Wednesday 1 November 2017

Re-Kid Rock

Fuck Kid Rock.
And i hope got ebola from sucking Trump's cock.

R. Vanian


I am sorry, but Kid Rock has been scum for years. eff him in the ear with a hot poker.

James Walker


Please don't bother me with this nonsense during the World Series.

Go Dodgers.

Lalo Medina


Please don't bother me with this nonsense during the World Series.

Go Dodgers.


Zach Leary


Right on Bob!
Great piece on Rock...
I take so much shit from people because I like the guy...
But I don't care because he is his own thing and did it his way
And at the end of the day ya gotta admit that the MuthaFukka can
Write some good songs... throw in a kickass live show and what more
Really matters?
Wilson Gil


As a California libtard my instinct was to shit all over Kid Rock's recent Stern appearance, but I have to admit I enjoyed it.

And yeah, his new songs actually sounded pretty great. I also give him props for being willing to admit he was brought up wealthy (which probably explains his right wing politics more than his love of hunting).

That said, no one with a brain should be using the word "gay" as a negative adjective in 2017. I'm old enough (and from a small enough town) to remember when that was common, but seriously the guy should know better. Punch up, dude - not down.

Eli Braden


I thought it was interesting that Kid Rock and Megan Kelly are tight.

Lizzz Kritzer


I don't know his music for all the reasons you mentioned, but I also like Kid Rock for all the reasons you mentioned. He's having fun, and are the rest of us, those of us slogging it out in the industry, are we having fun? A few are, but too many of us are way too self-important, insecure and always battling and posing for our place on the ladder to enjoy it.

Bobby is gonna have to make an important decision sometime in the next few days, as allegations of sexual assault against his publicist hit the Nashville fan and blow up in what another journalist has already off-the-record called "the worst-kept secret in the country music industry." Two stories have already been printed, with more to come. Hopefully, Kid Rock will come out on the right side of justice. We will see.

Shannon Turner
Journalist and music lover


I'm hoping yes too...

Steve Anderko


Kid Rock is a dangerous racist. Point blank.

Andres Reyes


Of course he'd "give up
sex rather than his plane"
"After all, he's forty six!"

Randi Swindel


Being a fan of music for 60 years and in the music industry for 45, I don't think I've ever heard a Kid Rock song.
I know he was on Atlantic, after Ahmet.
Meaningless to me.
Have I missed something?

Stu Cohen


"The beneficiary of MTV, this cowboy became a giant just before the end of the century, when you lived and died on the video..."

TRUE indeed, but I'd argue it's 50-50 split between MTV and Napster. I think KR was one of the HUGE-est benfeicaries of that "outlet." I'll never forget stumbling upon a Napster track back in the day featuring KR and Billy Gibbons. I was sold after that.

Thanks as always, Bob.
-Dave Rubin


Well you're starting to see the light, hang in though you've still got a ways to go!

Sent from my iPad using root technology, a beet and a turnip by Steve Boone


Been following you for - maybe 2 years... my Uncle in the biz turned me on to you. I was a serious rocker (guitar in a band trying to make it big in Detroit) for years and lost my life to corporate America. I'm from Detroit and love this and everything else that you do. Always checking in and always loving what you say. Thank you, Bob!

Jason Schaller



Christopher Allen


I'm left leaning and don't agree with everything KR says about his politics or beliefs, but like you say, he has the balls to be real. I work in the radio business and have seen just about every major rock and country act over the last 40 years. My wife and I just saw KR in Detroit last month. I would put his show in my top 5! He is a rock star.

Duane Duck
Ontario, Canada


I went to a Kid Rock show back in 07ish at the Gibson when my then-client REHAB was opening for him and I was expecting the textbook white-dude rapper dick-grab antics. I was BLOWN AWAY. He fuckin' brought it, he was awesome, legit badass musician, and I was standing up the entire show and kept commenting to my buddy (another lawyer-dweeb) about how surprised and wrong I was to stereotype him. The problem is, however, if you don't know his music and his success, his antics and the recent appearance at the White House with those other fucktard jackasses don't help to dispel any of the stereotypes about him. . . but yeah, I get it, he doesn't care about that shit. He's a rock star, and also: 'Murica!!

Kia Kamran


I was lucky enough to see Kid Rock waaay back in the day when Devil Without a Cause first started making waves at the late Mama Kin's on Landsdowne in Boston.

Full band, Joe C. was alive. The energy in that show was probably one of the best I've ever seen. The sound kept cutting out, Joe and Kid Rock were CLEARLY pissed off at the whole situation. In their minds the show was a complete disaster. From my spot in the audience, it was absolutely incredible.

Fast forward after the set I head to the bar to grab a drink, probably about a 10 or 15 seat straight bar at the most. Sitting there right in the middle by himself just minding his own business drinking a beer is Kid Rock himself.

Shook his hand, introduced myself and sincerely thanked him for the show. He seemed legitimately shocked to hear how good I thought it was.

It's cliché but that guy really is just a regular guy when you meet him. Probably one of the friendliest most real celebrity encounters I've ever had.

I hope to imagine he's still the same guy since his fame has shot up probably a billion fold since then. I'm sure he is.

Either way just an awesome memory I thought I'd share while on the topic.

Keep it up Bob!

-Scott Marino


Am I the only one who heard Kid Rock's "Tennessee Mountain Top" and realized he ripped off Nickleback's "Rock Star?"

Rock likes to play the poor mouth, while his dad owned multiple car dealerships in the Detroit area. Upper Middle Class my ass. And he lived an hour outside Detroit! One hour! Residents of Windsor Canada lived closer to Detroit than Kid Rock!

Fran Thornton


Wow…you got all that "narrative" out from in between the constant barrage of "fuck", "fucking", and "motherfucker"? Oh, and "narrative"? That's fucking impressive!

How can someone possibly be so fucking smart, while sounding that fucking dumb?

Fucking ponderous.

—Rob Maurer


I think the only band I have seen more than Kid Rock is Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band and Nine Inch Nails is up there but not quite. I think in the 7-10 shows I have seen Kid Rock & Twisted Brown Trucker Band , only one didn't make me say HELL YEAH! He always has older bands open for him - Foreigner, ZZ Top, Lynyrd Skynryd, and Rev Run that I can think of.

And the show? Awesome and fun always. For the $20 or $40 that you end up paying it is far better than most of those that try and charge 80 or 120 for nosebleed -

- Dave Rohrer


Wow..! How refreshing.


Simma Levine


Let your lips leave his ass for a minute and get some air, ok?

His tickets are subsidized by corporate dollars.

Which is cool. As long as it's acknowledged with candor. Which it wasn't - this whole piece reeks of a 11th grade school journal fluff piece.

He isn't breaking ground. He's Ted Nugent lite.

Dennis Pelowski


It's disappointing that you or Stern give props to a racist bigot...

Rodney Rowland


As a 41 year old white kid from a lower middle class background I've always had a weird relationship with Kid Rock. I discovered hip hop in the early 80's when breakdancing took over the country. Beat Street, Breakin', the "Breakdance LP" with Rapture and Good Times and Apache and the sick poster, Run-DMC, Kurtis Blow, the rap on Chaka Khan's "Feel For You". I remember hearing The Beastie Boys Rhymin' and Stealin' and it changing my life. But I'm from the West Coast so Egyptian Lover and Bobby Jimmy and Ice-T and Too $hort were some of my earliest memories of hip hop.

My earliest memories of Kid Rock were having a Cas-single of his first single "Yo-Da-Lin-In-The-Valley" and driving around with Mormon kids in high school playing "Pimp of the Nation" hearing Rock shout out Too $hort and Barry Weiss.

Wondering how the fuck a white kid with his hair sticking straight up knew Too $hort in the first place?

Fast forward to college, I join the college radio station KSUN at Sonoma State University in Northern California and see a Kid Rock CD of "The Polyfuze Method" at the station and laugh it off. Wow he got another shot after "Grits Sandwhiches for Breakfast"? Back From The Dead was ok but I think Rock is destined to be a footnote. Then 5 years later Rock has a smash on his hands, he's an MTV darling, a star. That's the same dude who did a tour with Ice Cube and followed Cube's van in his Caddy just to not have to go home to his dad as a failure. That guy has a #1 hit with Cowboy. His Dad that owned car dealerships and loaned him money to continue his music dream when he was at his lowest. That guy's investment is now paying off.

And Rock would go on to DJ for Run-DMC on TV. Feature Eminem on his album before he blew up. Hook up with Pamela Anderson. Shout out Ted Nugent. And do shows with Bob Seger. Crossover to Country with Sheryl Crow. Who is this guy?

Then you hear the right wing shit and roll your eyes. This is the dude who has a daughter out of wedlock. Who championed the poor and the underserved. Who stood up to the man.

The guy that was living he dream but was on the wrong side of history at the end of the day.

It's too early to tell but the confederate flag and white trash shit has to go. Rock is smarter than that. No one cares about the music, it's about the movement. We'll see what happens.

Justin Bartek


" And the point is if you're not willing to look at all sides, I don't want to hear your opinion"


James McKernan


That's a start. Eventually you'll get to understanding Trump, too.

Lawrence Shore


I enjoyed your article & was impressed by Kid's move to lower ticket prices. Unfortunately, that seems to have ended - ticket prices for a concert in Cleveland are back to ridiculous multiple levels.

It's a shame but business is business & I will stay away.

Thomas B.


I found him annoying.
He said "I want to just play and have people show up, like Petty and Springsteen. Kid Rock is a joke compared to those legends.
He has another 20 years of working his ass off and 10 amazing albums to tour on before he can dream about being in the class. He is not the legend he thinks he is.

Thanks, Mr. Gamble


Kid Rock can go fuck himself. I used to like and admire him, before his blatant pandering to the Trumpists at his recent concerts. His failure to take a stand against the Pussygrabber In Chief is about to put the kibosh on whatever's left of his career, because he's too stupid to realize that our country is bigger than him, bigger than the orange asshole in the White House. I used to like Bob Ritchie, but Kid Rock is no Bob Ritchie. Not anymore.

Mojo Bone


If anyone could create the next BIG American anthem, something that could at least momentarily stitch together the tattered, tired and tearful fabric of the nation, for one beautiful and rebellious unifying moment in song, it would be him. That is bigger than being President. That's power.

Paul Koidis


I actually kinda like listening to Kid Rock( a name that I can't stand btw)speak...I truly believe he used rap to gain attention and then became a Rock Star....he's right many many many people are far more talented....I'm way way more talented....His music be it rap, country(excuse me I threw up in my mouth a bit) or Rock( which is embarrasing to even say) is and always has been for RETARDS!!!!! Maybe he should run for the Senate..Keep on Rockin'!!!!



You're easily amused.
Terry Maraccini


"It's taken him a while to find his voice." He should keep looking. He has always sounded like a drunken karaoke hack, cracking his way through some wretched Skynyrd tune, contorted RAWK/constipation face on with beer in one hand & that U.S.A. hubris in the other. Totally fucking depressing that the 'skill' level has dropped this low & you're buying into it!

Wade Mosher


AND This Guy, Kid Rock is what a Conservative is Bob....Most of Us Conservatives think Just like this guy...and we still are alot of fun and we like a good party! And we work hard and we treat others as we are treated...and we are good folks through and through. Try asking any Conservative...You heard one on Howard, trying asking a conservative on your own time. Try it, you'll like it.

Mary Hartman


Hi Bob. Greetings from Michigan! Here it's Kid Rock, Eminem and Bob Seger. You can hear them on the radio literally any time.

I grew up in a small town not too far from where Kid Rick is from, he definitely embodies our spirit of the "everyday" American, even if it's a hokey rock-star version.

A while back he lead a fundraiser for the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, it raised a million dollars when the symphony was on serious hard times. As a music major I think that's an admirable contribution to society.

Thanks for the letter!

Charlotte Orzel


America needs more guys like this that won't play the game, truly a roll model for all, so statesmen-like:

Because you're so hot I want to get you alone
I want to get you stoned
I don't want to be your friend
I want to fuck you like I'm never gonna see you again

What a great lullaby, I hope he sings it to his granddaughter.

He may not be a kiss-ass but I am wondering about you. Keep it up and you may get a ride on his jet.

Neal Berz


I went to see Kid Rock on the tour where the tickets were $20 for any seat, mostly out of curiosity, partly out of wanting to support a musician who would make such a bold statement. I wouldn't call myself a fan of his music (or his politics) but what Happened that night was one of the greatest parties I've ever experienced! I'm a young guy who has been to hundreds of concerts, but I've rarely seen a performer so easygoing yet so concerned with putting on a good show. I have FOR SURE never seen a crowd enjoy themselves more, and I'm afraid I never will. Dancing in the aisles, drunkenly making love in the seats, shouting and singing at the top of your lungs, it was a party that everyone was invited to and everyone could enjoy. Highly recommended you see him if you haven't already!

Seth Spaulding


I can't decide if I would be incredibly annoyed or feel sorry for anyone who didn't vibe off him, or at least what he's about. Because he's all about joy. Even stuff he doesn't like or understand, he's too busy having fun to really be bothered by it, or to bother other people with it. Which is why I'm so glad he's not running for senate. We don't have enough people who give a shit in the right way. Politics would destroy that, like it has with Trump. He became president and the stakes got too high. It killed the joke for everyone. Before we could take or leave Trump. Now we don't have much of a choice, an especially big bummer given that the latest incarnation of Trump sucks so bad.

I'm sure there are plenty of people who will get all uppity about Rock, but fuck'em. As you said, "...if you're not willing to look at all sides, I don't want to hear your opinion...Hell, Rock seemed more open-minded than most left wingers." Everyone needs to get over themselves (including me, more often than I'd like to admit), like Kid Rock has. Because "ourselves" and our opinions just aren't that important. Life is. Reality is. So we need to live life and make change based on reality's terms, not with wishes and feelings—and especially without all the finger pointing, blame and just out and out distain for the other side that we have right now. I would imagine Kid doesn't like social justice warriors, but I can't imagine him (at least not the guy who was on the Stern Show) having distain for anyone, which was hammered home by his take on playing for Obama On that note, I'm actually curious how many artists really really really wanted to have the honor of playing for a president, no matter who it was, but knew it'd be career suicide to show up for Trump. Bummer. The man has become more important than the office and the country. No wonder we're so hateful towards each other right now. We're so caught up in the self and (our perceptions of) other peoples' self.

Kid is how rich and famous people should be. Not the stereotype that today's wealthy celeb has become, most are more about the pat on the back and the "so wonderful. so brave" applause than the cause, otherwise they'd be donating in private, like Rock does.

Andy Beach,
A big nobody


From: Robert Ritchie
Re: Kid Rock On Howard Stern

Man, you get it….and you do your homework!!


PS - Any band or musician who thinks they are the cats pajamas should of been at The Eagles show sunday night at The Grand Ole Opry!! Simply untouchable in that environment.

Robert Ritchie / Kid Rock

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