Tuesday 12 September 2017

Apple Presentation

Why no Plus version of iPhone X?

You don't need a new iPhone for the features, but for the chip, the power.

In other words, we're still in the Pentium phase of phone development. I.e. you don't need to buy a new computer, but you do need to buy a new phone. Because the old one just isn't fast enough.

As for the features?

Once they start talking about emojis, we know we're at the end of civilization. Remember modems? Remember the internet? Remember smartphones? Those were humongous breakthroughs, we saw few breakthroughs today.

Oh yes, 4k on Apple TV, too late for a me-too product.

As for cellular in the Watch, I'll admit that's pretty cool. But few people talk on the phone anymore anyway. But I'll give them props, this is a leap forward.

As for iPhone 8?

It's an incremental step over iPhone 7.

And the vaunted iPhone X?

A disappointment. An edge to edge screen. Whoop-de-doo! Facial recognition. Fantastic, but it didn't work at first onstage and until every phone has it, third party applications are hobbled.

And prognosticators were right, they couldn't deliver it, it's not available for months, whereas you can buy a Samsung Galaxy S8+ with an edge to edge OLED screen today!

But that's fashion, it's about the guts.

So, all the people waiting to upgrade for the next big thing...

There's no feature you've got to have.

And when you see an iPhone X in the field, know its possessor is a wanker, someone who has to have the latest and greatest to show off in a world where that matters less and less. That's right, we all have the same tools at our fingertips, it's about experiences, it's about WHO YOU ARE!

And no one onstage today was Steve Jobs.

Illustrating the power of the individual. One person can gain our attention and change the world. Why Tim Cook insists on hosting these affairs is beyond me. Pass the reins to Craig Federighi, or Phil Schiller, the only Apple people with a personality.

As for Angela Ahrendts...she's wasted at Apple, this is the first time we've seen her, but what has she really accomplished? She Peter Principled herself into irrelevance. She should go back to fashion and push the envelope.

But you do need a new iPhone, absolutely.

And if you're a Mac person, you need an iPhone, it's about the ecosystem I tell you.

And the seamless integration of products is amazing. If you're using a Mac and a Samsung phone, you missed the memo. Once again, these products are not about fashion, but UTILITY!

Pay attention for provider offers. Within the next thirty days expect Verizon, AT&T and Sprint to give you a phone almost for free when you trade in your 6s. Get a phone every two years, because your handset has value and it's losing it every single day. And you want the new power, and if you're a couple of generations behind, the features, like AR, which is a big deal.

But we are not living in the last decade, where we're wowed by tech breakthroughs. This is akin to getting a new TV.

But you don't want to be using a tube set.

And you do want to take advantage of the new utility.

It's planned obsolescence, I tell you.

But you get something for your cash.

Buy an iPhone 8 Plus. Absolutely. The X is overkill, and presently unavailable. And you want the big screen, everybody wants a big screen. It'd be like buying a desktop with a small screen. You want the real estate, because you live on your phone, statistics tell us this. It's not too big. You'll learn to love it.

I'll wait a year for when my contract is up and I can get an iPhone X Plus.

Is the the present iPhone X like the 10k gold Watch?

Looks like it.

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