Friday 6 October 2017

Re-E-Mail Of The Day/Laura DiMichele/Sexual Harassment

Try working as a Corrections officer I've had more dicks shaken at me than I could count. Not to mention the leering and name calling. I have been stalked by ex inmates, to have my phone number changed many times and the answer I received upon complaining was what do you expect working in a prison. But the kicker is all of this treatment didn't come from just the inmates. Lisa G

Lisa Gregory


E-Mail of the day?? Should be at least the E-Mail of the month, if not the year. Well said, Laura. 

There are a few things I've done in my career that I'm very proud of, none more so than putting together the music industry's first all-female (except for me) promotion staff. IRS Records circa 1989, built with great people like Lori Blumenthal, Karen Lee, Meredyth Hayes, Mare Jeffries, Felicia Swewrling - and they ran rings around the boys at the big labels. 
Barry Lyons 


There are 2 sides to everything. She obviously has an axe to grind. 
I worked for very powerful men; Mo Ostin, Lenny Waronker, Russ Thyret, Eddie Rosenblatt, Bob Regher, etc…
I never saw one ounce of that Bullshit. 
She paints with a very broad brush.

Stu Cohen


I was on board with her all the way until the last sentence. Unfortunate close. 

Marty Winsch



Val Garay


Good Pick Bob! Heavy Message!

Bobby Tulipan


Laura DiMichele is my hero. I have so many similar stories. 

Susan Scotti


Amen, Laura! Titty-twisters in an open office on Sunset Blvd. don't fly in 2017, but in the music industry circa 1986...that was another story.  Take that, _____ _____.

Much Peace,
Deb Sparks


Same shit, different day, different town, but always the same fucking pathetic go ad-driven story. 

Tina Withrow Graves


G*d Bless America and Laura DiMichele .. uh-huh!!!  Shit.. why can't she be president???? 

Beki Brindle-Scala


wow. Truth.

Deborah Albericci


Yup! Email of the day for sure. Wins the night.

Jeanne Buckley Peloso


This could be the best email ever in the history of the world!



Well said!

Vanessa Burt



Justin Bolognino


Truth. I was in the shoe biz, they called themselves shoe dogs. They laughed at the ones who got sexual harassment lawsuits...said they just didnÅft know how to pick the right girl, misread her fro the get go. 

Vicki Whicker


I believe her 100%

Robert Gold


The last line is the kicker.

Conversely its also called P.O.P.

Power of Pussy.  It runs the world.

Frank Lewis


I'd like to hug her!  After working in advertising, investment banking and entertainment industries since the age of 17, I can so relate.  Women like us are a force to be reckoned with!

Thank you for sharing!
- Diane Cassara


You poor sorts...

Mitchell Fox




One day men might even realize they're a prisoner of their own pants. It's ironic to me that men technically subvert their masculinity by treating women so poorly and as unequals (and other men, for the sake of their precious heterosexuality), because lusting over conquering women's words and bodies is exactly the kind of thing that enables their external obsession, and stifles their ability to focus on bettering themselves, in the first place.

If men could make conscious decisions to be of service to the world, rather than desiring the world to be of service to them...

And start young. It's bad enough we're going to spend the next generation dealing with the children of outed Trump supporters, whose shit values are being bolstered by their parents each day that cheese-toned bitch sits on the throne... The acting president is a known sexual aggressor, and somehow that's passable as presidential.

This woman and the billions of other women around the world have arguably experienced as much if not more pain & trauma than any war veteran, only it's taboo for them to talk about it, and they don't get financial aid for it, cause "it'd be better if they laid low".

That's how fucked this is.

- PM


We attract what we think

Michael K. Clifford


There you go, liberals are either victims or offended,, life is tough

Steven Burr



Scott Palazzo


Great email by Ms. DiMichele.  And her point about good men refusing to call out bad behavior goes a lot deeper than office sexual harrasment.  It's the driving problem within our politics, military, and police forces. Its not just the bad actors, but the good men who say nothing.

Edmund Burke was right.

Bob Langlie


You want men to stand up for women being harassed by other men? Sure. As soon as women quit standing by when sisters are turning tricks.
Goose, gander.
Peter Duray-Bito


Andreea Magdalina


Please tell Laura DiMichele thank you from me.

Celeste Chada


Too bad she wasn't pulled over by a caring, nurturing English professor with a penchant for grammatically correct sentences.  

Jody Kirk


Laura sounds like a crude bimbo that would only complain when the blonde hair and questionably attractive looks did not get her what she wanted. She obviously knew the benifits of participation by her last line of her pathetic email. Everybody knows this is sleeze town. You cannot play the game without getting any on you. When she can come clean about how she got over by getting under she can complain. Then again she would be a hypocrite just like HW.


marco robinson


Her best sentence is the last one!

So funny and so true.  

Fred Dewey



Chris Pearson


From a 67 year old former department manager. 
Burke Long


This a great response. Classic! Good for her!



We have all been through it.
Just saying to a friend of mine tonight at dinner - thank goodness for speaking up/speaking out.
Thank you for sending this one email missive-it means a lot to many of us.

Martha West


What a dreary a little bore. Women have ruled the world from time immemorial and they always will.

Dave Dalzell


Laura and Bob;

It will come as no surprise that many women - and men - chose to turn their light down and work, if not off the grid, certainly under their potential, because they did not want to/could not deal with the level of vile behavior that is the 'norm. 

Laura, thank you for sharing part of your saga. 

FYI, October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Check in

Keep on pushin'…. a little louder….

Jan Mancuso


Thank you, Laura, and thank you, Bob, for sharing her email. Yes, It will work out just not in my lifetime.

Joanne Miller


Brilliant! Chapeau 

Vijay Thakur


Not sure why this qualifies as E-Mail of the Day. I'm sure there are thousands of similar stories. Many men are pigs. 

Mark Towns


I don't get all the anger.  I just don't.  Angry because a cop is attracted to you?  Come on.

Suzanne Bianqui


thank you Laura!

Jamila Scott


These are the words of a bitter, middle-aged, man hater. No educated woman writes so poorly. The authenticity of this email is highly questionable, I don't believe a word of it.
I have spent decades in the entertainment business and women are very aggressive in letting men know of their willingness to engage in indiscretions. No one in a position of wealth and power needs to beg for companionship, or sex.   
Frank A. Gagliano


This email is everything I needed and more. 

Talked about how "shit happens" in the biz when it comes to stuff like this in class today.....Yeah this shit happens, BUT IT SHOULDN'T, and that's what my teacher left out of the lesson. We're not asking the good guys to be our hero, but we need them to help us change the narrative and you're not doing so by remaining silent. When a large group of people chose to be silent on a dark subject, normalization ensures to cripple society.

Thank you for sharing Laura DiMichele's experience. Feeling fucking empowered so I'm off to bench a car, discover Atlantis, save the whales, and be a leader in the new wave of females entering the music business.

Looking forward to the next email.

Kathryn O'Leary



Jim North



Nadja Chatti


Chiming in here Bob..

Yes it runs deep and dark. This is quite incredible. A trans scientist
who calculated the cost of male privelege:

A unique perspective.

Women are SICK if this shit. And should be.

Thanks x

Sarah Piantadosi


Bob - you HAVE to be aware of this:

It's right on this discussion!

Sylvie Lewis



Angela Roeder


Nothing but truth in this email. Wish it could be shouted from the rooftops but here's the thing: women all know it and men can't believe it so do nothing and on it goes. 

Mary Ann Hisel


HaHa!  Love this and Laura!  Thx!

Darlene Gorzela


it's a strange world.

I was fired for 'thinking with my dick' in the 90's. I 'sided' with the manager of one of the bands we promoted and distributed instead of the label they were on...that we distributed. The band was managed by a  very smart person who was also a lady. She happened to have an iron-clad contract and was 100% in the right and the band was about to be our big break-through band...but..I was fired for thinking with my dick, the manger owned the band and all potential solo projects from the band....and the band/4 members fell off the face of the Earth. (They were led by dollar signs.)

very heavy sigh.

Louis Heidelmeier
a used to be...


OMG. Incredible! Say it, sister. 

Lynn Crosswaite


I'd like to offer that not all men are ruled by their dicks... some of us learned how to say no, too. 

mrk fnchr


Sometimes I think that the testosterone in our blood keeps us men from thinking clearly.

Or perhaps testosterone creates a sort-of mental detour blocking men from using our intelligence and best judgment efficiently. That would certainly aid the increase early man's population. Food and sex still rules the senses, yes? We are still primal at times, unfortunately, or fortunately?

Victor Krag


I feel for her

Dennis Rubenstein


Nailed it

Deirdre Hill


Wow can we say jaded? Rightfully so I guess.

Chris Chapin


And that's why you're the smart and powerful one Laura DiMichele. You learned how to deal with men in the age old game of co-existing. You may have seen women during your career who didn't, wouldn't or couldn't deal and in the aftermath of not standing up for them, you may feel slightly guilty and project this on the "great" men in your life, who also didn't, for their own reasons.

Life is but a game, nothing more, and if you're a cute blonde in a red sports car, you become part of that game real quick. (I know, my wife is the cute blond in a blue sports car. She knows the game of life as the wonderful person she is). I had several companies in the field of publishing and marketing in my corporate life with many women filling the ranks. Some of them knew the game when they first walked in the door, some of them learned quickly and some of them never learned. The last ones deserved some form of protection, but then again they always got caught up in the soap opera of it all and mostly used the  harassment card out of jealousy or revenge. You're absolutely right Laura, in the bigger picture of our era, men are at a disadvantage, because their dicks often rule them (for the most part). Knowing that fact alone should give women the power they need to offset the physicality difference in the game of life.



Bravo, Laura DiMichele!

At the place I worked in a position of conventional employment, the one fellow staffer that I truly liked and respected was a woman who said her days were numbered because she had resisted her boss's advances on an out-of-town trip.  She was right.  She was gone within a week, with feeble explanations proffered by management.

A month later, an attractive young black woman was being interviewed for a position comparable to the one held by the aforementioned employee.  The owner/president and his second-in-charge stepped out of the room for a moment, door still ajar, high-fived one another and started making giddy comments about the potential sexual benefits to come, referencing not only the interviewee's gender, but race as well.

I snapped.  I scolded them and told them if they hired this woman and I witnessed or heard of her being subjected to any of their horseshit, I would be the most compelling witness against them in any proceedings of grievance on her part.

Not surprisingly, I was terminated two days later on grounds of substandard performance, paradoxically, just a week after receiving a $2k bonus check for just the opposite.

We've all witnessed the behavior of the Weinsteins and O'Reillys and Aileses.  It's always been rife, and never right.  It's just a little more surreptitious now.  I was fortunate to be raised by an honorable man and a woman who was the equal or superior of any man.  I grew up believing that using the advantage of physical strength, position of power or the effects of alcohol to get into a woman's pants was not only dishonorable, but antithetical to being a real man.  Sadly, I've had to end a few friendships over the years based on these precepts.

A postscript to the Weinstein news today was that, evidently, Ashley Judd, was one of the actresses with whom he repeatedly made inappropriate sexual advances.  When her sister and mother --Wynonna & Naomi-- were first hitting it big on the country charts in the mid-'80s, I would occasionally talk to the cute, pimple-faced, junior high schooler Ashley while Mom and Sis were being interviewed after the latest awards show.  It was evident that she was brilliant, even at that age, and she grew to be as fierce as her fellow Judds.  Like the others who has the misfortune to endure his boorish, predatory behavior, Ashley was not someone with whom Harvey Weinstein should have trifled.

Scott Paton


Bravo, and many thanks Laura for succinctly telling it like it is, was, and how it still persists. Hopefully with more light shed and more men and women standing up to speak the truth this repugnant delusion some men entertain will die off like a bad flu. 

Can't remember how many times as a young lady, sans the red sports car, I was pulled over, detained, followed or stalked by officers of the law for no good reason. They just wanted a connection. I was even held by a customs agent returning to the US from Bali because he wanted to flirt and ask for my phone number. 

Not even mentioning the power struggles of working with men who felt they had every right to control, coerce, condescend, embarrass, impose, compromise, proposition, run wild with their imagination and blame me, as well as harass me because they thought they could and hey, why not? 

And yes, a shout out to those "good" guys who look the other way or empathize about this bad behavior yet never stand up to the jerks and a-holes because that would be stepping on some invisible male code. 

I'm so glad I'm now in my 60s and thus pretty much invisible to men in this town, and can finally enjoy the freedom of just being whoever I want to be, and knowing full well that any man who might attempt such nonsense with me or anyone near me will quickly learn he wished he hadn't.

Melissa Ward


Oh wow am I getting emails. Ha they're hoping they ain't that coward. I know that stung some of my boys but no one who knows me is surprised by my email. I've played with the big boys and give as good as I get. So happy I'm not on facebook nor twitter. Nothing against it and not a Luddite. Just busy and thought that one day I could regret it. Felt privacy important in an abundance of caution way. Never know what the future holds. I realized later that there's power in anonymity in the digital age. I like to keep it stealth and no one can find me. I'd be on the receiving end of misogynist attacks. You have some wingnut readers. Whew Thanks for reading. 

Laura DiMichele

P.S. Why the Weinstein Sexual-Harassment Allegations Came Out Now:

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