Sunday 5 April 2020


A friend of mine died today. After a week, they took him off the ventilator, they believed he was on the road to recovery, but then he had a brain seizure and it was all over. This guy worked in radio, promotion and publishing, he was not an unknown person, he was just like you and me, he had no preexisting conditions, his only crime was to be in the target demo. He was fine, and then he was not. He e-mailed me March 15th to tell me about self-quarantine in New York City, and now he's no longer on the planet.

Below I am posting right wing reaction to last night's screed. The problem is those on the left don't know those on the right, they're rarely privy to blowback like this. And, opinion columnists are, but regular reporters are not, they don't allow responses to regular articles. Furthermore, those at the heart of the DNC live in a bubble, that is why they and the press missed 2016. There's a belief on the left that Trump was an anomaly and if they just nominate the safe person, they'll get elected. That may be wrong. But it is also believed that if a Democrat wins the White House everything will be hunky-dory. That is patently false.

These are all music people. The kind you sit next to in the office, stand next to at shows, this is us.

P.S. As I was assembling these right wing reactions, I decided to print left wing ones underneath. Just to illustrate that not all is lost.


(Cough)bullshit. Your hate is out of control an blinding. You are a half wit when it comes to politics. So afraid of your own shadow, the boogeyman just sits in the corner laughing at you because his work is done!
And the part about "chopping him off at the knees" I am sure you fantasized about such action. But take that action. Doubtful!

Craig Meyer


Bob, please don't minimize people of faith in Jesus Christ.

Of course we pray - why shouldn't we? We put faith in our Creator to give us and all mankind the wisdom and direction to find remedy and the strength to care for those in need. And we place our trust in God, because as you well stated, we are not in control. Solutions won't come from panic and despair. Prayer mitigates despair.

On this Palm Sunday, Catholics around the world (in their homes) participate in the Gospel reading "Hosanna in the Highest". Hosanna means "save I pray " and in the context of Scripture it denotes a special honor and respect to the one who saves.

A most fitting prayer for these times.

Rob Joseph
Columbus, OH

P.S. Your premise, that if the Democrats were in power it would be better, is flawed.
It's would just be a different kind of same.


in case you were interested in real facts or science that isn't on cnn/cdc. how about the fact that the inventor of the RT PCR test (used to diagnose crown 19) has stated repeatedly that this test can NOT be used for diagnostic purposes. or the uk telegraph article on unused test kits being found to be contaminated with crown.

Jeremy Backofen


Hey Bob,
I'm not a "conspiracy" person at all.
But this whole thing smells really bad.

Viruses just don't materialize out of thin air.

At the end of this, someone will look back at who gained from all of this. Follow the money and you find the answers, always.

I personally think it's a terror attack on the USA. But not from foreign terrorists.

I know when this is "done" it's not going to be as bad as everyone is saying it's going to be. Maybe I'm in the minority here, but it's just all seems so out there to have not been orchestrated.

I believe the virus is real, no doubt, I had it, months ago, lasted forever, but for most it's not deadly or even worse than flu/bronchitis.

I wear gloves when I go out for food, and throw them away. I wear a mask as well. We wipe down everything with alcohol that we bring back from the store.

Yes it kills people and that sucks. And I feel horrible for anyone that is associated with it.

But wow is it weird that no one that is actually healthy is dying from this? Again scratching my head.

(feel free to use this but leave my name out this time. I don't want the lunch mob coming because I had the virus!)


You are a bright person.... and you're also a fool. You have so little understanding of conservative politics and culture.
I read your blog for your knowledge of the entertainment business not your constant drum beat of hatred for the current office holder.
We get it, Bob.. you have every right to spew your leftist rhetoric. It's protected by the same documents that allow me to own and carry personal protection. Do you have a gun, Bob.. if you don't better get one and learn how to use it.

Remember Bob, nothing you say is truth to power. It's just you secular opinion..and your entitled to be wrong most of the time when it comes speaking about or for the conservative message. Can you say "derangement"..?

Have a safe day!

Chris Linck


Bob. You are the liberal mainstream media and you're spreading lies.

You're so Late to the Covid 19 game, but that's your fault. You bought into the whole Russia Russia Russia, impeachment hoax and helped perpetuate it's lies. But then you get your news from the New York Times,
You, along with the Democrats and the liberal left wasted three years of the governments time with a total distraction over nothing.

And you sound like a fool.

Trumps got your back even though you don't deserve it

My god, endless senseless Trump derangement syndrome.

Why don't you try to unite the people and stop your divisive nonsense.

Any good ideas out of Bob? No

John Warden


Bob, you need to chill...your fixation on Trump as evil is borderline insanity...really, Bro...relax...

This is just another step forward in humanities journey...

Bob, you aren't going to die of aren't going to be are going to be just fine...

Trump is going to protect you...

So, I have learned the hard way that what comes out of my mouth usually happens...

So I have been abundantly surprised that when I only say outloud what I desire, the positive outcome in my works...

Yes, I have very negative thoughts...ones that make your "victim" perspective pale...but if I don't speak them outloud, they dissipate...

Try it for month, prove me wrong?

This is a very difficult time... But everywhere around me I see fantastic good things happening.

Last night I went for a walk near the beach. At sunset I saw fathers in the back of their vans and cars facing the ocean reading books with their children. I've never seen that before on my walks every day.

And then I went to the grocery store and experienced a level of compassion, collaboration, kindness, respect, and dignity that I've never experienced there before... I've experienced a true gratefulness from shopkeepers where we visit to pick up food.

So, I am in contact with friends and relatives more than any before time in my life which is reaping wonderful benefits.

Yes we've had some people 1? away from us die. It is easy to lament, but only for a moment...

But through all of this America and the world will indeed come out much better off. The world needs to be humbled.

You need to know that you were gonna be just fine.

You have so much to contribute with your knowledge of the arts...quit harping on the negative in life.

Someone said having a grudge against someone is like drinking poison yourself and thinking you're hurting the other person.

Bob focus on all the good things that have happened in your life and tell us about them. Your stories are wonderful. Your recollections are fascinating.

Take is to the mountain top.. let us dream.. remind us of who we are. Quit focusing on a bogeyman.

You're better than that.

Michael K. Clifford


Thanks for being part of the problem, smdh

erik scheibe


C'mon, Bob. I'm as frightened as you are (same age). No need to have someone to blame. There's so much we don't know about this virus. Who did or didn't do what for it not to have happened or spread . Meantime, our culture could forever be changed by this. What if you were in charge? What would you do differently?
Mitchell Sussman


so easy to sit at home and complain.

B Fraiman


Wow, just wow. I'm not certain whether it's the fear of COVID-19, virulent TDS, more likely it's a combination of the two, but you are losing your grip on reality.
Perhaps you need to take a step back for awhile? Or maybe you need to associate with people who have a positive outlook on life? Seek out people who don't need to find someone to blame for everything that goes on in life?
Even Forest Gump understood that "Shit Happens" without it being someone's fault.
Whatever you chose to do, do it soon, as your mental deterioration is astounding.
Craig Nickman


Hello Bob

Hope this finds you well.

Let not forget that President Johnson "could send you off to battle, irresponsibly, for a war that could never be won", too.

I think Trump (Administration/Federal Gov't) is doing everything he can to protect this country and its citizens. This is not the time to be playing the blame game or complaining that someone you believe to be responsible is not accepting blame. You sound like Pelosi and Schumer, the Laurel + Hardy of Congress.

For now let's focus on the big picture and work together to get through this. Then join the chorus and play the blame game.

Best wishes Bob.

Paul Lancia


This is so full of inaccuracies. Just one point. In mid January Trump was making a Covid-19 task force.
Polosi was signing impeachment papers.
On top of that she immediately bought stock in Amazon.



You cannot compare this with Nixon!! Wars we knew about. And if you were smart you could figure out how to stay out. They same today the Middlebury kids never went to war and where are they during this disaster??? Helping out at the hospitals? Sitting at Mom and Dads concerned about their summer internships and if the pool at the club will be open this summer.
This is different because nobody has an answer but everybody thinks they do! Anytime somebody says they think they know something... They don't! All politicians and experts want is TV time which they hope will lead to more and higher paid speaking engagements.
When will Dems learn... Hilary and Biden for Pres.???
Everybody just wants TV time.

Michael Murphy


When will Liberal ass hats like yourself stop this crazy stuff such as orange man bad and everything is his fault. It is becoming so tiring. I Guess LBJ, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Regan, Bush, Clinton, Bush and Gay Barry had nothing to do with this. If you believe that I have some properties in the NW territories to sell you. Did you notice how I called everyone out?

Let's not forget the current crop of shit bags like Schumer(21 years in office), Pelosi(33 years in office) McConnell(35 years in office), Biden(44 years in office). Hmmm, notice something? First and foremost if the words "term limits" does not come to mind than you really deserve California. Another thing, wtf have they been doing for a minimum 21 plus years and why are they all multimillionaires? Hmmmm..................................... TRUMP HAD MONEY BEFORE HE CAME TO OFFICE!

Have you seen what your democrat hero's have done to California? Needles litter the streets as well as shit in LA and S.F. My favorite California story is how a homeless person dumped a bucket of shit on some woman's head in Hollywood. I have lived in LA and seen and heard a lot of bad stuff but that takes the cake. The other story that is second on my list is that fact that the Bubonic plague is on the verge of a comeback in LA due not to the Chinese but by the filth that now litters the streets through mice and rats. If you are looking for an escape goat look at your liberal hero's that have run California for the past 20 years. Not one republican has been in a seat power for that long. Shall we talk about crime as well, I don't think so cuz that is not a problem either. So you demonize orange man but you want the country to go the way of Cali, NO THANKS.

I personally want to thank everyone that pushed for illegal immigration! Should they come before a LEGAL citizen and when do we cut them off the government tit? Oops, major moral dilemma for the liberal mind. When you are standing in a bread line I hope all of illegals are in front of you.

Shall we talk how liberals defend and promote Pedophilia?

John McGraw


Stop bashing Chloroquine, I get that it might not be safe or work, but what the hell is wrong with you that you'd cheer against therapeutic treatment for this horrible virus? You realize that AMERICAN doctors are prescribing Hydroxychloroquine in an attempt to save lives right? You're not an FDA expert, so stop opining on this stuff. You don't like Chloroquine / Hydroxychloroquine simply because Trump touted it. You've had your head buried in the sand so long that you can't see clearly now. Anything that's gone wrong has been Trump's fault since inauguration. You've lost all credibility when it comes to the blame game. You're like Rachel Maddow with with collusion conspiracies, except you've got a new one every week it seem like. Just stick to facts man, you're wicked smart and your opening statements reflect that side of you. The intelligent people are staying home, obeying social distancing, and wearing masks & gloves, however, they are also NOT stoking unnecessary fear as you are.

William Howard


Blah, Blah, Blah.

How about you write about something that interests your readers? Like what you are watching that is good, and bad. Things that you are reading that are interesting and you would recommend? Or how this for a novel idea, something you know something about, like the music and entertainment business?

But please, please lay off the politics. Your readers are not interested in your tortured views in that arena. They could care less about your opinions and recommendations, on politics, What you write is not interesting and clearly it is not something you know something about.

I would unsubscribe but following has become like a massive car reck. It's terrible to watch unfold but you just can't look away.

John Kendig


WTF Bob! Music, it's what you know, writing about it is what you do best, it's what we need right now. Haven't you already had enough people unsub? Take a lesson from an old Native American saying: The right wing and the left wing are both part of the same bird. When you're in a hole, you should stop digging…or do you still not recognize the hole your'e in? May I respectfully add to the growing number of voices requesting you STFU with the divisive rhetoric and keep your personal political feelings to yourself…I grow tired of watching this embarrassing mental striptease. Enough with the 'effin politics, you're bigger than that; shake off your single-minded prejudice and emotional focus, you're better than that.

You can be such an inspiring force for good when you talk about music and its effect on us, but seems lately all you have to offer your loyal readership are delusional, unhinged and paranoid rants. I sincerely wish you the best and hope you and everyone else in the world can meet this life challenging problem head on and make it safely to the other side, but for, those of us who do not, I pray we can make this final journey together with courage, dignity, and love in our hearts. Songs come to mind that give me comfort, encouragement, and a motivation to care and do for those around me; can you think of any right now? …we could all use some musical inspiration and we're looking to you, the master, to help guide us toward it.

Warmest regards
Russ Berger


You obviously hate Trump. And that's your right. I love him. But I won't unsubscribe because I believe everyone is entitled to their opinion. But please know you are looking at Trump's actions through a very leftist lens. The right, and indeed almost 50% of polled Americans, think he's doing great, at a very tough time.

John Patterson


You are a rabid homo.
Have a nice day.

Ron Iafornaro


Bob, you are right. Our country is so broken, it is nearly unfathomable. As is much of the planet. But I have kids and grandkids and I can't see that this is how it all ends. I'm not Pollyanna. It certainly could. But the landscape has shifted so dramatically and quickly that we truly cannot see around the corner. There are huge lessons to be learned and changes to be made. Time will tell if they are the right ones. Stay well.

Randi Swindel


I was reading an article in the NY Times last month about how the government is going after universities nationwide, especially in the northeast, for allegedly unreported financial dealings with Chinese universities and businesses, in violation of some obscure law, and including prosecuting professors with dual deals in the US and China. It seemed to me like an excuse for an attack on universities, not really about the allegedly illicit funding.

Toby Mamis


table if the surgeon was unqualified.

Anybody with an evolved brain can see he is UNQUALIFIED to be a President in charge of 300 million lives, on top of his acute Narcissistic personality disorder.

Signs and symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder - he ticks them all.

Eddie Gordon


Trump-fuckery will do us all in
Nobody left to describe the sin
End of the world as we all know it
(R)azi party turned it all to shit
Biden is the Bozo on this bus
What will happen to the rest of us?
Please give me Bernie or give me death
I'll go down fighting 'til my last breath

John Hartmann


Don't give in to the trumpsters, "managing expectations" so that victory will be 199,999 deaths (remember this guy carped on Obama nonstop for supposedly cooking unemployment numbers while last week literally asking states to not report theirs, and as I finish this the goalposts have moved up an additional 40,000 dead fellow Americans) - this is insane! And you're right, there should be music about it, but who will listen anymore? The themes you unearth grow more pressing daily. "I don't take responsibility at all." These people who still support him are beyond redemption, they are among the most lost, finding solace in an ego/echo chamber of lies. Biden is basically conceding the election already, to say that there is not blood on Trump's hands is almost as grossly negligent for an actual opposition candidate as the conduct itself.

DJ Looseleaf


I don't give a damn what Sarah Silverman tweets about Biden, he will defeat Trump or the Fourth Reich begins. How could Philip Roth see the future? It's always the artists who offer a path to hope and dish out clear eyed vision of the moment. and yes, the hate always comes back around to blaming the jews. History repeats and repeats. Fuck!


Did you see this in The NY Times today?

Trumped stopped Chinese early from coming into the US? Just another lie.

Jeff Eyrich


Thank you for continuing to hit at trump. I know you receive countless counterpoints to his idiotic tenure as president but we need to keep hitting. I wish the democratic establishment would follow your lead and write the narrative instead of following whatever bullshit trump pulls out of his ass.

Joel Dauten


With Trump's call re 3M, on redirecting N95 Respirators that Germany, Canada and other Latin America countries have ordered, he is basically causing a rewriting of the geopolitical landscape; forcing these countries to potentially partner with China moving ahead. This is not a good thing for America.

United we stand? Bullshit. More like divided you'll fall.

I've often said, and forgive the language, that Canada was the USA's bitch (economically). Well that turned out to be true, because we just got fucked, again..

steve f


Relevant article with good historical insights..

Anthony Bay


Re: Freaking out-agree on all points
My take:
IF we win the Presidency, House and Senate, vacate every single appointment of every single judge made by trump's administration. Justified easily by listing scores of laws broken, ignored and violated, and numerous unqualified appointees. Also justified by the unprecedented and unconstitutional refusal to seat the Supreme Court nominee during the last 10 months of Obama's presidency. Revoke the broadcast license for Fox. Imprison Alex Jones and sue him again for damages. Pass a Constitutional Amendment for criminal penalties for using lies and unverifiable claims that lead to public harm. Making it thus harder to simply repeal laws against it. Criminalize voter suppression. Outlaw Citizens United and pass a Constitutional Amendment to support that. Pursue every law broken by trump and his entire family and the sycophantic corrupt members of his administration. Fine them into oblivion and bankruptcy. Imprison as many of them as possible. Make social shaming popular of their social Darwinism, totalitarianistic tendencies, lack of empathy and hate. Teach decency and fairness and empathy and HISTORY.
I can dream can't I?

Hope Harris


I agree & give moral support ~ Jim Eaton from VT


Thats some scary Shit bob! Our only hope it a blue wave and ass kicking totals of votes! Lots of people have seen this guy for what he is. Incompetent! This shit show should end and I hope it does.

Frank Higginbotham


Bob, and WHEN the virus finally goes away, some day, the believers in Jesus will say it's BECAUSE they prayed!

Sterling Howard


Thank you for your perspective and your writing. We all feel we have a friend across from us in the living room.

An aspect of this which has not been pointed out yet is that for three years now, there has been a constant drumbeat from Trump and his minions that China is not to be trusted. Now, they are saying that China lied about Covid-19, and this presumably affected their (the US government's) response.

So, let's get this straight. For three plus years, the Trump Administration did not believe anything from the Chinese. But the period December - February, they inexplicably did, and now they found out it's a lie?

Lance Trebesch


and that motherfucker is gonna get re-elected!

rich zweiback

________________________________________________ appears the the democracy experiment is coming to a close.........

Tommy Allen


Our country deserves this, Bob. Idiots who can't sacrifice a day in the sun, boomers who quite literally can't grasp the concept of staying in, the rich who won't give back but implore all of us to donate, and the politicians who simply don't give a damn.

I'm not saying I wish ill will on any of them but I sure as hell don't care about what does happen to them. This country is going to hell in a hand basket and a lot of good people are unfortunately along for the ride.

Michael Vorhees


It might benefit the GOP to lose in November. Trump will inherit a certain recession, if not a depression & he's certainly not the guy you want in charge in desperate times. He only works as a mouthy frontrunner. Biden will inherit this mess, be totally overmatched (man, it's ridiculous that Cuomo can't declare right now. The rules are out the window, aren't they? Why not him? ) & of course the right will scream about Dem spending. Trump's ego will never allow it but the GOP game plan historically has been to run up the deficit & hand it off to a Clinton or Obama & heap criticism on them. Oh, this is going to be a shitshow. Jeff Hayward/Maine


Great post.

NY Times posted this weekend about how many people were traveling from China during this crisis and its mind boggling.

The root all of this comes down to two things: Airline travel and federal governments.

China should of been fluid with the issue, the United States and all it's friends should of put their foot down in January.

The airlines were continuing to do business with little restrictions and weren't putting their foot down with the countries they service.

We all know how massive the airline industry is and how quickly you can get to multiple places around the world. So it doesn't take a genius to realize that with the hub and spoke model, it would only be a matter of time before this thing would spread beyond Wuhan.

Frankly it's the job of the federal gov't to be able to control international travelers coming into the US during this time of crisis and they failed. They didn't protect the nation and this has led state/local officials to take action.

Right now it's about controlling, but the next phase is testing. It's the only way this economy gets back on track.

-Dan Rosenberg


This should be read to every single right wing nut job, Clockwork Orange style.

Casey Rae


Another brilliant daily dispatch. Thanks for telling it like it is. Sometimes I feel like I am the only one seeing what I'm seeing and the assure never that I'm not crazy. I am not alone. We are in this together.

Speaking of crazy, I think you have a typo in your comments about Georgia governor Kemp. You wrote that he is insane. I think you meant sociopathic. He knew. And even if he didn't know, it would be because he went out of his way to be willfully ignorant. That is not a lack of sanity, that is a lack of emotional capacity tempered by malice. Sociopath is a pretty good descriptor.

Heather Hollick


Bob says everything you and I know, believe, and feel helpless about.


Marilyn Manning


I just drove from Miami Beach to Southampton. My far from scientific report is that no one is taking this seriously. In Miami Beach, everyone I know was terrified. We all stayed in. It's a ghost town. By the time you hit mid Florida, it's back to January 2020. No masks, no gloves, people out and about. It was like that up the entire Eastern Seaboard. We started to see a few masks in NYC. Now I'm in Southampton and I feel the fear again but nowhere in between Southern Florida and here. In Rocky Mount, North Carolina (only 7 hrs from Manhattan), the restaurant servers running out to the cars, taking and delivering masks, no cares. I talked to them, tried to educate, and the answer was "we aren't scared". Fox News Country.

Lizzz Kritzer


Bob- I appreciate your perspective and enjoy these missives -

I cannot help but think that we are in this MESS because of Comey-
If he hadn't come out with another Hillary Clinton email debacle 10 days before the 2016 election......

We are in this MESS because of Muller.... and his inability to pin Trump with criminal wrongdoing- and there definitely was!!!

We are in this Mess because of Susan Collins who didn't have the moral compass like Mitt Romney to vote against the republicans during the impeachment trial-


I truly thought Mike Bloomberg was going to 'save' us- I want to think Biden can but in my heart I know he can't-
I have dreams of Bush W and Obama walking into the Oval Office together and kicking this fraudulent piece of shit out of office!!
Can we have a contested democratic convention and get Andrew Cuomo to run? Or is your piece today the truth..... we are stuck in the MESS for the rest of our lives?!?!?

Trump's daily briefings send me into a rant that will most definitely give me a heart attack before I get this g-d forsaken virus!!!

Again, I appreciate your perspective and words- I just needed to rant to a like minded soul!!

Stay well!

Nancy Zaro


The courts leaning right do not bother me as much as the courts leaning incompetent.

Paul Walker


Your link to Lyin' Biden is a mortal wound to his candidacy.

- bob cozzi


Joe who????

Johnson Somerset


Nurse struggled to get tested and worked while infected with coronavirus

Marc Gentilella


Remember when we saw images of people in Russia standing in line for TP?

Who's standing in line-ups now?

Putins Agent Orange just got carte blanche to distribute 500 billion out of the over 2 plus trillion they gave him as he sees fit. I wonder who's getting a payday first out of that deal?

Voter suppression? How about those in the hardest hit areas not being able to go to the polls period? They say we can expect a second wave in the fall....

If don't you think Trump isn't getting re-elected you also probably think Joe Exotic is innocent.

Sad thing about all this? The Empire known as the good ole US of A will fall and be bankrupt before the end of Trumps 2nd term or shortly thereafter. He wins everyone else loses.....



So happy (as happy as one can be with this) to hear an Amercian so lucid and eloquent in such a total mess!… As The Ultimate Reality TV show continues ???… Ugh… It truly amazes me how duped the "sheeple" are… I have very intelligent (in quotations) friends who espouse this man's alleged virtues and it baffles me to no end… OR i just think they are "in" on the scheme!!??? (is there and email they all get every day on what to say and how to act?) …. OR… as i've said for decades… "politics and religion blind absolutely!"… And the true irony is MOST Trump supporters are unwittingly socialist… ha.. Medicare, food stamps, Social Security… and on and on….

Us canadians hope you Americans rise up and get your shit together or we will ALL fall… Does Trump even know how stop SPELL 3M????… ha…

Andrew Johns


You're spot on Bob. Again.

I do fear that some scenario comes to pass where Trump doesn't heed the white house even if he loses. Or postpones the election.

His followers will say it's best for the country.

What country?

As for right now, they all think he's doing a great job.

Democrats and much of the news media do not help themselves. The news is often just petty. Trying to create drama even when there isn't any. Trumpsters just point to that and it supports the fake news talking point.

The democrats have no guts. They think facts will get them through this. What they need is better marketing. If I were the DNC I'd hire a marketing firm. Chiat Day or whoever. Rebrand the entire party. And then get everyone in line.

People need vision. We hate the government. And rightfully so. It hasn't really helped people for decades.

Someone needs to capture the imagination of people. Like Trump did.

For me, the people are the problem. Not so much Trump. As you've said before, he's just a symptom of the disease. You get rid of him, the disease festers.

Fascists need followers.

Liars need believers.

My wife and I have an otherwise intelligent friend who said the Covid problem in New York is Cuomo's fault for not buying more ventilators in 2015. And that we'll be open by Easter. She said this two days ago.

I know you get a lot of flack for your political rants. But I for one, appreciate the perspective. You rail the Democrats too. And they deserve it.

~Rob Grad


You don't really believe Biden has a shot do you? Biden may not remember he's running by November.
The Dems have missed this one, and we are truly living in a nightmare. Trumps base can't read, and only watches Fox News, and TBN. They, like Trump, don't believe in facts, only in what fits their narrative. There don't appear to be rules anymore. That's the problem. Things like facts, honesty, fairness...these are liquid in Trumps America, and only apply when he says. He's a true sociopath, and he's in charge of us. Somehow, the Joker has been elected president, in a world with no Batman.
What a mess. This is the part in the movie where, after getting beaten in act two, our hero trains and adapts his strategy to beat the bad guy at his own game. The dems haven't done that. They went back to act two and repeated.
You really think Biden can beat Trump? Where is he? Why hasn't he gone live everyday from his bunker somewhere and pounded on every one of Trumps press conferences where he constantly lies, on camera, to the point CNN has a fact checker on after every one?
I know why. Biden is analog, Trumps digital.
We are stuck with Trump, unless there's a Dem who can play Trumps game. Just like Covid19, Trumps just gotta run it's course.

Stay safe Bob

P.S. Fuck Jared Kushner, that little slum lord. Watch Dirty Money season 2 on Netflix if you want a good idea of who and what he's about. Another sociopath who's daddy handed him everything.

Dean Marone

But Biden won't win.

The process - and the establishment Democrats - gave it to Biden, the least charismatic candidate they've had since... 2016.

Why don't they understand - charisma, star power, personality - that's what wins National Elections. Trump - loathsome, vile, incompetent, sociopathic though he may be - is a STAR.

Bernie? Maybe… he - and maybe Mayor Pete, and maybe Kamala - were the only ones with the inkling of star power.

It's like in Hollywood, Bob - you need a movie star to 'open' the film.

You think Biden can open a movie? You think his film's grossing well that opening weekend?

If he knew what was good for him - for the country! - he'd recognize it, call up Bernie and Warren and the rest of them - and put their heads together to figure out a way to beat Trump. Maybe by the time the virtual convention rolls around, they'll realize the only way to beat him is with Cuomo - or Newsom? I don't know him - but Biden can't win. He's weak, and old, and looks and sounds awful, worse with each passing day. He's practically shrinking before our eyes - maybe at a certain point (2016, if Obama hadn't pushed him not to run), he might've had a chance against Trump, but not these days… Even with Trump's incredible, unreal, surreal, so ghastly-you-can't-believe-it press conferences and performance during this entire catastrophe — HE'S GETTING PEOPLE KILLED EVERY DAY, AND HIS INACTION COST US THOUSANDS OF LIVES! - he's still a magnetic performer.

He's a star. Americans wants stars.

Obama was a star.

Bill Clinton was a star.

Biden is not. He can't win.

Nick Davis


Hi Bob,
We are in fact living in strange, scary and interesting times.
Trumpism is is like a religion. When you try to have a conversation with a "believer" about facts, logic and science it never works. The two paradigms are diametrically opposed. The "believer" is based their opinion on blind belief and faith and the non- believer is left to bang his head against the wall. I live in Israel....I know. As you wrote, maybe when his flock is personally affected they'll connect the dots. But more likely they'll look for a convenient scape goat. Oy vey...
Hillel Wachs, Tel Aviv


Pls don't be scared off by the right wing sycophants to keep speaking truth to power. Like any artist you need to ask yourself that, if your time comes tomorrow, are you more concerned with being remembered for your art or the size of your audience?

P.S. Take a look at the curve flattening happening here in Australia because we got out front of this thing.

Pete Moses

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