Sunday 26 June 2016


I know you were making a point but let's be clear Brexit is a fucking disaster.

People woke up on Friday morning and thought "oh shit, I was only making a protest, I didn't think we would win."

Jeremy Corbyn is the worst leader of a party ever. I respect that he has his beliefs, but he shouldn't be trying to lead the second biggest party in the UK. He was a disaster in the campaign. Most of the regions that voted Brexit were Labour. He didn't give a shit.

Boris is a buffoon who is great in debating clubs but couldn't tie his own shoe laces if he didn't make sure people were watching and agreeing.

Believe me this election is going to have serious repercussions for decades. Most of them negative.

And I'm an eternal optimist!

Richard Griffiths


People in the UK are pissed off with having
Some eurocrats who are anonymous and dictating the future of the U.K.
This doesn't happen in the states
So I would say you don't really understand the British frustration
It's nothing like the changes in the music biz.
I won't go in about it because that's just how it is Period.

Paul Hardcastle


Bob, you have no idea what you are talking about. I am English. Of the strongest economies in Europe, Britain is the country Eastern Europeans are most likely to flock to because they were taught English at school. They earn three times the salary than they did at home, live in a bedsit, send their wages back to Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Lithuania etc etc etc etc etc and drag down the salary of a British worker who is paying a mortgage and supports a wife and kids at the standard of living the British have come to expect. My mother lives two doors away from an Eastern family that pack 5 kids into a tiny 2 bedroom house. I cannot figure out how they the fit the necessary beds into the house. They are used to a different standard of living and that's just a simple fact. On top of that immigrants are far more likely to spend their wages outside the UK than a British worker which is bad for the UK economy and some will come to the UK to mooch off the benefit system which is triggered
after a short time of working there. Not to mention the UK tax credit which means low wages are not even taxed and the UK tax payer tops up the wages a multinational pays to a Bulgarian worker. Expecting the UK population to carry an enormous poorer European population on their shoulders was just not realistic. What the frack this situation has to do with Napster or being a luddite or voting for Trump is absolutely beyond me. You are dreaming if you think all world borders should drop in the near future. Countries around the world have to balance their budgets based on the needs of their populations and their available resources. I don't feel I have esearched Brexit properly enough to feel adequately informed but you seem to know less than me about it. Do your research and get your facts straight.


Cecilia Mackie


Speaking as a Brit of chinese ethnic origins who voted to remain, what's abundantly clear is that this vote was never about the EU: it was a protest vote from the millions of working class citizens who have just been left behind. I'm gutted. I live in my London bubble and I'm just gutted that this country is more divided than I ever realised.

Sophie Yau



FYI, not quite what happened. Leaving the EU was actually a step into the future. That old behemoth was holding us back from reaching out into the world. We had some horrible restrictions on getting out there and doing anything. And we had no democracy. The Doctrine of Direct Effect took away our ability to live in a democratic country. Maybe valuing democracy makes me an old fart, but I think democracy is f***ing awesome, and that's why I voted the way I did.

Loads of misinformation kicking about, so I wrote a blog post on it. Tried to keep it objective, but I've specified my bias anyhow, so feel free to filter. Oh, and I make music too, so you can listen to that while you're there if you like. I mean... you don't have to or anything, but you can. That's the beauty of democracy. You can do what you like. Here's the link. Click on it or don't. Your choice. Don't you just love freedom? :)

Rebecca Bardess


13+ millions eligible voters not wanting to be DICTATED to by unelected EU officials who do not live in the UK is the reason for the Brexit vote - it needed to happen.

Eddie Gordon


The LEAVE voters have NATO to protect them, if things get dicey. So it not only feels good, but they know they still can't get hurt. Easy vote.

John Hummer


As for the Brexit campaign here in UK I would liken it to you guys in the US having major policy decisions on welfare and immigration being made by UK for example and having no say as to who makes the decisions. Of course it's not that simple but we over here or, at least more than half of us, feel trapped and obligated to abide by such decisions whilst having no democratic right of voting for removal of faceless bureaucrats who make these decisions if we feel we do not agree with them. You guys certainly go for individual rights to bear arms for example. I do not yearn for the past, in fact I totally embrace the modern world and its tech. But I fear that we have lost our control of our destiny here. So, in-spite of a long road ahead towards change, I vote to re-take our identity and responsibility for our own destiny. We are not a totally racist bunch of guys here at all. Just swamped in dogma and forced acceptance of everything EU.

Chris Garfield.


Bob, sorry but if you are somehow trying to imply that those who voted for Brexit are somehow hankering after the 'good old days' you are so way off the mark, I'm not sure who you've been speaking to about this but it ain't no 'return to vinyl'.

The EU started out as a common market, a free trade area, but it was always secretly a political project to create a grand European superstate. I say secretly, there was plenty of evidence for all to see but the politicians deliberately misled their people years after year assuring this was not the case.

The people of the UK voted to return to a situation where they could determine their own laws rather than have them imposed by unelected bureaucrats. The EU has become a Soviet style authoritarian union state of states. By voting to leave the UK is returning to having the freedoms that every other country in the world has (outside the EU of course).

To imply that a return to freedom and democracy is somehow a misplaced nostalgia comparable to a love of vinyl is frankly preposterous. Ask any American citizen if they would give up their constitution to, say. a North & South American organisation with
unelected multiple presidents that imposed their law on you and see how much support you would get for that.

Love your newsletters, have read them for many years, you are often so right on your observations, but on this you are dead wrong.


Tim Jeffery


It's not about returning to the past. It's about maintaining a future. Europe is sinking under the weight of runaway immigration and economic limbo. England just floated their lifeboat. Just because nobody wants to go back to books doesn't mean they want Shakespeare replaced by the Koran.

Lawrence Shore


I think that the vote reflects that many older people feel that with their prime earning years behind them they were conned by the establishment and a rigged system. Their golden years and lack of security are not looking so golden.

As Dylan wrote, "When you ain't got nothing, you got nothing to lose". Hence the vote to shoot themselves in the foot.

Neal Berz


I also love the Brexit. You see it is going backwards. I see it as the citizens putting their damn foot down. What I don't see is the correlation that your drawing, but you obviously do and I respect that. In the past 16 years our country has gone $19 trillion in debt… Pause, and let that number soak in for a moment. We are also monetizing our own debt, (buying our own treasury bonds,) which is no small matter. I really don't know what it would be like to have a businessman as a president, none of us really do. He's a wildcard beyond belief, and chances are he will lose come November. But people are ready for a change. They're absolutely sick of the country club GOP and DNC and the K St. lobbyist money structure. Much of the liberal media would have us think that this is moving backwards. I see it as more of a pulling back on the reins of the march towards Socialism in the USA.

Kind Regards,

Lavon Pagan


I have friends in London who tell me the police refuse to patrol certain sections because they have become more ruled by Sharia law than British law. So the rights of the majority are being lost to an ideology that is not in agreement with the spirit of a free England.
Already the Muslim mayor has banned certain types of advertising featuring women in bikinis. I'm sure certain styles of music are not far behind.Much of this immigration has come through the EU.
All this overturning is a good thing and spiritual upheaval isn't always pretty.
Its not always true that in union is strength.
US Constitution is all about the sanctity and freedom of the individual, that's the agreement that binds us together.. Britain holds a unique place in shaping that debate.
Theres no turning back even if we want to. Free trade, music and entertainment on demand and brotherhood of men will prevail. Freedom of religion eventually will be world-wide but not by trying to stitch it together through big business.
Its nice to see the decision made by one man one vote.
I really enjoy your letter.

Jimmy Murphy


Best time ever to be alive. Even better to be a white male in the US. People living in half million dollar houses crying "who stole my cheese!?" The question I have for my friends who talk about nothing being the same and everything being unfair is: Name another race or gender you would like to be. Then pick another place besides US. They wouldn't switch or trade. They just want to bitch because it seems too hard. The greatest generation no longer impresses me... They raised these people.

Michael A. Becker


50% - maybe more - of people in the UK are hysterical right now.

People are flapping about "the EU" but it has basically never been well understood. And everyone has moaned about it for the last 25 years.

What no one will admit is that no one has a clue how to govern a population that - as proven by the brexit stats- is so divided. That's what everyone is actually crapping themselves about. I didnt hear any artists releasing tunes about that this weekend..

Watch this space. This is just the start. This is the start of every country needing to find a reality and fair governance that provides equitable living for a global population in the 21st century. It's so complex all the politicians appear to have run to the hills!

Chris Lusher


I know this is peripheral to your main topic here, but whenever you mention quality in audio, you'd be doing everyone a favor if you remind them that Hi-Res digital is available from sources like and In a digital age, this is definitely the highest quality audio that you can get. Most of the older music available here has been carefully transferred from analog masters.

This is not to denigrate the vinyl experience, which is very different. Those who love it, embrace the needle noise and all the other limitations, and I applaud that. However, once you listen to something like "Graceland" or "Pet Sounds" or "Kind Of Blue" in 24-bit, 96k digital Wave files, you'll be hooked.

John Boylan


Brexit to be followed by Itileave, Czechout, Finish, Slovakout, Latervia, Byegium, Luxenbye, Portugone, Donemark, Spaout, Outstria and Polend.
The only country that will be left is Remainia.

Brad Auerbach

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