itemize their deductions, it's the fat cats that do that, these same ultra-rich who now go unsupervised and don't pay. Like Trump himself, who won't even release his returns, because he's afraid we'll find out he's gaming the system and not that rich to begin with. What kind of screwed up party is this anyway? That reveres the rich but is made up of the ignorant and poor, who believe their chance is coming the same way nitwits who play the lottery and drop out of school believe if they can only get on reality TV, their lives will be made.

This ain't America.

With a Congress dead set on thwarting every effort by the other party and the President. The call it "governance," not "do-nothingism." These same people who won't even approve a centrist Supreme Court Justice. Hillary, do me a favor, when you win, and you will, nominate a true lefty, cast Merrick Garland aside, you can't work with these people, you've got to go for the jugular and show them who's boss, that the game can't be rigged. If you lose, you accept it. As opposed to stopping all action like a five year old crying because his mom took away his toys.

The Republicans have defined the debate.

Government is bad and inept and the rich know better and if you stopped taxing them money would rain down all over this great nation of ours. They keep saying the big issue is the national debt when the truth is interest rates have stayed at marginal levels for years and running a country is not like balancing your home budget.

Disputing this would require you to have some knowledge, some insight.

But that's the Republican game, fanning the flames of ignorance while working behind the scenes to foster an agenda for the very few, the one percent.

Meanwhile, the Democrats have blinked, let the Republicans set the agenda, lefties are afraid to take a hard stand because of the reaction, as if they never watched the NBA and don't realize the Republicans are working the refs. That's right, say anything contrary to their agenda and you're inundated with blowback. But that does not mean you should refrain from speaking the truth.

And there's little veracity at this convention.

The elite have lost control of their own narrative.

It's as if tribute bands took over for the real thing. Tribute bands who kept saying tickets for superstars are too high and if we let any new music gain traction our society will die.

Someone's got to speak the truth. Someone's got to stand up to this inanity.

I'm not saying the Democrats are perfect, that Hillary isn't a flawed candidate.

But I am saying that Trump and his ilk are INSANE!

And no one will say so, not his party or the talking head media.

Sometimes there aren't two sides to every story. Sometimes people are just plain wrong, no matter how many believe the untruths.

We thought Nixon was divisive?

He was a veritable prince compared to Trump. He was a Democrat by today's standards. Oh, how far we've come.

But there is a solution. All you've got to do is get out and vote. There are more of us than them, like I said, they couldn't even fill the damn arena.

It's truly time for us to take our imperfect, already great country back.


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